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83 Ballyutoag Road, Northern ireland?

cleo mcwilliams | 08.11.2002 23:34

PAGE 5, SUNDAY MIRROR 3/11/02, 83 Ballyutoag Road, enroute to Aldergrove international airport belfast. Ladies where are your hubbies, tonight? on an overseas trip? 83 Ballyutoag Rd is the address of a brothel owned by deposed UFF/LVF crime boss Johnny Adair

The brothel at 83 Ballyutoag rd enroute to Aldergrove airport belfast is under the control of deposed UFF crime boss Johnny Adair. the brothel that johnny asked his long time mistress Jackie 'legs' robinson to work at. According to the mirror newspaper the PSNI pigs have had 83 Ballyutoag Rd under SURVEILLENCE FOR QUITE SOMETIME!, maybe the PSNI are testing the brothel's wares personally! all in the name of crime prevention presumably?. Or maybe the PSNI are compiling evidence of the brothel's distinguished clientelle, taking photos etc, of the brothel's clients, buisnessmen, politicians, public figures, clergymen, pillars of society etc. why? probably to be able to use the incriminating pics/evidence etc, against prominent public figures in order to get these figures to support and comply with the wishes of the PSNI. wouldn't want the missus to know you were at 83 Ballyutoag rd now, would you?

cleo mcwilliams


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MI5/6 involvement in vice and child sex abuse

09.11.2002 11:18

the fact remains, the RUC/PSNI have had knowledge of the illegal BROTHEL, yet are failing to act against those running the BROTHEL at 83 Ballyutoag rd. why? Maybe its the same reason the RUC/PSNI FAILED TO BRING THOSE operating THE KINCORA sexual abuse of young boys VICE ring to justice. Those extreme bible thumping loyalists running the KINCORA care home, were operating a vice ring, on behalf of MI5/6 to get compromising pics/evidence on public dignitaries, policitians, doctors, JUDGES etc, for BLACKMAILING purposes. to ensure those POLITICIANS caught in compromising positions with young boys, would always support Special branch operations/policies in the future or else their details/evidence of their involvement in the KINCORA child sex abuse scandal would be revealed.

jenny b