Dealing with the homosexual lobby
AntiPerv | 08.11.2002 17:14
A detailed plan on crushing the militant homosexual lobby, which has decided to wage war on all thats decent in our society.
How to crush the homosexuals
Firstly, I'd like to say that I've always believed that what people do behind closed doors is not the business of the state, provided it isn't harming anyone and provided it is kept behind closed doors and not paraded in front of others. I have no problem with homosexuals practicing homosexuality behind closed doors either, and provided they remain quiet about their innappropriate behaviours I don't see why they should be persecuted.
However, there is one problem with this. Decriminalising homosexuality, and the final decriminalising of homosexual loitering/cottaging, group sex, public sex, soliciting, and public displays of "affection", are all contributing towards a conflict going on between what is decent and acceptable, natural, healthy and normal sexuality, and deviancy. By decriminalising deviancy, even public deviancy, it gives carte blanche for these people to start _promoting_ their activities, without fear of legal recourse. The newly "equal" homosexuals are now, more than ever before, in a position to start recruiting, promoting, campaigning for yet more "rights", and attacking what few safeguards a civil society has left.
They've already succeeded in removing our laws on their public activities, hanging around and committing gross acts of indecency in toilets and other places. This alone should be a cause for concern, but the campaign has now shifted towards the children and young people. The militant homosexual chip-on-their-shoulder types main target is now the recruitment and "normalisation" of homosexuality in the minds of children. This is seen as easy because children are very impressionable.
The battle is being waged to get rid of laws such as Section28, to allow homosexuals to start indoctrinating confused youngsters through sex education lessons that homosexuality is "normal" and "healthy", when all the evidence suggests that homosexuals life expectancy is between 10 and 20 years lower than that of heterosexuals, and the STD's contracted from homosexual practices are hundreds of times more numerable. Of course, to the homosexuals none of this matters, they can't breed therefore recruitment is the only option. NAMBLA, an organised homosexual rights organisation which campaigns for the legalisation of paedophilia or "adult-child sex", "boy loving", etc, has a slogan "8 or it's far too late", referring to the age where a childs sexual development begins to set-in, before this age children can be far easily pushed into homosexuality as a "normal" practice. It appears the homosexuals on this side of the Atlantic agree, too. Many homosexual groups, unsatisfied with the lowering of the age at which boys are made available for buggery to 16, would rather it now be lowered to 14, where next, 12? 8? On the continent, the campaign to bugger 12yr olds is already under way. No decent human parent would wish for their children to become prey to predatory homosexuals and paedophiles, yet they may be accused of "homophobia" if they dare take a stand to protect their children.
What gives them the freedom to attack our society in this way? The answer is fairly obvious, as long as their behaviour is legal they will be able to get away with shamelessly promoting it, worming their way into government and attacking society as its very foundations, especially the nuclear family, which is the social ideal, so far removed from their perverted version of life they despise it.
How can we tackle this? When attacked we must fight back. The only solution is to make homosexuality illegal once more, so that they will not have the ability to "campaign" anymore, for fear of being discovered and arrested. This would drive them back into the closet, and those who refused to go back there would be imprisoned - let's see how much campaigning they do in the Isolation Unit. In order to achieve this, every police force must expand its Vice Squad. This needn't be massively expensive, officers working on useless minor "homophobia" and "hate crime" cases could be redeployed onto street policing, and a new batch of promising officers taken from the streets to expand the Vice Squad's. We must restore the law against homosexual buggery, at any age, and restore our recently scrapped laws on Gross Indecency. They must be rigourously enforced. Section 28 must be expanded to cover any organisation, state or private, that promotes homosexuality or paedophilia, and those who transgress it must be prosecuted. Only by adopting a strong regime against these society destroyers can we ever keep them in the closet, and ensure they don't destroy all that's decent in our society, and the foundations of our society - the family.
Firstly, I'd like to say that I've always believed that what people do behind closed doors is not the business of the state, provided it isn't harming anyone and provided it is kept behind closed doors and not paraded in front of others. I have no problem with homosexuals practicing homosexuality behind closed doors either, and provided they remain quiet about their innappropriate behaviours I don't see why they should be persecuted.
However, there is one problem with this. Decriminalising homosexuality, and the final decriminalising of homosexual loitering/cottaging, group sex, public sex, soliciting, and public displays of "affection", are all contributing towards a conflict going on between what is decent and acceptable, natural, healthy and normal sexuality, and deviancy. By decriminalising deviancy, even public deviancy, it gives carte blanche for these people to start _promoting_ their activities, without fear of legal recourse. The newly "equal" homosexuals are now, more than ever before, in a position to start recruiting, promoting, campaigning for yet more "rights", and attacking what few safeguards a civil society has left.
They've already succeeded in removing our laws on their public activities, hanging around and committing gross acts of indecency in toilets and other places. This alone should be a cause for concern, but the campaign has now shifted towards the children and young people. The militant homosexual chip-on-their-shoulder types main target is now the recruitment and "normalisation" of homosexuality in the minds of children. This is seen as easy because children are very impressionable.
The battle is being waged to get rid of laws such as Section28, to allow homosexuals to start indoctrinating confused youngsters through sex education lessons that homosexuality is "normal" and "healthy", when all the evidence suggests that homosexuals life expectancy is between 10 and 20 years lower than that of heterosexuals, and the STD's contracted from homosexual practices are hundreds of times more numerable. Of course, to the homosexuals none of this matters, they can't breed therefore recruitment is the only option. NAMBLA, an organised homosexual rights organisation which campaigns for the legalisation of paedophilia or "adult-child sex", "boy loving", etc, has a slogan "8 or it's far too late", referring to the age where a childs sexual development begins to set-in, before this age children can be far easily pushed into homosexuality as a "normal" practice. It appears the homosexuals on this side of the Atlantic agree, too. Many homosexual groups, unsatisfied with the lowering of the age at which boys are made available for buggery to 16, would rather it now be lowered to 14, where next, 12? 8? On the continent, the campaign to bugger 12yr olds is already under way. No decent human parent would wish for their children to become prey to predatory homosexuals and paedophiles, yet they may be accused of "homophobia" if they dare take a stand to protect their children.
What gives them the freedom to attack our society in this way? The answer is fairly obvious, as long as their behaviour is legal they will be able to get away with shamelessly promoting it, worming their way into government and attacking society as its very foundations, especially the nuclear family, which is the social ideal, so far removed from their perverted version of life they despise it.
How can we tackle this? When attacked we must fight back. The only solution is to make homosexuality illegal once more, so that they will not have the ability to "campaign" anymore, for fear of being discovered and arrested. This would drive them back into the closet, and those who refused to go back there would be imprisoned - let's see how much campaigning they do in the Isolation Unit. In order to achieve this, every police force must expand its Vice Squad. This needn't be massively expensive, officers working on useless minor "homophobia" and "hate crime" cases could be redeployed onto street policing, and a new batch of promising officers taken from the streets to expand the Vice Squad's. We must restore the law against homosexual buggery, at any age, and restore our recently scrapped laws on Gross Indecency. They must be rigourously enforced. Section 28 must be expanded to cover any organisation, state or private, that promotes homosexuality or paedophilia, and those who transgress it must be prosecuted. Only by adopting a strong regime against these society destroyers can we ever keep them in the closet, and ensure they don't destroy all that's decent in our society, and the foundations of our society - the family.
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