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JIM | 03.11.2002 16:03

appeal for witnesses from Octber 31 demo in london.

I and several others are accused of violent disorder and assaulting police in the fracas that manifested outside Whithall on the anti-war demo on Hallowe'en night. If anyone who reads this witnessed the behaviour of the police that night, or has video or still photographic evidence of the events, please can you contact either myself, (email above)or Moss and co. Solicitors on 0208 9868336, or indymedia. Thanks.

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There was no violent disorder that night!

03.11.2002 17:27

There was no violent disorder that night in Whitehall just a bit of pushing and shoving as people tried to get closer to Downing Street. There was a large police cordon hemming in the crowd and keeping them in one half of Whitehall away from Downing Street. After about half an hour the police then pushed everyone onto the pavemnent and most of the people left leaving to the south while about 800 people went north along Whitehall to Trafalgar Square and eventually to Aldwych.


Your email addy don't work

03.11.2002 19:35

Your email addy don't work
Your email addy don't work

copy of email I tried to send you:

Hi owhyowhy

I've attached a couple of still pics of police trying to snatch a
banner, and hitting demonstrators outside Downing Street.

I witnessed a lot of pushing and shoving from both sides, but the only
real violence I saw (and felt!) was from police. At the time I took
these pics, several police were using their fists on protestors. I also
saw police indiscriminately pushing a peaceful crowd and causing an
elderly women to fall right infront of them. Their behaviour for most of
the evening was totally unacceptable. I was (mildly) assaulted on two
different occasions by officers.

Hope the pics help some.




try not to worry

03.11.2002 21:15

I was pictured as one of the 10 most wanted after Mayday 2002 (in the Mirror, on BBC News, in the Evading Standard, etc etc): this resulted - after much distress - in me going to see the team in charge of 'operation Mayday' and seeing what they had in store for me. After being initially arrested for violent disorder, I accepted a caution for affray (on the advice of my solicitor) as the only evidence the police could present was me sticking a finger up at police and gesturing at them.

Try not to be intimidated. The crackdown on (non)dissent is all part of their strategy against all forms of public protest. What I learnt:



Witness Appeal - Hollowe'en demo

09.11.2002 01:01

I was at the Hallowe'en demo on the 31st. I'm the young woman who was violently arrested at 21.00 near the LSE. It's alledged i attacked a police officer and i have been charged with assault. If anyone saw my arrest, has any video footage or photographs, you may be able to help. Please email me or contact Moss and co. Solicitors on 0208 9868336.
Many Thanks.

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