First and last* communiqué from Brighton Anarchic Revolution Koalition (*perhaps
Ned Ludd | 04.11.2002 12:43
This short essay is a call for a moving beyond the failures of the past, a moving out of the confines of the left-right spectrum, which obviously can only keep the debate (our hopes and desires) within the limit of capitalist society. This is being put especially after recent "protests".
A critique on the leftist strangle hold over the realisation of rebellion.
Socialism is a religion, no more no less. Like all religions it starts when a thinker/idealist comes along, puts forward a few ideas, might be right might be wrong (history has shown marx was wrong) and in the fawning adulation of his (nearly always his!) fans a new cult is born.
The ideas of marx were vicious bile at the time; he worshipped the new religion of science, and foamed at the mouth to eradicate all cultures outside of the "superior" northern european/capitalist culture. Supported by the "revolutionary" business man engels, marx lived the life of a bourgeois gent, while his wife and children suffered terribly. Two children actually dying of poverty related illness while marx "kept up appearances", always the patriarch.
The religion formed on the basis of marx's (not very original ideas) turned out to be no better than all the religions and vicious cults that had blighted life on earth before. socialism swept across the earth devouring and destroying all life in its path, from Russia to Cuba, Nicaragua to Berlin. The cult of socialism attempted to out run its competitive brother, the capitalist empire, by its acts of barbarism. With extreme levels of viciousness they would invade were they could, to devastate the natural environment and enslave and butcher the population, all in the name of the "enlightenment", for the glory of the "Revolution" (read socialist party/doctrine).
Unbelievably, these cretins, who obviously are not satisfied by the devastation they reeked upon the earth and the millions, who inhabit it, want to re-run the show again! The collapse of their empire in the late 80's should have been the end of this repugnant religion (which does not even have the credit of offering heaven, but merely more of the same enslavement and drudgery or worse). Unfortunately for the humans who want to end all slavery, drudgery and misery the vile evil dead of socialism is constantly trying to resurrect itself, by reinventing itself in various forms. But happily the majority of the population are indifferent (with a great deal of out-right hostility) to the machinations, manipulations and callous calculations of politicians (right, left and centre or so-called "independent"). No attempt to beguile people into following or signing up to their cult appears to be working. However this is not to say that people should be complacent and ignore them, as is shown in Brazil, when people are desperate they will give these idiots a try. Religion and the abdication of the power to control your own life should not be the last choice, fatalism is no choice. There needs to be a radical alternative to the failed (and repugnant) ideas of the past.
The world we live in has been devastated by socialists, fascists, capitalists, christian guru's, buddist gurus, muslim gurus. An end to the continuing desolation of life on earth must be brought about, the sooner the better. This task of taking on the totality and destroying that which is destroying us must involve the eradication of all the cults that have played a direct role in bringing the earth to the brink of collapse. Which have degraded life to the extent we are presently at.
The upsurge of radical/revolutionary activity through-out the 1990’s was a rejection of leftist organisation, mass movement building and its inherent manipulation. The movement which developed and grew was “more possible than they could have powerfully imagined”. However, by 1999, the left seen its opportunity and bizarrely was welcomed with open arms by the burgeoning revolutionary movement. The decline set in. And as the Freedom Club (“Industrial Society and its Future”) put it “the resulting influx of leftish types can easily turn a non-leftist movement into a leftist one, so that leftist goals replace or distort the original goals of the movement”. This is exactly what has happened, the “movement” went from being a possible revolutionary threat to a “protest movement” over-night! The focus no-longer on direct action but on “mass protests” to recruit people. The radical growth during the 90’s is now dead, buried under the weight of sad, predictable protest. A lot of us, though can see what went wrong. Again to quote “Industrial Society and its Future”, “to avoid this, a movement that exalts nature and opposes technology must take a resolutely anti-leftist stance and must avoid collaboration with leftists. Leftism is…inconsistent with wild nature, with human freedom and with the elimination of modern technology”.
“Our liberation movement needs to be qualitatively different from the failed, limited approaches of the past” (John Zerzan, “The Imperialism of Everyday Life”). The Earth we live in, our very lives are being ruined everyday, our task as human beings is to dismantle all this. We must move away from the failures of the past and strike crippling blows against this society as well as attempt to re-wild ourselves while offering this possibility out to the wider “community” we live in (not just politicos!)
Most of the people reading this will perhaps recoil from the argument proposed and the necessity to face up to the reality we are in, they may cling to the hope of "reform" (a consistent failure) or hold to the belief in the intervention of some mystical forces who will bring about the "inevitable overthrow" of this society. Inherent in this latter belief is that we humans are incapable of changing life on this planet. It advocates passivity and safe protest. Perhaps even a lot of people now reading this will shrink back from the idea of giving up their "luxuries", which have all come at the expense of life on earth?
A very short list of possibilities:
The fight back, in our opinion, must obviously involve economic sabotage and vital to this is the development of strong links with the wider “community” (i.e. people outside the “scene”). This latter we believe can be done through open spaces for film shows, talks and food (attempting to avoid ghettoisation). The food issue, we would argue, is extremely important. The food can be produced locally (a community garden, for example) and given away or for a donation that people can see is used within the local community (a la Black Panthers & The Move).
Obviously this is simply the opinion of a few people and is not a list of “to do’s”. Make up your own list of priorities?
Socialism is a religion, no more no less. Like all religions it starts when a thinker/idealist comes along, puts forward a few ideas, might be right might be wrong (history has shown marx was wrong) and in the fawning adulation of his (nearly always his!) fans a new cult is born.
The ideas of marx were vicious bile at the time; he worshipped the new religion of science, and foamed at the mouth to eradicate all cultures outside of the "superior" northern european/capitalist culture. Supported by the "revolutionary" business man engels, marx lived the life of a bourgeois gent, while his wife and children suffered terribly. Two children actually dying of poverty related illness while marx "kept up appearances", always the patriarch.
The religion formed on the basis of marx's (not very original ideas) turned out to be no better than all the religions and vicious cults that had blighted life on earth before. socialism swept across the earth devouring and destroying all life in its path, from Russia to Cuba, Nicaragua to Berlin. The cult of socialism attempted to out run its competitive brother, the capitalist empire, by its acts of barbarism. With extreme levels of viciousness they would invade were they could, to devastate the natural environment and enslave and butcher the population, all in the name of the "enlightenment", for the glory of the "Revolution" (read socialist party/doctrine).
Unbelievably, these cretins, who obviously are not satisfied by the devastation they reeked upon the earth and the millions, who inhabit it, want to re-run the show again! The collapse of their empire in the late 80's should have been the end of this repugnant religion (which does not even have the credit of offering heaven, but merely more of the same enslavement and drudgery or worse). Unfortunately for the humans who want to end all slavery, drudgery and misery the vile evil dead of socialism is constantly trying to resurrect itself, by reinventing itself in various forms. But happily the majority of the population are indifferent (with a great deal of out-right hostility) to the machinations, manipulations and callous calculations of politicians (right, left and centre or so-called "independent"). No attempt to beguile people into following or signing up to their cult appears to be working. However this is not to say that people should be complacent and ignore them, as is shown in Brazil, when people are desperate they will give these idiots a try. Religion and the abdication of the power to control your own life should not be the last choice, fatalism is no choice. There needs to be a radical alternative to the failed (and repugnant) ideas of the past.
The world we live in has been devastated by socialists, fascists, capitalists, christian guru's, buddist gurus, muslim gurus. An end to the continuing desolation of life on earth must be brought about, the sooner the better. This task of taking on the totality and destroying that which is destroying us must involve the eradication of all the cults that have played a direct role in bringing the earth to the brink of collapse. Which have degraded life to the extent we are presently at.
The upsurge of radical/revolutionary activity through-out the 1990’s was a rejection of leftist organisation, mass movement building and its inherent manipulation. The movement which developed and grew was “more possible than they could have powerfully imagined”. However, by 1999, the left seen its opportunity and bizarrely was welcomed with open arms by the burgeoning revolutionary movement. The decline set in. And as the Freedom Club (“Industrial Society and its Future”) put it “the resulting influx of leftish types can easily turn a non-leftist movement into a leftist one, so that leftist goals replace or distort the original goals of the movement”. This is exactly what has happened, the “movement” went from being a possible revolutionary threat to a “protest movement” over-night! The focus no-longer on direct action but on “mass protests” to recruit people. The radical growth during the 90’s is now dead, buried under the weight of sad, predictable protest. A lot of us, though can see what went wrong. Again to quote “Industrial Society and its Future”, “to avoid this, a movement that exalts nature and opposes technology must take a resolutely anti-leftist stance and must avoid collaboration with leftists. Leftism is…inconsistent with wild nature, with human freedom and with the elimination of modern technology”.
“Our liberation movement needs to be qualitatively different from the failed, limited approaches of the past” (John Zerzan, “The Imperialism of Everyday Life”). The Earth we live in, our very lives are being ruined everyday, our task as human beings is to dismantle all this. We must move away from the failures of the past and strike crippling blows against this society as well as attempt to re-wild ourselves while offering this possibility out to the wider “community” we live in (not just politicos!)
Most of the people reading this will perhaps recoil from the argument proposed and the necessity to face up to the reality we are in, they may cling to the hope of "reform" (a consistent failure) or hold to the belief in the intervention of some mystical forces who will bring about the "inevitable overthrow" of this society. Inherent in this latter belief is that we humans are incapable of changing life on this planet. It advocates passivity and safe protest. Perhaps even a lot of people now reading this will shrink back from the idea of giving up their "luxuries", which have all come at the expense of life on earth?
A very short list of possibilities:
The fight back, in our opinion, must obviously involve economic sabotage and vital to this is the development of strong links with the wider “community” (i.e. people outside the “scene”). This latter we believe can be done through open spaces for film shows, talks and food (attempting to avoid ghettoisation). The food issue, we would argue, is extremely important. The food can be produced locally (a community garden, for example) and given away or for a donation that people can see is used within the local community (a la Black Panthers & The Move).
Obviously this is simply the opinion of a few people and is not a list of “to do’s”. Make up your own list of priorities?
Ned Ludd
Hide the following 9 comments
patronising twaddle
04.11.2002 14:13
a socialist
not anarchist: primitivist
04.11.2002 14:31
Yeah of course Leftism's a pile of liberal-reformist bollocks, and of course community organising (including workplaces) is the way forwards but please give up on the "return to the trees!" anti-technology crap.
One of my friends has epilepsy and would be dead without modern medicine. I bet you'd think differently about technology if it weren't for your priviledge...
D'oh it's us!
04.11.2002 15:15
As far as i can see power will always corrupt so, short of mass suicide, the only likely scenario is a constant balance between revolutionary minorities and corrupted rulers, with most people oblivious.
Whatever system is in place, human greed, envy etc... will undermine it, eventually leading the population to gladly embrace a new ideology which goes down the same path of corruption and possible replacement by a new bunch of 'thinkers'.
Truth is by enjoying a walk through quiet woodland you condemn others to overcrowded urban sprawl, but history shows us material equality (a) fails and (b) does not harmonize the emotions of every individual, despite mass culture's impact on the concept of individuality . . .
Hell, maybe the people who see the worlds problems are the problem, after all what is pain and suffering if you don't know you're experiencing it?
Still, i don't buy that, and I still stand up against imperialism, tyranny etc. . . but have in the back of my mind that victory is fiction, protestation merely holds a balance, if you give up, your opponent gains so there's perpetual deadlock and struggle generation on generation that no ideology etc... will solve as were all human
04.11.2002 15:15
If you lot spent as much time fighting the system as you do fighting dedicated comrades on the left, you might actually do something constructive.
04.11.2002 16:09
Those Nicuaraguans just didn't have your brains when they fought US troops and fascists. If only you'd been around at Stalingrad to explain to Soviet soldiers that they should just give up cause it was all pointless. Never mind, you are around now, so we can make a start on REALLY destroying capitalism with open spaces for film shows, talks and food.
I'm sure this adolescent wank makes you feel really important and better than absolutely everyone else ever but you know what? It's banal, boring and dumb. But, hey, look on the bright side - within a year or two you'll have got so pissed off at how stupid everyone around you is that you'll leave politics altogether, no doubt into a well-financed lifestyle, and you won't have to put up with any of it anymore.
What a loss that will be.
04.11.2002 17:20
I'll clarify; although i view corruption as inevitable, i strongly feel it should be resisted and overthrown - i imagine this cycle will continue long after our deaths. Alternatively we can all slog towards a distant utopia.
I'm not trying to have all the 'answers' here - maybe the 'hopelessly corruptable human' concept is total bs propaganda symptomised by institutional misquotations of darwin. I don't know, nor I suspect do you, or him, her or anybody. 'Futility' is only felt by those uninvolved . . . small victories are victories nonetheless - however i believe there will always be ideas held by some that others find intolerable, and therefore never a utopian society (there are also several million other reasons for this, usually self-evident) - This is no reason to give up resisting/fighting/destroying that which is fundamentally wrong.
The statement 'capitalism is the cause of all wars' bears much truth, but seemingly the lust for personal gain is inescapable . . . as in the example of "Millions of people struggling for a better live for their families and communities" - this is just a manifestation of wanting enough to live, the problem being there always seem to be those who 'never have enough' - i just don't see anarchy as a way of solving the world's problems - In a theoretical utopian equal system, whats to stop fighting over two people fighting over the same girl/guy or taking more than their fair share of food to put some by for the future . . .
I guess we all have to believe we can change things (i do to) or we'd all give up like you say and totalitarianism would have a free hand . . .
The point i made was that resistance has the benefit of preventing worse things happening, even if no gains are being made. Damn right the soviets should have fought the nazis, and the beat 'em too . . . but the victorious soviets were then subjected to stalin, and the victorious allies to capitalism, i'd like to believe there's another way, but we (people) just keep cropping up.
Anyway, those of you who love to resist should be glad i reckon they'll always be oppression, explicit or implicit.
everyone can have they're view (is that adolescent wank?)
its called discussion
04.11.2002 17:36
An excellent article - I'll give you a job!
04.11.2002 19:16
I'm so impressed I want to give you a column in my own publication!
Please write to me, Paul Dacre at:
The Daily Mail,
Northcliffe House,
2 Derry Street,
London W8 5TT.
rational debate or not?
04.11.2002 21:27
There's room for a wide variety of revolutionary
and reformist groups to work together. Shouldn't we
try to understand what each other are saying and respond
to what each other say and stick to the theme
if we're trying to have a debate on
a specific theme?
Michael Albert had a go at having a rational debate
with John Zerzan, who the first poster seems to be
inspired by.
If you want to compare Zerzan's "primitivist anarchism"
with the "participatory economy", then here you can read
the points of view and attempted comparison by two of
the main promoters of these ideas.
Judge for yourself, don't just judge what other people
like me say about what Albert and Zerzan say! Make up your
own mind!
prefer clear ideas