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Speeches from Parliament Square

muzikin | 02.11.2002 12:14

MP3s of the speeches from Parliament Square at the Stop The War Coalition web site.


Tony Benn
Linda Smith (Fire Brigades Union)
Tariq Ali (writer and broadcaster)
Anand Batwana (Indian film director)
Lindsey German (STWC)
Jeremy Corbyn MP



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02.11.2002 12:41

now THATS direct action if i have ever seen it.


The Usual Suspects

02.11.2002 14:54

If this is the only voice the "democratic" majority has left then Heaven help us.


Air freshener hiding Labour's stench

02.11.2002 22:34

We're tired of Corbyn, Benn and co's hypocrisy. Why do we have to be herded by "revolutionaries" (the SWP etc) into a square to meekly listen to some MPs from the governing party speak against the war? This is all they do, talk and talk but do NOTHING against their criminal party. Why do we have to tolerate them when they are just the air freshener to hide the stench of death and destruction? Maybe their salaries are more important than Iraqis lives?

Its disgraceful.
