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Tories in meltdown!

Brit | 07.11.2002 22:29

The Tory Party is on the way out..

Tories in Meltdown: No official opposition to Blair remaining

The future of and indeed the very existence of the Conservative party is looking decidely bleak after the events of the past few days. Failed Tory leader Ian Duncan-Smith cannot rely on the support of the party's paid representatives at Westminster let alone the grass roots members and supporters in the towns, cities and villages throughout the UK.

The party that was in power six years ago cannot get its own act together on the important issues of the day and while it remains the largest non-Blairite party in the House of Commons it is highly questionable whether they can still claim to be the official opposition. The Tory "opposition" to the wholesale changes to our society forced through by Blair and his cronies has been woeful and centuries old traditions, liberties and indeed the very British way of life has been undermined by New Labour's edicts and the increasing shift of power away from Britain to Brussels and Strasbourg.

The British National Party will continue to campaign for the values that the Tories have long abandoned; the right to live in a crime-free society, the sanctity of the biological family as the foundation of society, the right to express pride in ourselves and the achievements of the countless generations of our forefathers without being labelled as "bigoted", "intolerant" or "racist".

Perhaps more timely, it is only the British National Party that is demanding a retention of Sterling as our currency, a total rethink on UK membership of the European Union and no further erosion of power to Europe. The Tories abandoned Britain and Britons ages ago and look to Europe to save the well paid positions of its careerists politicians.

Only the values of the BNP can save Britain!

Tory Councillor on child sex pervert charges

The political career of disgraced Tory Coventry City councillor Peter Stidworthy is in tatters after he yesterday admitted a string of child sex charges. Pervert Stidworthy who works as a bus driver for Travel West Midlands and is a Tory Party ward member for Whoberley, admitted indecent assault on a 15-year-old boy, 21 charges of making indecent images of children and one of possessing indecent images.

A police search of Stidworthy’s house in Lyndale Road, Whoberley, found pornographic videos and photographs of children - some as young as 12 - involved in sexual acts with adults.

Tory Councillor Stidworthy, in mitigation, was said to have believed the 15-year-old boy he picked up was 16, and that what followed were “consenting acts”.

Tory Councillor Stidworthy will be sentenced at Coventry Crown Court on November 15.



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08.11.2002 00:52

More BNP propaganda?



08.11.2002 11:33

If thats the only thing that can save Britain, I'd rather it didn't get saved

Fat Mike

Wheres Meathead Mark Collet?

08.11.2002 11:51

hey fash scum: would you like to star in a Mark 'im a loser baby' Collet type docu? Thats the only reason i can think why you post such rubbish on Indymedia (the BNP have loads of convicted sex offenders in their ranks!)
Martin griffin

Martin Griffin

I used to be an anarchist but.......

08.11.2002 19:54

'Brit' has converted me! thankyou, now i see the light!

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