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Video of Manchester Oct 31 day of action against the war

Chris Edwards | 08.11.2002 21:04

Video footage of day of action against the war

I have uploaded a couple of versions (dial-up modem and broadband optimised) of a video of the 31st October day of action against the war in Manchester.

Unfortunately, none of the Independent Media Centre sites seems to able to stream realmedia files at the moment because of a temporary technical problem. So you will have to download the complete files in .wmv format to your desktop and watch them on your PC.

I attach a still from the video. If you want any more there are some on the UK Indymedia Newswire page. Others can be obtained on request by e-mail from me. 11 MB optimised for dial-up modems - 19 MB optimised for broadband optimised for broadaband

Chris Edwards


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Still from Video

08.11.2002 22:01

Still from Video
Still from Video

Chris Edwards

windows media streaming

08.11.2002 23:04

all indymedia sites uploading and streaming real media from loudeye do have problems since at least july... that means basically all indymedias. but it's relatively unknown that streaming *window$ media* does work. to illustrate this I copied your files into the uk directories and made them streamable.

To download the dial-up-modem-optimised stream click here:

To download the broadband-optimised stream click here:

thus it does make sense to upload via the uk site anyway. if you want an uploaded .wmv file being streamed please notify the video group at (remove the .fuckspam at the end if you want to mail, it's an anti-spam trick to fool the robots)

mail e-mail: