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Ashamed to be an amerikan

Peter | 08.11.2002 04:07

I'm from the US, and I am seriously considering renouncing my citizenship.

Resistance is futile here. Our media is nothing but a megaphone for the ruling class. Dissent against Bush's agenda is either ignored or trivialized in our media.

Amerikans are a pathetic, fat, greedy, dimwitted group of people. While there is dissent, it can be dangerous to voice one's dissent even in so-called "liberal" parts of the US. Here in San Francisco, the cops are quite rough with protestors, and the right wing is slowly gaining power.

Only the UK has any chance at stopping this war.



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probelm is

08.11.2002 04:36

if all the good people leave, who will oppose the corrupt pepole i power. If gandhi had let india never to return, the british would still be there.
As things get more noticeably worse, more people will join the rebel alliance. The real problem is the successful rise of an imperium where people have their bread and circuses, the elites have their power and principalled rebels are thrown to the lions.


what is worrying

08.11.2002 04:49

are all the weapons of mass destruction. No peter, it is up to the US people of principal to put aside their differences and confront the bush regime, and bring the facts of political corruption to light. Awaken the slothful superbowled (re)public to life.


Do not rely on UK.

08.11.2002 06:50

Do not rely on the UK.Most of the UK population are only a microcosim of the US people.One only as to look at our choice of government to realise this problem.The UK is only a compliant and conviniant client state for the corporate fascism that the US represents.Most people i associate with in the UK are only interested in moronic activities such as shopping,cutting grass, simple di-it-yourself tasks,washing of cars,and viewing the state corporate propaganda machine better known as the tv.Trying to engage most people in a conversation away from these moronic tasks is completely futile in my own experiance.So please US do not rely on the UK people.



09.11.2002 04:39

the world would be a lot better off if eveyone, esp world leaders, corporate execs etc, took a greater interest in 'moronic' activities and gave up their imperialist ambitions.


Moronic activities!

09.11.2002 10:42

Brian, you miss my point how can the present world mess be sorted when most people are only interested in these boring and futile tasks.It is up to the ordinairy person in the street to change what is at present a unsustainable economy run for the benefit of the wealthy few.The tasks i mention are the result of the service economy which enslaves most people and leads to a acceptance of the present status quo.All this is to the detriment of the majority of the worlds poor.Tasks such as i mentioned as well as being boring and moronic in nature help to keep enslaved most of the so called starving third world.This being due to most of the resources required to feed these industries being exctracted from poor countries at cheep cost and envorinmental damage.The problems with this sevice economy run far deeper than my short piece above explains.People need to look much harder at these problems and are at present distracted by cheap tac!
