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jenny b | 05.11.2002 11:09

Despite the release of loyalist LVF neo nazi right wing extremist murderers, such as greysteel mass murderers Torrens knight, Johnny Adair and Robin king, under the terms of the peace process good friday agreement. The forgotten prisoner ex INLA man Desie O Hare, imprisoned since 1979, in Portloise Gaol, is still behind bars. Why?

INLA prisoner Dessie O Hare, has been incarcerated in Portloise Gaol, since 1979, during his long stint in jail, Dessie has watched as vicious mass murderers and LVF masterminds serve just 2-3 years in British prisons, while Dessie remains behind bars in Portloise gaol. Dessie who has not viciously and cold bloodedly murdered unarmed civillians, remains incarcerated in Portloise gaol since 1979. Dessie only crime was to kidnap a powerful, selfish, greedy, smug capitalist buisnessman and cut off a few of the buisness mans fingers, remember the buisnessman was not killed, unlike the innocent victims of smirking remorseless killers torrens knight, Johnny Adair and co. Dessie has had since 1979 to reflect on his crime, and is a reformed character, spending most of his time in Portloise meditating and studying eastern phyllosophies. Remember Dessie O Hare was a child of his time, a child that grew up admist the turmoil at the height of the troubles in the early 70's late 60's in South Armagh, Dessie knew no peace during his lifetime outside of prison. Times have moved on and changed, we now embrace peace and Dessie has done the same, embraced peace, yet he is still locked up. Dessie has more than repaid his debt to society, he has paid his dues being locked up since 1979. To understand Dessie's motives at the time of his crimes, you have to understand Dessie was a child of his time, a time of turmoil and war, times which have changed and so has Dessie. Dessie's background, from the south armagh border, where local people are poor, but are rich in moral integrity and pride. Where local people dont care for the trappings of wealth and status, but instead value the concepts of straight talking, justice, equality and fair play for all, not just the rich and powerful. Despite this, life destroying pillar of society paedophile scum like Vincent mckenna, will get out of prison long before a left wing political prisoner like Dessie O Hare. Smirking remorseless killers like Torrens knight, Johnny adair and co walk free, while Dessie O Hare still remains incarcerated.

jenny b


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07.11.2002 12:02

How do we show solidarity with this political prisoner? Do you have his prisoner number and address?
