Ake Tyvi | 09.11.2002 23:24
Helsinki, the capital city of Finland has made a strategic decision on city environment improvement; some city centre streets are being heated underground on winter frost, freeze and snow.
FINLAND Helsinki, the capital city of Finland has made a strategic decision on city environment improvement; some city centre streets are being heated underground on winter frost, freeze and snow. *
Heating city centre streets improve citizens keeping their feet dry and not to catch a flu. -A considerable health factor to those on foot and living in the capital city.
Heating the streets dry may cover the city area out of snow and in future Helsinki may turn into European biggest radiator.
This act save fortunes and radically reduced housing costs. Part of the ‘housing to offer’ can be arranged on street bases.
‘Hot in a City’ campaign also helps footloose people staying warm during the winter frost. If you are a drunk-addict and they can not find any other place for you to stay overnight, then pick up your place and enjoy Helsinki City Hospitality.
Even Stalin himself couldn’t have found a better idea - heating air! Besides the second alternative, which was digging an enormous canal to shift Golf-stream to keep people’s foot dry "could not be done due to international agreements on natural resources" say the leading Parliament Layers.
*Source: Uutislehti 100, 8.1.2002, P. 1, "Pitäisikö katulämmitystä laajentaa keskustassa"
FINLAND Helsinki, the capital city of Finland has made a strategic decision on city environment improvement; some city centre streets are being heated underground on winter frost, freeze and snow. *
Heating city centre streets improve citizens keeping their feet dry and not to catch a flu. -A considerable health factor to those on foot and living in the capital city.
Heating the streets dry may cover the city area out of snow and in future Helsinki may turn into European biggest radiator.
This act save fortunes and radically reduced housing costs. Part of the ‘housing to offer’ can be arranged on street bases.
‘Hot in a City’ campaign also helps footloose people staying warm during the winter frost. If you are a drunk-addict and they can not find any other place for you to stay overnight, then pick up your place and enjoy Helsinki City Hospitality.
Even Stalin himself couldn’t have found a better idea - heating air! Besides the second alternative, which was digging an enormous canal to shift Golf-stream to keep people’s foot dry "could not be done due to international agreements on natural resources" say the leading Parliament Layers.
*Source: Uutislehti 100, 8.1.2002, P. 1, "Pitäisikö katulämmitystä laajentaa keskustassa"
Ake Tyvi