Bali Micro Nuke - Lack of Radiation Confuses "Experts"
Joe Vialls | 08.11.2002 12:31
The terrible truth about the Bali bombings.
Found this horrifying yet unsurprising article somewhere obscure. This NEEDS TO BE SEEN BY EVERYONE!!!
Found this horrifying yet unsurprising article somewhere obscure. This NEEDS TO BE SEEN BY EVERYONE!!!
Bali Micro Nuke - Lack of Radiation Confuses "Experts"
"The bomb flashed and exploded like a micro nuke, but our Geiger counters don't show any radiation"
Reconstruction based on hard scientific evidence from the
Bali crime scene
It was precisely 11.30 p.m. on Saturday 12 October 2002, when someone somewhere pressed a button that sent a single coded radio-squirt to an underground aerial located in a monsoon drain outside the Sari Club in Bali. An unseen circuit closed and a primer fired, then one-millionth of a single second later, a terrible fireball formed under the street. Less than six inches in diameter and burning at a staggering 300,000 degrees centigrade, the fireball was a perfect shimmering sphere, made possible by 99.78% Plutonium 239 manufactured at the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev Desert.
Five microseconds passed while this fission monster from hell expanded, then the already-cooling fireball tore its angry way out into the street above, vaporizing all victims standing within thirty feet while simultaneously spreading two tons of deadly microscopic roadbed shrapnel in a lethal arc across Kuta Beach. Every survivor standing in direct line-of-sight of its awesome ultraviolet emission received terrible flash burns, the like of which three eminent Australian burns surgeons would later claim on TV they “had never seen before”.
Less than ten-millionths of a second after the monster achieved critical mass, its searing thermal wave set fire to twenty-seven buildings in the immediate area, and spontaneously ignited automobiles parked two blocks away from ground zero. But as you will read later in this report, no ordinary Geiger counter from any nation could detect radiation from the weapon.
This atrocity was the “punishment” meted out to Australians and others opposed to the Judeo-Christian Crusade against Islam. Ordinary everyday people, Australians in particular, who had earlier been sensible enough and brave enough to speak out against their Prime Minister’s slavish obedience to Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush in their ruthless quest to loot and destroy the Middle East. But the fission monster from hell was also designed to send a very clear and unmistakable message to like-minded dissidents in Britain: “Jump on the crusade bandwagon quickly, or our Dimona thought-reform folk will pay you a visit.”
Political and paid “academic experts” were quickly thrust in front of television cameras to explain the inexplicable. How and why the bombing happened in the first place, and increasingly as harsh reality kicked in and facts became clearer, why dozens of full-size human victims had vanished completely without trace.
Every bomb expert in the world knows that conventional explosives lack the heat and velocity to “vanish” complete bodies in this manner, except perhaps when crushed into total oblivion by a million tons of masonry as happened at the World Trade Center. When the dust from the biggest IRA bomb ever detonated in Northern Ireland finally cleared, the victims were still in the local area. Many were disassembled into large bloody body parts, but they were still generally recognizable.
When a diminutive member of Hamas recently detonated thirty pounds of TNT strapped tightly around his own chest in Palestine, emergency services still had to remove large recognizable chunks of his dismembered body from the area. Believe me people, believe me, conventional explosive cannot “vanish” citizens without trace, and Bali simply did not have a million tons of masonry available to fall on their heads. Only a critical nuclear weapon has the heat needed for instant cremation, combined with the incredibly fast shock wave needed to completely remove the resulting cremated particles from the local area.
Next big problem for the politicians and “experts” was the large crater in the street outside the Sari Club. Five feet deep and twenty-two feet in diameter, the crater served as proof that the weapon was detonated underground rather than on the surface. The only way any explosive can cause a crater is if it is first dropped from an aircraft and penetrates sub-surface before exploding, or if it is physically positioned sub-surface in advance. The thousand-pound Omagh bomb detonated in Northern Ireland by the IRA during 1998 did not cause a crater, nor has any nuclear weapon ever detonated above-ground regardless of TNT equivalence yield.
Politicians and “experts” alike had less of a problem than they originally thought with the crater. The helpful media folk simply refrained from showing it on television or in the newspapers, and the brainwashed public soon forgot about the crater altogether. However, there were considerably more problems with the savage blast and horrific burns “never seen before” in Australia. Knowing that even the public would not believe these could have been caused by a large packet of runaway Chinese firecrackers; it was time to start dishing out some serious disinformation.
Less than 48 hours after the blast, media outlets claimed that investigators at the crime scene, “had found traces of C4”. This was a lie but nonetheless devastating news, because everyone with a television set and a Sylvester Stallone or Bruce Willis video knows how awesome C4 is [supposed to be]. Stallone sticks blocks of the stuff on every enemy installation in sight, and Willis uses it to knock down skyscrapers. In every case the resulting television blast is accompanied by a giant fireball designed to impress the hell out of you, to the point where C4 has become television’s “most powerful explosive on earth”.
Unfortunately C4 is no such thing, and it is probably time to put this magic bullet down once and for all, and along with it all the other media myths surrounding Bali. Composition 4 [C4] is pretty dull stuff. Only 1.2 times as powerful as TNT, this plastic explosive gained its reputation primarily because of its flexibility in use. You can shape it anyway you like, and stick it wherever you want including underwater with little personal risk. Composition 4 is a stable and boring compound made from 91% RDX and 9% non-explosive Polyisobutylene plasticiser.
Think about the formulation people, think very carefully. Could this possibly mean that 100% plain old everyday World War II RDX actually has more explosive power than the Stallone and Willis magic bullet? Sadly, yes it does. In fact about nine-percent more.
The media in Australia were reminded of C4’s shortfalls, and further advised the giant oily fireball that always accompanies its detonation on television is not real. The giant oily fireball is a special pyrotechnic effect designed specifically to satisfy the “armchair soldier” lurking inside many television viewers. Real C4 contains no incendiary materials at all, and has a brisance [velocity of detonation] of just over 26,300 feet per second, tending to extinguish fires rather than light them.
This caused the media to swiftly put their heads together with their paid “experts” to find an explosive device that the public could really believe in, short of a micro nuke of course. Less than 24 hours later the revised media fiction went to air as, “a minivan full of gas bottles, with explosives on top”. Evidently the aim was to force the public to believe the weapon was a FAE [Fuel Air Explosive] commonly known as the “Poor Man’s Atom Bomb”, which was successfully dropped by American aircraft on both Vietnam and Iraq.
Several telephone calls later, the media were forced to admit that a Fuel Air Weapon must be “burst” at least 100 feet above the target in order to create a stable ethylene oxide gas cloud suitable for ignition. They also learned that even air-launched FAEs cannot make craters because they do not penetrate the earth, and the suction force developed by the weapon when it grabs oxygen for combustion, is sufficient to drag a victim’s lungs out through his or her mouth. Horrific though the injuries were in Bali, there were none even remotely like this.
By now the media and their paid “experts” were getting quite angry, finally suggesting in Australia that the blast and horrific burns were caused by high explosive “laced with napalm”. The fact that napalm leaves dirty stinking residue and soot all over the place, and produces burns quite different from those on the victims appeared not to disturb them.
The napalm story failed to impress the public, and the media lead was taken over by ITN in London on 18 October, in the aloof haughty way that only a British television station with ‘real contacts’ can manage: “ITV News correspondent Julian Manyon, in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, has been told by a highly placed western source that there was no plastic explosive and the bombers used a home-made brew similar to that which the IRA has relied on in the past in Northern Ireland and Canary Wharf.
“The ingredients are readily available in
Indonesia and experts suggest that they were almost certainly mixed together on the island of Bali itself.” Oh, really? The IRA used one thousand pounds of the stuff in the Omagh, which killed nearly 30 people but made no crater, and failed dismally in its feeble efforts to create an instant fiery war zone.
The perception of most members of the public where a critical nuclear weapon is concerned, was shaped decades ago in the wake of the American bombing of Hiroshima in Japan. An atomic bomb with a Uranium 235 core, nicknamed “Little Boy”, was detonated overhead the city with a TNT equivalence of 15,000 tons. For nearly two generations thereafter, members of the public were ‘taught’ that this was the text book interpretation for use after any and all nuclear detonations, despite the fact that nothing could be further from the truth.
Little Boy was one of the ‘dirtiest’ fission weapons ever detonated in the atmosphere, with less than 1% of its critical mass undergoing true fission. Thus what remained after the explosion was a giant blizzard of lethal neutron, alpha, beta and gamma radiation. For practical [amateur] purposes we can forget the short-range neutron, alpha and beta radiation, which has trouble penetrating the human body.
Over time it was to be the gamma radiation that would inflict such terrible injuries on the survivors of Hiroshima, including necrosis and ulceration. It is this gamma radiation that a standard Geiger counter detects, warning users that they are entering a hazardous zone. The standard Geiger counter can also detect significant quantities of beta, though this is more difficult. In summary, every Geiger counter within miles of Hiroshima clicked furiously for weeks after Little Boy went critical, primarily because of the gamma radiation.
Time passed and by the late fifties these fission weapons were being “micronized” because they were needed as “core weapons” for hydrogen bombs. Incredible temperatures are required to start the fusion reaction in a hydrogen bomb, with the atom bomb the only device capable of providing them. So for a while at least, the text books accurately referred to the hydrogen bomb as a “fission-fusion” weapon, meaning the heat from the core fission weapon [atom bomb] started the fusion reaction in the larger weapon encasing it [the hydrogen bomb].
It was not long before the scientists realized that in creating the tiny “core weapon” for the hydrogen bomb, they had also created a relatively lightweight micro nuclear weapon that could be carried by a single soldier for various uses against high value targets, including hydroelectric power stations and bridges.
Less than two years later, the first of the SADM [Special Atomic Demolition Munition] series shown at the top of this page was pressed into operational service. The “standard” SADM that evolved would eventually have a core of Plutonium 239 encased in a thin shell of non-fissile Uranium 238 known as a “neutron reflector”.
When the 10-ton TNT equivalence SADM went critical, it obviously created far less radiation than the huge and inappropriately named “Little Boy” at Hiroshima, but still produced dangerously high levels of residual radiation. Most of this came from SADM’s very “dirty” Uranium 238 reflector, which along with its Plutonium 239 core, exploded into millions of particles at the point of criticality. This same non-fissile Uranium 238 material still causes serious illnesses today, after being fired by American tanks and aircraft as sub-critical Depleted Uranium [DU] shells or missile warheads. Ask anyone in southern Iraq and Kosovo how sick this stuff can make you.
The years rolled by and top-secret projects were initiated in America and Israel to replace the old SADM with its overly heavy weight and excess radioactivity, culminating in the successful development and testing at Dimona during 1981 of the “new” micro nuclear device. Using advanced nuclear physics, the scientists found a way of detonating the new “suitcase” bomb without the use of a Uranium 238 reflector, and further refined the Plutonium 239 in its core to 99.78%. These measures resulted in a weapon considerably smaller and lighter than SADM, which also had another enormous advantage.
The new Dimona micro nuke was the very first critical weapon that could be used in “stealth” mode. Gone was the dirty Uranium 238 reflector, and up went the purity of the smaller Plutonium 239 core. You see, Plutonium emits only alpha radiation, which for all practical purposes is “invisible” to a standard Geiger counter. If you do not believe me then ask the American Environmental Protection Agency, whose staff will confirm this.
In direct contrast with its more deadly cousins beta and gamma, alpha can travel only a few feet and is incapable of penetrating human skin. If you can afford an incredibly expensive and highly specialized Muller tube or similar, you may be able to detect tiny amounts of alpha directly outside the Sari Club, though you will more than likely be defeated in this quest by the Bali environment.
Remember that this micro nuke was a tiny weapon in terms of critical mass, with its limited number of particles distributed over a very wide area. You will have to be within five feet to detect a single particle, and most may have already washed away. Bali lies in the Monsoon Belt with frequent heavy showers, and the Sari Club is located less than 200 yards away from the surf at Kuta Beach, which is where the monsoon drains in Kuta main street flow into the ocean. One week on from the blast, detection may already be too late.
Though the alpha particles cannot penetrate the skin, such radiation is extremely hazardous if inhaled or ingested, because Plutonium is the most toxic substance known to man. If you breathed in a mouthful immediately after the blast you would be dead in less than an hour, perhaps within minutes. If instead you breathed in a single microgram, you might last for as few months. Anything in-between is on a sliding scale.
The most dangerous time for burns victims as I understand it, is known as the “golden hour” immediately following the burn event. It is in this short critical time period that medical staff have the best chance of stabilizing the victim and hopefully accelerating his or her recovery. Nobody was helped medically this quickly in Bali because the resources simply did not exist. Thus those suffering excessive burns and/or shrapnel wounds alone, would certainly have perished during the waiting period.
The next most critical period is when being physically manhandled from the scene and eventually evacuated to hospital in another country. If you manage to survive this second critical period and are suffering only burns and shrapnel injuries, your chances of long-term survival are extremely high. An air-conditioned hospital with every facility available in a western country, is a far cry from lying without help in the bomb debris of Kuta Beach.
Despite this intensive care in a variety of different western countries, several of these victims have died quite suddenly and inexplicably under the latter favorable circumstances. Just how many in total we will probably never know, because governments in general have a common interest in preventing their citizens from ever finding out they were exposed to a critical nuclear weapon. It is not difficult to imagine the panic this news would induce in the general population, and even less difficult to envisage the torrent of legal actions against government from survivors and bereaved relatives alike.
The distinctive pattern of the “vanished” victims, and the later sudden inexplicable deaths, provides a match for those following the Nagasaki Plutonium blast in Japan. Of particular note is the total number of “vanished” citizens, for those who vanished were certainly not restricted to westerners. Earlier this week a single Balinese kampong [village] buried seven empty coffins, and this was only one of at least a dozen different kampongs that provide labor to the clubs and shops in Kuta Beach.
It was a moving ceremony barely covered by the western media, at which the headman of the village told an Indonesian journalist, “We know that we will never be able to find any parts of their physical bodies, but this ceremony will help their families to live in peace.” So a crowd of simple Balinese villagers know that their loved ones had been 100% vaporized, but the western public is deliberately left in the dark for political reasons.
On a more encouraging note, it must be emphasized firmly here that very few of those survivors burned in the blast will actually die from internal alpha inhalation or ingestion at this late stage. Common sense dictates that ninety-percent of those close enough to ground zero to inhale or ingest an appreciable quantity at or immediately after the point of criticality, are most probably already dead.
This is particularly good news for hordes of political and law-enforcement idiots, who could be seen wandering around the heavily contaminated Bali crime scene without even the basic precaution of paper face masks covering their noses and mouths. Paper face masks are not designed solely to prevent the inhalation or ingestion of alpha radiation. Paper masks should always be worn during the first week at any major crime scene when parts of decomposing bodies and associated vermin are present, especially in the tropics. Any deaths which later result from this criminal negligence, will be the direct responsibility of their supervisors.
After this "Terrorist" attack on Bali, the Judeo-Christian road show predictably shifted up into high gear, with American newspapers reporting generically, “In the town of Solo, about 100 students from the school run by Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir briefly blocked access to the Muhammadiyah Hospital where he is being treated for cardiac and breathing problems. Armed policemen stood by, but did not intervene" ..."Authorities accuse Bashir of being linked to al-Qaida and said that his right-hand man, known as Hambali, was behind many of the country's terrorist bombings. The two men are accused of being leaders of Jemaah Islamiyah, believed to be al-Qaida's main ally in Southeast Asia.
“Bashir was arrested Saturday for a series of church bombings across Indonesia on Christmas Eve 2000, in which 19 people died. He has previously denied involvement in those attacks as well as the Bali bombings — and insists the CIA invented Jemaah Islamiyah and al-Qaida as an excuse to persecute Muslims and foment religious violence”. Bashir is obviously correct in his claims, for no fictional member of “al-Qaida” could ever penetrate the massive security surrounding Israel's Dimona in order to steal a critical nuclear weapon
Update 3 November 2002
As further horrifying details of its illegal armed attacks on Muslims in their own homes reach local media, the Australian Government has been desperately trying to deflect attention back towards the “Muslim Terrorists” allegedly responsible for the Bali bombing. On the home front, Australian lawyers have revealed that during the pre-dawn raids last week, armed goons from the Federal Police and Security Service ASIO forced unarmed women and children to lie face-down on the floor, handcuffed them, and in some cases conducted strictly illegal full-body strip searches of the defenseless women without their consent.
This last-named abuse is identical to the actions of the American 82nd Airborne in Afghanistan, who recently deliberately strip searched Muslim women in their own homes in order to dishonor their husbands.
Were it not so serious, this latest attempt by Australian authorities to pin the blame for the Bali bomb on “Muslim Terrorists” would be laughable. Officials are now claiming that the staggering blast which vaporized dozens of victims at Kuta Beach, was caused by a bomb “made from between 50 kg and 150 kg of chlorate”, the only quasi-explosive conveniently stolen from an Indonesian warehouse in Java during September. This new claim is in stark contrast to information posted on the official Australian Government web site less than one week ago:
“Within 10-15 seconds of the first explosion at Paddy's Bar, a devastating explosion was detonated in front of the Sari Club … The explosion resulted in a tremendous release of energy in the form of gas, heat and light. This essentially caused a pressure wave, fragmentation and fire - all of which contributed to the devastation seen at the Sari Club. As a measure of the force of the blast, the sound from the explosion was heard up to 15km away.”
To claim that the Bali bomb was made from potassium chlorate [the variant stolen in Java] is pure idiocy, and the fact that such a claim was made at all, highlights increasingly desperately American and Israeli pressure on Australia to formally declare that “The Muslims did it”.
Yes, you can manufacture a crude weapon from 90% potassium chlorate and 10% paraffin, but it is an incredibly slow and entirely unpredictable low-explosive. Provided the weapon did not detonate prematurely [a real risk with this unstable compound], four hundreds pounds of potassium chlorate & paraffin slurry with a Power Gel initiator might make a mess of Kuta Beach high street, but it could manage little else.
At best, crude potassium chlorate & paraffin slurry has a pathetic velocity of detonation of 3,500 feet per second, compared to 12,000 fps for Ammonium Nitrate & Diesel, and 27,800 fps for RDX. Thus in simple terms, at any given distance from ground zero these different explosive compounds will exert ascending pressure in pounds per squuare inch on the target. Forget the impressive bang, which is simply the pressure wave from the weapon travelling at supersonic speed, and has no bearing on actual damage. The level of damage inflicted on the target is always directly proportional to the overpressure exerted in pounds per square inch, i.e. pressure over and above the standard atmospheric pressure of fifteen psi.
Absolute proof that this Australian myth is a structured lie, can be seen in these photographs of a reinforced concrete structure located more than fifty feet away from ground zero. Every fragment of hard concrete has been completely stripped away by overpressure, leaving only the ductile reinforcing rods or bars, known in the trade as “rebar”. The critical significance of this is best explained by General Benton K. Partin USAF (Ret), who had overall responsibility for all research, development, testing, analysis, requirements generation and acquisition management of weapons systems in the United States Air Force.
In an official rebuttal to media and executive branch claims that the source of the awesome damage to the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma was a single truck bomb consisting of 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate & diesel low-explosive, General Partin wrote: “The detonation wave pressure (1,000,000 to 1,500,000 pounds per square inch) from a high detonation velocity contact explosive sweeps into the reinforced concrete structure as a wave of compressive deformation. Since the pressure in the wave of deformation far exceeds the yield strength of the concrete (about 3,500 pounds per square inch) by a factor of approximately 300, the concrete is turned into granular sand and dust until the wave dissipates to below the yield strength of the concrete.
“This leaves a relatively smooth but granular surface, with protruding, bare reinforcement rods, a distinctive signature of damage by contact explosives. The effect of the contact explosive on the reinforcement rods themselves can only be seen under microscopic metallurgical examination. (The rods are inertially confined during the explosion and survive basically intact because of their much higher yield strength and plasticity.)”
Note here that General Partin is referring to explosives “in contact” with the reinforced concrete structure requiring between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 pounds per square inch to strip the concrete away, leaving only the bare reinforcement rods. Think about this people, think about it. The stripped reinforcement rods in Bali were more than fifty feet away from the weapon, and thus not in contact at all.
Because blast through a fifty foot air gap is a very inefficient energy coupling mechanism against heavily reinforced concrete, four hundred pounds of the fastest chemical explosive so far touted by the Australian Government, RDX, would exert [but would not exceed] approximately ten pounds per square inch, fifty feet away from the point of criticality at ground zero. An equal weight of Potassium chlorate would be lucky to exert two pounds per square inch at the same range.
The problem here is obvious, and the only accurate conclusion about Kuta Beach is impossible for the Australian authorities to simply wish away with wild tales about potassium chlorate detergent all too conveniently "stolen from Java". To cause the actual damage photographed at the crime scene in Bali, we must have a weapon with a compound yield, and velocity of detonation fast enough to ensure one million pounds per square inch of retained pressure fifty feet away from ground zero. There is only one weapon in the world compact enough to perform this staggering trick: A micro nuke from Dimona in the Negev Desert
"The bomb flashed and exploded like a micro nuke, but our Geiger counters don't show any radiation"
Reconstruction based on hard scientific evidence from the
Bali crime scene
It was precisely 11.30 p.m. on Saturday 12 October 2002, when someone somewhere pressed a button that sent a single coded radio-squirt to an underground aerial located in a monsoon drain outside the Sari Club in Bali. An unseen circuit closed and a primer fired, then one-millionth of a single second later, a terrible fireball formed under the street. Less than six inches in diameter and burning at a staggering 300,000 degrees centigrade, the fireball was a perfect shimmering sphere, made possible by 99.78% Plutonium 239 manufactured at the Dimona nuclear facility in the Negev Desert.
Five microseconds passed while this fission monster from hell expanded, then the already-cooling fireball tore its angry way out into the street above, vaporizing all victims standing within thirty feet while simultaneously spreading two tons of deadly microscopic roadbed shrapnel in a lethal arc across Kuta Beach. Every survivor standing in direct line-of-sight of its awesome ultraviolet emission received terrible flash burns, the like of which three eminent Australian burns surgeons would later claim on TV they “had never seen before”.
Less than ten-millionths of a second after the monster achieved critical mass, its searing thermal wave set fire to twenty-seven buildings in the immediate area, and spontaneously ignited automobiles parked two blocks away from ground zero. But as you will read later in this report, no ordinary Geiger counter from any nation could detect radiation from the weapon.
This atrocity was the “punishment” meted out to Australians and others opposed to the Judeo-Christian Crusade against Islam. Ordinary everyday people, Australians in particular, who had earlier been sensible enough and brave enough to speak out against their Prime Minister’s slavish obedience to Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush in their ruthless quest to loot and destroy the Middle East. But the fission monster from hell was also designed to send a very clear and unmistakable message to like-minded dissidents in Britain: “Jump on the crusade bandwagon quickly, or our Dimona thought-reform folk will pay you a visit.”
Political and paid “academic experts” were quickly thrust in front of television cameras to explain the inexplicable. How and why the bombing happened in the first place, and increasingly as harsh reality kicked in and facts became clearer, why dozens of full-size human victims had vanished completely without trace.
Every bomb expert in the world knows that conventional explosives lack the heat and velocity to “vanish” complete bodies in this manner, except perhaps when crushed into total oblivion by a million tons of masonry as happened at the World Trade Center. When the dust from the biggest IRA bomb ever detonated in Northern Ireland finally cleared, the victims were still in the local area. Many were disassembled into large bloody body parts, but they were still generally recognizable.
When a diminutive member of Hamas recently detonated thirty pounds of TNT strapped tightly around his own chest in Palestine, emergency services still had to remove large recognizable chunks of his dismembered body from the area. Believe me people, believe me, conventional explosive cannot “vanish” citizens without trace, and Bali simply did not have a million tons of masonry available to fall on their heads. Only a critical nuclear weapon has the heat needed for instant cremation, combined with the incredibly fast shock wave needed to completely remove the resulting cremated particles from the local area.
Next big problem for the politicians and “experts” was the large crater in the street outside the Sari Club. Five feet deep and twenty-two feet in diameter, the crater served as proof that the weapon was detonated underground rather than on the surface. The only way any explosive can cause a crater is if it is first dropped from an aircraft and penetrates sub-surface before exploding, or if it is physically positioned sub-surface in advance. The thousand-pound Omagh bomb detonated in Northern Ireland by the IRA during 1998 did not cause a crater, nor has any nuclear weapon ever detonated above-ground regardless of TNT equivalence yield.
Politicians and “experts” alike had less of a problem than they originally thought with the crater. The helpful media folk simply refrained from showing it on television or in the newspapers, and the brainwashed public soon forgot about the crater altogether. However, there were considerably more problems with the savage blast and horrific burns “never seen before” in Australia. Knowing that even the public would not believe these could have been caused by a large packet of runaway Chinese firecrackers; it was time to start dishing out some serious disinformation.
Less than 48 hours after the blast, media outlets claimed that investigators at the crime scene, “had found traces of C4”. This was a lie but nonetheless devastating news, because everyone with a television set and a Sylvester Stallone or Bruce Willis video knows how awesome C4 is [supposed to be]. Stallone sticks blocks of the stuff on every enemy installation in sight, and Willis uses it to knock down skyscrapers. In every case the resulting television blast is accompanied by a giant fireball designed to impress the hell out of you, to the point where C4 has become television’s “most powerful explosive on earth”.
Unfortunately C4 is no such thing, and it is probably time to put this magic bullet down once and for all, and along with it all the other media myths surrounding Bali. Composition 4 [C4] is pretty dull stuff. Only 1.2 times as powerful as TNT, this plastic explosive gained its reputation primarily because of its flexibility in use. You can shape it anyway you like, and stick it wherever you want including underwater with little personal risk. Composition 4 is a stable and boring compound made from 91% RDX and 9% non-explosive Polyisobutylene plasticiser.
Think about the formulation people, think very carefully. Could this possibly mean that 100% plain old everyday World War II RDX actually has more explosive power than the Stallone and Willis magic bullet? Sadly, yes it does. In fact about nine-percent more.
The media in Australia were reminded of C4’s shortfalls, and further advised the giant oily fireball that always accompanies its detonation on television is not real. The giant oily fireball is a special pyrotechnic effect designed specifically to satisfy the “armchair soldier” lurking inside many television viewers. Real C4 contains no incendiary materials at all, and has a brisance [velocity of detonation] of just over 26,300 feet per second, tending to extinguish fires rather than light them.
This caused the media to swiftly put their heads together with their paid “experts” to find an explosive device that the public could really believe in, short of a micro nuke of course. Less than 24 hours later the revised media fiction went to air as, “a minivan full of gas bottles, with explosives on top”. Evidently the aim was to force the public to believe the weapon was a FAE [Fuel Air Explosive] commonly known as the “Poor Man’s Atom Bomb”, which was successfully dropped by American aircraft on both Vietnam and Iraq.
Several telephone calls later, the media were forced to admit that a Fuel Air Weapon must be “burst” at least 100 feet above the target in order to create a stable ethylene oxide gas cloud suitable for ignition. They also learned that even air-launched FAEs cannot make craters because they do not penetrate the earth, and the suction force developed by the weapon when it grabs oxygen for combustion, is sufficient to drag a victim’s lungs out through his or her mouth. Horrific though the injuries were in Bali, there were none even remotely like this.
By now the media and their paid “experts” were getting quite angry, finally suggesting in Australia that the blast and horrific burns were caused by high explosive “laced with napalm”. The fact that napalm leaves dirty stinking residue and soot all over the place, and produces burns quite different from those on the victims appeared not to disturb them.
The napalm story failed to impress the public, and the media lead was taken over by ITN in London on 18 October, in the aloof haughty way that only a British television station with ‘real contacts’ can manage: “ITV News correspondent Julian Manyon, in the Indonesian capital, Jakarta, has been told by a highly placed western source that there was no plastic explosive and the bombers used a home-made brew similar to that which the IRA has relied on in the past in Northern Ireland and Canary Wharf.
“The ingredients are readily available in
Indonesia and experts suggest that they were almost certainly mixed together on the island of Bali itself.” Oh, really? The IRA used one thousand pounds of the stuff in the Omagh, which killed nearly 30 people but made no crater, and failed dismally in its feeble efforts to create an instant fiery war zone.
The perception of most members of the public where a critical nuclear weapon is concerned, was shaped decades ago in the wake of the American bombing of Hiroshima in Japan. An atomic bomb with a Uranium 235 core, nicknamed “Little Boy”, was detonated overhead the city with a TNT equivalence of 15,000 tons. For nearly two generations thereafter, members of the public were ‘taught’ that this was the text book interpretation for use after any and all nuclear detonations, despite the fact that nothing could be further from the truth.
Little Boy was one of the ‘dirtiest’ fission weapons ever detonated in the atmosphere, with less than 1% of its critical mass undergoing true fission. Thus what remained after the explosion was a giant blizzard of lethal neutron, alpha, beta and gamma radiation. For practical [amateur] purposes we can forget the short-range neutron, alpha and beta radiation, which has trouble penetrating the human body.
Over time it was to be the gamma radiation that would inflict such terrible injuries on the survivors of Hiroshima, including necrosis and ulceration. It is this gamma radiation that a standard Geiger counter detects, warning users that they are entering a hazardous zone. The standard Geiger counter can also detect significant quantities of beta, though this is more difficult. In summary, every Geiger counter within miles of Hiroshima clicked furiously for weeks after Little Boy went critical, primarily because of the gamma radiation.
Time passed and by the late fifties these fission weapons were being “micronized” because they were needed as “core weapons” for hydrogen bombs. Incredible temperatures are required to start the fusion reaction in a hydrogen bomb, with the atom bomb the only device capable of providing them. So for a while at least, the text books accurately referred to the hydrogen bomb as a “fission-fusion” weapon, meaning the heat from the core fission weapon [atom bomb] started the fusion reaction in the larger weapon encasing it [the hydrogen bomb].
It was not long before the scientists realized that in creating the tiny “core weapon” for the hydrogen bomb, they had also created a relatively lightweight micro nuclear weapon that could be carried by a single soldier for various uses against high value targets, including hydroelectric power stations and bridges.
Less than two years later, the first of the SADM [Special Atomic Demolition Munition] series shown at the top of this page was pressed into operational service. The “standard” SADM that evolved would eventually have a core of Plutonium 239 encased in a thin shell of non-fissile Uranium 238 known as a “neutron reflector”.
When the 10-ton TNT equivalence SADM went critical, it obviously created far less radiation than the huge and inappropriately named “Little Boy” at Hiroshima, but still produced dangerously high levels of residual radiation. Most of this came from SADM’s very “dirty” Uranium 238 reflector, which along with its Plutonium 239 core, exploded into millions of particles at the point of criticality. This same non-fissile Uranium 238 material still causes serious illnesses today, after being fired by American tanks and aircraft as sub-critical Depleted Uranium [DU] shells or missile warheads. Ask anyone in southern Iraq and Kosovo how sick this stuff can make you.
The years rolled by and top-secret projects were initiated in America and Israel to replace the old SADM with its overly heavy weight and excess radioactivity, culminating in the successful development and testing at Dimona during 1981 of the “new” micro nuclear device. Using advanced nuclear physics, the scientists found a way of detonating the new “suitcase” bomb without the use of a Uranium 238 reflector, and further refined the Plutonium 239 in its core to 99.78%. These measures resulted in a weapon considerably smaller and lighter than SADM, which also had another enormous advantage.
The new Dimona micro nuke was the very first critical weapon that could be used in “stealth” mode. Gone was the dirty Uranium 238 reflector, and up went the purity of the smaller Plutonium 239 core. You see, Plutonium emits only alpha radiation, which for all practical purposes is “invisible” to a standard Geiger counter. If you do not believe me then ask the American Environmental Protection Agency, whose staff will confirm this.
In direct contrast with its more deadly cousins beta and gamma, alpha can travel only a few feet and is incapable of penetrating human skin. If you can afford an incredibly expensive and highly specialized Muller tube or similar, you may be able to detect tiny amounts of alpha directly outside the Sari Club, though you will more than likely be defeated in this quest by the Bali environment.
Remember that this micro nuke was a tiny weapon in terms of critical mass, with its limited number of particles distributed over a very wide area. You will have to be within five feet to detect a single particle, and most may have already washed away. Bali lies in the Monsoon Belt with frequent heavy showers, and the Sari Club is located less than 200 yards away from the surf at Kuta Beach, which is where the monsoon drains in Kuta main street flow into the ocean. One week on from the blast, detection may already be too late.
Though the alpha particles cannot penetrate the skin, such radiation is extremely hazardous if inhaled or ingested, because Plutonium is the most toxic substance known to man. If you breathed in a mouthful immediately after the blast you would be dead in less than an hour, perhaps within minutes. If instead you breathed in a single microgram, you might last for as few months. Anything in-between is on a sliding scale.
The most dangerous time for burns victims as I understand it, is known as the “golden hour” immediately following the burn event. It is in this short critical time period that medical staff have the best chance of stabilizing the victim and hopefully accelerating his or her recovery. Nobody was helped medically this quickly in Bali because the resources simply did not exist. Thus those suffering excessive burns and/or shrapnel wounds alone, would certainly have perished during the waiting period.
The next most critical period is when being physically manhandled from the scene and eventually evacuated to hospital in another country. If you manage to survive this second critical period and are suffering only burns and shrapnel injuries, your chances of long-term survival are extremely high. An air-conditioned hospital with every facility available in a western country, is a far cry from lying without help in the bomb debris of Kuta Beach.
Despite this intensive care in a variety of different western countries, several of these victims have died quite suddenly and inexplicably under the latter favorable circumstances. Just how many in total we will probably never know, because governments in general have a common interest in preventing their citizens from ever finding out they were exposed to a critical nuclear weapon. It is not difficult to imagine the panic this news would induce in the general population, and even less difficult to envisage the torrent of legal actions against government from survivors and bereaved relatives alike.
The distinctive pattern of the “vanished” victims, and the later sudden inexplicable deaths, provides a match for those following the Nagasaki Plutonium blast in Japan. Of particular note is the total number of “vanished” citizens, for those who vanished were certainly not restricted to westerners. Earlier this week a single Balinese kampong [village] buried seven empty coffins, and this was only one of at least a dozen different kampongs that provide labor to the clubs and shops in Kuta Beach.
It was a moving ceremony barely covered by the western media, at which the headman of the village told an Indonesian journalist, “We know that we will never be able to find any parts of their physical bodies, but this ceremony will help their families to live in peace.” So a crowd of simple Balinese villagers know that their loved ones had been 100% vaporized, but the western public is deliberately left in the dark for political reasons.
On a more encouraging note, it must be emphasized firmly here that very few of those survivors burned in the blast will actually die from internal alpha inhalation or ingestion at this late stage. Common sense dictates that ninety-percent of those close enough to ground zero to inhale or ingest an appreciable quantity at or immediately after the point of criticality, are most probably already dead.
This is particularly good news for hordes of political and law-enforcement idiots, who could be seen wandering around the heavily contaminated Bali crime scene without even the basic precaution of paper face masks covering their noses and mouths. Paper face masks are not designed solely to prevent the inhalation or ingestion of alpha radiation. Paper masks should always be worn during the first week at any major crime scene when parts of decomposing bodies and associated vermin are present, especially in the tropics. Any deaths which later result from this criminal negligence, will be the direct responsibility of their supervisors.
After this "Terrorist" attack on Bali, the Judeo-Christian road show predictably shifted up into high gear, with American newspapers reporting generically, “In the town of Solo, about 100 students from the school run by Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir briefly blocked access to the Muhammadiyah Hospital where he is being treated for cardiac and breathing problems. Armed policemen stood by, but did not intervene" ..."Authorities accuse Bashir of being linked to al-Qaida and said that his right-hand man, known as Hambali, was behind many of the country's terrorist bombings. The two men are accused of being leaders of Jemaah Islamiyah, believed to be al-Qaida's main ally in Southeast Asia.
“Bashir was arrested Saturday for a series of church bombings across Indonesia on Christmas Eve 2000, in which 19 people died. He has previously denied involvement in those attacks as well as the Bali bombings — and insists the CIA invented Jemaah Islamiyah and al-Qaida as an excuse to persecute Muslims and foment religious violence”. Bashir is obviously correct in his claims, for no fictional member of “al-Qaida” could ever penetrate the massive security surrounding Israel's Dimona in order to steal a critical nuclear weapon
Update 3 November 2002
As further horrifying details of its illegal armed attacks on Muslims in their own homes reach local media, the Australian Government has been desperately trying to deflect attention back towards the “Muslim Terrorists” allegedly responsible for the Bali bombing. On the home front, Australian lawyers have revealed that during the pre-dawn raids last week, armed goons from the Federal Police and Security Service ASIO forced unarmed women and children to lie face-down on the floor, handcuffed them, and in some cases conducted strictly illegal full-body strip searches of the defenseless women without their consent.
This last-named abuse is identical to the actions of the American 82nd Airborne in Afghanistan, who recently deliberately strip searched Muslim women in their own homes in order to dishonor their husbands.
Were it not so serious, this latest attempt by Australian authorities to pin the blame for the Bali bomb on “Muslim Terrorists” would be laughable. Officials are now claiming that the staggering blast which vaporized dozens of victims at Kuta Beach, was caused by a bomb “made from between 50 kg and 150 kg of chlorate”, the only quasi-explosive conveniently stolen from an Indonesian warehouse in Java during September. This new claim is in stark contrast to information posted on the official Australian Government web site less than one week ago:
“Within 10-15 seconds of the first explosion at Paddy's Bar, a devastating explosion was detonated in front of the Sari Club … The explosion resulted in a tremendous release of energy in the form of gas, heat and light. This essentially caused a pressure wave, fragmentation and fire - all of which contributed to the devastation seen at the Sari Club. As a measure of the force of the blast, the sound from the explosion was heard up to 15km away.”
To claim that the Bali bomb was made from potassium chlorate [the variant stolen in Java] is pure idiocy, and the fact that such a claim was made at all, highlights increasingly desperately American and Israeli pressure on Australia to formally declare that “The Muslims did it”.
Yes, you can manufacture a crude weapon from 90% potassium chlorate and 10% paraffin, but it is an incredibly slow and entirely unpredictable low-explosive. Provided the weapon did not detonate prematurely [a real risk with this unstable compound], four hundreds pounds of potassium chlorate & paraffin slurry with a Power Gel initiator might make a mess of Kuta Beach high street, but it could manage little else.
At best, crude potassium chlorate & paraffin slurry has a pathetic velocity of detonation of 3,500 feet per second, compared to 12,000 fps for Ammonium Nitrate & Diesel, and 27,800 fps for RDX. Thus in simple terms, at any given distance from ground zero these different explosive compounds will exert ascending pressure in pounds per squuare inch on the target. Forget the impressive bang, which is simply the pressure wave from the weapon travelling at supersonic speed, and has no bearing on actual damage. The level of damage inflicted on the target is always directly proportional to the overpressure exerted in pounds per square inch, i.e. pressure over and above the standard atmospheric pressure of fifteen psi.
Absolute proof that this Australian myth is a structured lie, can be seen in these photographs of a reinforced concrete structure located more than fifty feet away from ground zero. Every fragment of hard concrete has been completely stripped away by overpressure, leaving only the ductile reinforcing rods or bars, known in the trade as “rebar”. The critical significance of this is best explained by General Benton K. Partin USAF (Ret), who had overall responsibility for all research, development, testing, analysis, requirements generation and acquisition management of weapons systems in the United States Air Force.
In an official rebuttal to media and executive branch claims that the source of the awesome damage to the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma was a single truck bomb consisting of 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate & diesel low-explosive, General Partin wrote: “The detonation wave pressure (1,000,000 to 1,500,000 pounds per square inch) from a high detonation velocity contact explosive sweeps into the reinforced concrete structure as a wave of compressive deformation. Since the pressure in the wave of deformation far exceeds the yield strength of the concrete (about 3,500 pounds per square inch) by a factor of approximately 300, the concrete is turned into granular sand and dust until the wave dissipates to below the yield strength of the concrete.
“This leaves a relatively smooth but granular surface, with protruding, bare reinforcement rods, a distinctive signature of damage by contact explosives. The effect of the contact explosive on the reinforcement rods themselves can only be seen under microscopic metallurgical examination. (The rods are inertially confined during the explosion and survive basically intact because of their much higher yield strength and plasticity.)”
Note here that General Partin is referring to explosives “in contact” with the reinforced concrete structure requiring between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 pounds per square inch to strip the concrete away, leaving only the bare reinforcement rods. Think about this people, think about it. The stripped reinforcement rods in Bali were more than fifty feet away from the weapon, and thus not in contact at all.
Because blast through a fifty foot air gap is a very inefficient energy coupling mechanism against heavily reinforced concrete, four hundred pounds of the fastest chemical explosive so far touted by the Australian Government, RDX, would exert [but would not exceed] approximately ten pounds per square inch, fifty feet away from the point of criticality at ground zero. An equal weight of Potassium chlorate would be lucky to exert two pounds per square inch at the same range.
The problem here is obvious, and the only accurate conclusion about Kuta Beach is impossible for the Australian authorities to simply wish away with wild tales about potassium chlorate detergent all too conveniently "stolen from Java". To cause the actual damage photographed at the crime scene in Bali, we must have a weapon with a compound yield, and velocity of detonation fast enough to ensure one million pounds per square inch of retained pressure fifty feet away from ground zero. There is only one weapon in the world compact enough to perform this staggering trick: A micro nuke from Dimona in the Negev Desert
Joe Vialls
Hide the following 13 comments
alpha particles
08.11.2002 13:11
The fission products are almost entirely beta and gamma emitting - equally easily detected.
And if the radioactivity is dispersed so easily, why does everyone on this board get worked up about it?
Mini Nukes
08.11.2002 13:38
This book deals particularly with a substance known as "Red Mercury" and the attempt by the South African government to develop such a field deployed weapon in the 1980s.
Nothing to do with Bali but an interesting read if you're after more information on hand held nuclear devises.
e-mail: phill underscore clarke at hotmail dot com
Other Possibilities
08.11.2002 14:18
Other Possibilities
G. Spot
logitudinal em waves
08.11.2002 16:12
enough conspriacy, leave indymedia for news
08.11.2002 21:27
you know very little about your chosen topic, if you want some primers on crater sizes produced, or just photos of them, visit
the poor victims of bali have to listen to shit like this from conspiracy nuts like you all day. If you want to do something constructive start fighting against war, and the use of weapons, whether by the terrorists or by our so called representatives deciding to unleash a thousand bali's on the citizens of iraq, columbia, or wherever they seek their booty from.....
the victims of Bali
08.11.2002 23:10
'conspiracy theory' is no longer a term of nuttiness
The phrase has turned up repeatedly in stories in the main media, often with a derogatory intent, but why? bcause the veils are gradually falling, and every event feels that way, and undoubtedly is Just look at the brown-nose butler and the struggle of the bloodlines that can hardly be hidden from view
Bali a micronuke or a Tesla howitzer? Sure why not? A far more feasible explanation than that shunted out by the official channels
That's Why
09.11.2002 00:12
I don't know anything about Tesla howitzer, but something about nukes. The damages in Bali (though terrible), appear too small to fit the nuclear scale (minimum 10 tons of TNT equivalence). Also there has surfaced no evidence indicating radiation or EMP.
You're quite right about conspiracies in general, though. I happen to think the boeing did not hit the Pentagon. This is not all-or-nothing. Few things are.
Fuck all of you!
09.11.2002 03:03
Or that Afghanistan was attacked mainly because of the pipeline that has now received the green light for construction.
Read the news. Action without information is very very dangerous!
For those who didnt get the point...
Terrorists do not have access to the kind of weapon used on the Sari club. People with this kind of advanced state of the art nuclear technology are exactly the same people in whose interest it is to scare the western civilizations into condoning unilateral attacks not only against Iraq, (for those of you who think that the war in Iraq is, and will be the only war that needs to be opposed) but also any Arab, Muslim and Near East states who are (oh and yet another conspiracy theory: RICH IN OIL)
Maybe some of you should research the truth a little more so you can have a clue what you are fighting for. you know, like some kind of broader global understanding of what really is going on.
It doesnt take a nut, to see that usually behind every so-called conspiracy there is a very very dark truth.
People who dont understand this article do so, because they cant possibly see the connections.
The rest of you, asking about explosives need only to read the entire article to figure it out. Maybe such a long document is just too difficult.
Please visit the website from which this article was "borrowed" and see the pictures for yourselves.
makes me think that the kind of people calling this article bullshit, shouldnt really be reading indymedia news at all.
Too many conspiracies probably.
Plus the fact that you'd rather believe some crazed arab managed to do it. Are you white, male and American?
Even Gore Vidal says that conspiracy theories in The States are not exactly popular these days...
yup, thats about it guys.
The Brain
why do people have to mystify everything ?
09.11.2002 14:23
1; mystification. when power politics becomes so blatant in the modern world, one way to keep the workers and everyone else for that matter in thrall is to add a layer of occult to the proceedings; hence all the recent talk of seismotrons, micronukes, ultrawaves and what have you. it doesnt actually matter what kind of device was used; it was an awful event.
2; secrecy; this tends to concentrate on the internal fliuidity of the ruling class, and how it seeks to compete and manipulate the social reality in general; this is perhaps less pernicious, and indeed may throw up an occasional insight into the situation. its a rather inefficient way of doing it, and Marxs dialectical analysis is much more fruitful.
Note - further update
09.11.2002 17:40
09.11.2002 21:46
Judging from this, it definetily was NOT a nuke. Underground explosives, maybe, but not a nuke. If the hypothetic nuke was above surface, there wouldn't be "null zone" at all, and if it was underground, the crater would've been pretty fucking enormous. 50 meters is about 150 feet. Minimum nuke equals 10 tons of TNT. Not a chance.
Quote: "Then the power cut... all the power went out. I didn’t think bomb, I didn’t think anything at that stage. And then, probably, I’d say two seconds later... not even two seconds later, there was just the huge flash..."
If this is describing the EMP, where the 1-2 seconds lapse came from? Sounds more like the power cut had something to do with the other bombs.
Then some other issues: somehow I've managed to get the impression that those who don't believe in the nuke, are accused of swallowing the official version about muslims. How and why? I don't believe it was muslims anymore than I believe it was nuke. False flag is very possible.
By the way, if a false flag operation IS pulled with a nuclear device, do you think that propaganda forces would miss the opportunity to blame the "crazed arabs" of stealing russian suitcase nukes? Actually, I fear that it is very possible that we are going to witness real nuke casualties some day...
And for the record, "Brain", I'm white FEMALE, barefooted citizen of Finland (not proud of it), and accused of being "America-bashing Eurotrash". Just in case you are collecting statistics...
That's what they want you to think
10.11.2002 02:03
yes, there exists such a thing as a nuke with such a low TNT equivalent. It comes from the Negev desert.
It may be hard to believe, but our ideas of Nukes have been shaped by the media. A big fuckoff thing that kills millions and makes a big mushroom.
So all i can say is that anything is possible.
people seem to stillmiss the point. It does matter what kind of Bomb it was, for the implications are severe. It would point to western or at the least a western and Israeli collaboration. Meaning: Countries bombing western civilians in order to get mass support for its murderous adventures elsewhere in the world.
Cant you guys just get the point.
whatever it was, Tesla or Nuke. Both are extremely advanced weapons, owned by only a handfull of powerful people.
i repeat, the point is: No ordinary bomb, (like the kind that crazed Arabs would use) makes people vanish.
hence, i repeat: indicating the involvement of the Mighty Superpower that calls himself Bush.
jesus guys, have you never learnt at school how to summarise and article and extract the Meaning from it?
keep trying.
oh, and i firmly believe that information that attracts this much attention is usually worth a closer look at.
thanks dh: for adding the extra information.
i would recommend you guys go and check it out.
the Brain
Indymedia is for news, not conspiracrap
10.11.2002 13:59
bullshit buster