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Watching Us - Watching You

Sorry State | 09.11.2002 21:37

"Secure beneath the watchful eyes," the poster says. "CCTV and Metropolitan Police on buses are just two ways we're making your journey more secure."

I saw this poster from the bus; I was pretty shocked at how blatantly Orwellian it is... "all-seeing-eyes" everywhere, for our "security" - Sorry, to disappoint the MET but I just don't feel threatened as I go about my daily life in London.,1848,56152,00.html

The NWO is coming out in the open.

Sorry State
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Completely in your face

09.11.2002 22:08

yes - this reminds me of that weird 'let's -take the -piss-out-of-conspiracy theorists' - or was it more 'shove this in your face, laugh when you can't see the intent and shove it up your arse in the fullness of time' - when the Information Awareness Office adopted the illuminati -eye-in-the-pyramid logo as its own

The acronym IAO (eye-ay-oh) is also a Crowleyite invocation interestingly.

Of course this is some steps on fromm cctv, when far deeper monitoring and control methods are in place.

The trigger and push for this moving real fast looks to be the attack on Iraq, unless the Dream Factory has got some other little diverting hot cookie up its sleeve


Yes dh

09.11.2002 22:57

Interestingly this campaign for our "safety" coincided with the later withdrawn Home Office alert, that terrorists may use public transport, boats and trains, as opposed to planes, to carry out attacks with poisonous gas or dirty bombs, in concert with Rumsfeld's P2OG strategy of inducing, inciting, fomenting and goading extremists into attacking the US, with biologicals and dirty bombs.


Some questions?

10.11.2002 02:28

I dont know about you guys but it gives me The Fear. Its turning into 1984 where the only "freedom" is with the proles.
The West is very quickly losing all their rights.

What i want to know is whether the ordinary MP understands the situation and is in fact fully aware that they're instrumental in this whole operation, or if they are just chesspieces, unaware of what they're really doing?


Population brainwashed!

10.11.2002 10:22

Just to comment the genral population as no idea about what is going as they are all brain-washed by the service economy.Their only interests in my experiance of tring to relate to these sad morons are:shopping, simple-do-it yourself tasks, cutting grass, cleaning of motor cars,and watching the state run propaganda machines eg tv.Any attempt made to engage them in meaningful conversation away from these said topics is completely impossible in my experiance.The people i am forced to associate with on a daily basis have never heard of 1984 by Orwell,let alone read prophetic novel.My point is how on this earth are we going to get out of this mess when the only interest of most of the population revolves around these sad moronic tasks.The all seing eye of the totalitarian state is of no interest to majority of the population.


MPs know

10.11.2002 10:27

Sure they know. They know that their mindless consumerist lifestyles are totally unjustifiable and a crime. They know they are too stupid to be able to think of any other way of living. They know the only way to preserve their so-called priviledges is by force. These are people just like the spitful little shits that behaved so badly in India that they lost everything in the days of empire. What percentage of the UK population is it that just wants to leave?



10.11.2002 10:35

MP's are brown-nose bastards (except Jeremy Corbin and George Galloway) who will do anything for the 'perks' of the job, promotion and titles. In fact after hearing about the Butler and Barrymore, is there anyone left in public life who is not a sodomite, pervert or rapist?

public servant
mail e-mail:

Who cares!

10.11.2002 11:40

Who cares if MP give A SHIT! It is the people that are supposed to care.The have been brainwashed so what chance for the few like us who care.The pressing question is WHAT IS GOING TO BE DONE!The comming slaughter will be covered over by the hypocracy of christmas and no one will care.Shopping and stuffing their faces untill they are sick are the only interests in the comming few weeks.Already the main topic on peoples minds is shopping and consumer issues.Can somone please, please inform me WHAT IS TO BE DONE!


Destroying surveillance

10.11.2002 17:11

The state relies on YOUR passive acceptance of surveillance.

If YOU feel uneasy under the watchful gaze of the system then YOU need to take direct action against surveillance. If each of you makes a decision to disable or destroy spy cameras wherever you see them the state is weakened. On the streets, roads, stations, workplaces, shops destroy this invasive technology. Get involved in the low intensity war against state surveillance. That means YOU!

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