Bali update
dh | 03.11.2002 23:26
So a chlorate explosive has the power to strip reinforced concrete to its steel skeleton does it?
Prodding more holes
Prodding more holes
Update 3 November 2002
As further horrifying details of its illegal armed attacks on Muslims in their own homes reach local media, the Australian Government has been desperately trying to deflect attention back towards the “Muslim Terrorists” allegedly responsible for the Bali bombing. On the home front, Australian lawyers have revealed that during the pre-dawn raids last week, armed goons from the Federal Police and Security Service ASIO forced unarmed women and children to lie face-down on the floor, handcuffed them, and in some cases conducted strictly illegal full-body strip searches of the defenseless women without their consent. This last-named abuse is identical to the actions of the American 82nd Airborne in Afghanistan, who recently deliberately strip searched Muslim women in their own homes in order to dishonor their husbands. Further details of this obscene and illegal activity can be read by clicking on the “Australian Gestapo” link at the bottom of this page. Were it not so serious, this latest attempt by Australian authorities to pin the blame for the Bali bomb on “Muslim Terrorists” would be laughable. Officials are now claiming that the staggering blast which vaporized dozens of victims at Kuta Beach, was caused by a bomb “made from between 50 kg and 150 kg of chlorate”, the only quasi-explosive conveniently stolen from an Indonesian warehouse in Java during September. This new claim is in stark contrast to information posted on the official Australian Government web site less than one week ago: “Within 10-15 seconds of the first explosion at Paddy's Bar, a devastating explosion was detonated in front of the Sari Club … The explosion resulted in a tremendous release of energy in the form of gas, heat and light. This essentially caused a pressure wave, fragmentation and fire - all of which contributed to the devastation seen at the Sari Club. As a measure of the force of the blast, the sound from the explosion was heard up to 15km away.” To claim that the Bali bomb was made from potassium chlorate [the variant stolen in Java] is pure idiocy, and the fact that such a claim was made at all, highlights increasingly desperately American and Israeli pressure on Australia to formally declare that “The Muslims did it”. Yes, you can manufacture a crude weapon from 90% potassium chlorate and 10% paraffin, but it is an incredibly slow and entirely unpredictable low-explosive. Provided the weapon did not detonate prematurely [a real risk with this unstable compound], four hundreds pounds of potassium chlorate & paraffin slurry with a Power Gel initiator might make a mess of Kuta Beach high street, but it could manage little else. At best, crude potassium chlorate & paraffin slurry has a pathetic velocity of detonation of 3,500 feet per second, compared to 12,000 fps for Ammonium Nitrate & Diesel, and 27,800 fps for RDX. Thus in simple terms, at any given distance from ground zero these different explosive compounds will exert ascending pressure in pounds per squuare inch on the target. Forget the impressive bang, which is simply the pressure wave from the weapon travelling at supersonic speed, and has no bearing on actual damage. The level of damage inflicted on the target is always directly proportional to the overpressure exerted in pounds per square inch, i.e. pressure over and above the standard atmospheric pressure of fifteen psi. Absolute proof that this Australian myth is a structured lie, can be seen in these photographs of a reinforced concrete structure located more than fifty feet away from ground zero. Every fragment of hard concrete has been completely stripped away by overpressure, leaving only the ductile reinforcing rods or bars, known in the trade as “rebar”. The critical significance of this is best explained by General Benton K. Partin USAF (Ret), who had overall responsibility for all research, development, testing, analysis, requirements generation and acquisition management of weapons systems in the United States Air Force.
Concrete completely stripped from Reinforcing bar "rebar", 50+ feet from ground zero
In an official rebuttal to media and executive branch claims that the source of the awesome damage to the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma was a single truck bomb consisting of 4,800 pounds of ammonium nitrate & diesel low-explosive, General Partin wrote: “The detonation wave pressure (1,000,000 to 1,500,000 pounds per square inch) from a high detonation velocity contact explosive sweeps into the reinforced concrete structure as a wave of compressive deformation. Since the pressure in the wave of deformation far exceeds the yield strength of the concrete (about 3,500 pounds per square inch) by a factor of approximately 300, the concrete is turned into granular sand and dust until the wave dissipates to below the yield strength of the concrete. “This leaves a relatively smooth but granular surface, with protruding, bare reinforcement rods, a distinctive signature of damage by contact explosives. The effect of the contact explosive on the reinforcement rods themselves can only be seen under microscopic metallurgical examination. (The rods are inertially confined during the explosion and survive basically intact because of their much higher yield strength and plasticity.)” Note here that General Partin is referring to explosives “in contact” with the reinforced concrete structure requiring between 1,000,000 and 1,500,000 pounds per square inch to strip the concrete away, leaving only the bare reinforcement rods. Think about this people, think about it. The stripped reinforcement rods in Bali were more than fifty feet away from the weapon, and thus not in contact at all. Because blast through a fifty foot air gap is a very inefficient energy coupling mechanism against heavily reinforced concrete, four hundred pounds of the fastest chemical explosive so far touted by the Australian Government, RDX, would exert [but would not exceed] approximately ten pounds per square inch, fifty feet away from the point of criticality at ground zero. An equal weight of Potassium chlorate would be lucky to exert two pounds per square inch at the same range. The problem here is obvious, and the only accurate conclusion about Kuta Beach is impossible for the Australian authorities to simply wish away with wild tales about potassium chlorate detergent all too conveniently "stolen from Java". To cause the actual damage photographed at the crime scene in Bali, we must have a weapon with a compound yield, and velocity of detonation fast enough to ensure one million pounds per square inch of retained pressure fifty feet away from ground zero. There is only one weapon in the world compact enough to perform this staggering trick: A micro nuke from Dimona in the Negev Desert. .

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