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Video streaming from Anti-War demo Florence

imc uk | 09.11.2002 12:51

Video streaming from Anti-war demonstration in Florence, Saturday 9 / 11

Video streaming from the Anti-war demonstration in Florence, Saturday 9 /11 :

Streaming from the Euro@action hub, via satellite television UHF (chanel 60) over internet.

Link to the streaming from the Hub:


Thanks to people from "every one is an expert" (Germany).

imc uk


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11.11.2002 14:01

Has anyone got this link to work? I would really like to see the demo. Not working for me though! :o(

mail e-mail:

Not working here either

13.11.2002 04:11

Yeah I can't get it to work either. Hopefully it will work soon.

Peter Panarchist

Not working here either

13.11.2002 04:11

Yeah I can't get it to work either. Hopefully it will work soon.

Peter Panarchist

Nom podo atopar o video

13.11.2002 13:59

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