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the bible badgers | 01.11.2002 16:52

Armed badgers occupy and settle the land of Starbucks, 'If Israel can, we can'

NEWS RELEASE - 31st October 2002

Armed Badgers Storm Oxford Street Starbucks in Central London to Build
Illegal Settlement - "If Israel can, we can"

On Thursday 31st October at 3.00pm, 30 badgers armed with waterpistols
stormed the Starbucks on Oxford St claiming it as their ancestral home.
Using the logic of Israeli settlers[1] the badgers evicted some of the
customers and erected the first badger settlement in London.
With placards proclaiming "If it works in Palestine why not here" and "It's
ours because we say so" the self-styled Badger Defence Force set up
checkpoints to inspect shoppers and tourists for concealed weapons. "If
they're not a badger, they could be a terrorist" a spokesbadger said. They
handed out copies of the badger bible which proves their ownership of
Starbucks and a fact sheet which answered Frequently Asked Questions about
their activities (see documents attached together with 8 photos).
The badgers have selected the store for their settlement because of the role
of its CEO as a major supporter of the Israeli state. The company has become
a prime target of an international boycott of companies with ties to
A spokesbadger said "Since the chief executive of this company clearly
believes it is ok for one group of people to grab land belonging to another
and say they have a right to it, we believe they won't mind if we take some
of theirs".

For further information contact: Mortaza Sahibzada on 07946 351319 or
Chris Dunham on 07904 267306 or Nicholas Blincoe 02077304254

Notes for the Editor:
[1] The number of Israeli settlers in the West Bank and Gaza is now almost 400,000 in 308 illegal settlements
. These settlements are illegal under the Fourth Geneva Convention and UN resolutions.
[2] This action forms part of a growing international campaign, styled on the anti-apartheid movement of the 70s and 80s, to end the illegal occupation by Israel of Palestinian territories. This has included the disruption of Israeli cultural and sporting events in the UK as well as non-violent actions in Israel and Palestine. Many participants in this action have travelled to Palestine as part of the International Solidarity Movement to act as human shields for Palestinians. In April this year, 6 of its members were shot by the Israeli Defence Force and some of its members entered the Church of the Nativity during the Israeli siege. The group is committed to non-violence.

the bible badgers
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Hide the following 6 comments

oh dear

01.11.2002 17:58

Yeah I heard about this and the more I think about it the more uncomfortable I get. The Israel/Palestine situation is not about race but this bit of "street theatre" or whatever is trying to make it out like that.

They might well have just gone dressed as Jews for fuck's sake.
I think that people who are opposed to the occupation should think a bit more carefully and look at themselves to see if they have got any latent antisemitism in them (not overt but still this is pretty fucking bad...)


There should have been more people there!

01.11.2002 18:31

That action would have been really good if there were far more people taking part that just 30. That action should have been advertised much more widely. Maybe we can carry out similar actions on next years Mayday!


Comment on comment

02.11.2002 04:31

...."I think that people who are opposed to the occupation should think a bit more carefully and look at themselves to see if they have got any latent antisemitism in them..."

Why's that? WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT MAKE??? Hey, if fucking HITLER were against the occupation, he'd be RIGHT. Yep, THE OCCUPATION IS WRONG!, and it doesn't matter WHO or WHY one says it, IT'S STILL TRUE!!!



02.11.2002 10:31

"I think that people who are opposed to the occupation should think a bit more carefully and look at themselves to see if they have got any latent antisemitism in them."
What the f**k is this?
If we oppose illegal, criminal and just plain nasty acts, there is the possibility we are only doing it because deep inside we hate jews?
I don't think it is possible to deconstruct this idea, it being so dissolute and impossibly illogical.
If we are jews, then we are self hateing ...
If we are not jews we are antisemetic ...
IT IS NOT the role of jews on this earth to steal others land. To be jewish is an opinion. To steal land is an action, based on opinion.
Leave your sky ghosts and old books at the door.
I oppose land grabbing because it is wrong.
No justice no peace

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Great action!

06.11.2002 05:10

During these days of war-mongering and hate speeches it is refreshing to see that some people are using humor to highlight the essential racist nature of zionism. With the death of apartheid in South Africa zionism remains the most blatant form of institutionalized racism in the world. And its virulence is evident if one visits occupied Palestine. It is no wonder that the leaders who were in the vanguard in the struggle against apartheid - like Nelson Mandela, Bishop Tutu, to name a few - have all condemned zionism some saying that its worse than apartheid. There is nothing anti-semitic in the fight against racism. But there is something really wrong when people don't see that the essence of a doctrine which takes land away from others and then subjects them to one of the most brutal and longest occupation in recent history is not racist. For those I would suggest that they get a conscience.


Post-Zionists are Good Coalition Partners

06.11.2002 22:07

The real hopes for peace in the Middle-East are with the Israeli post-Zionists. These are the folks who were marching in Rabin Square shouting things like, "Ending the Occupation and its Iniquities is the Real Zionism". There are plenty of these folks, and they need our support-- The mayor of Haifa, a perfectly un-perfect man named Mitzna is running for the Labor party leadership-- He's an old kibbutznik, something of a commie, has a good chance at winning and has a REAL PEACE PLATFORM...please e-mail your support to yeah-- be sure to check out my streaming-audio web address to hear some real good street theater fodder (less tongue-in-cheek than my Queerkely Friends, but highly effective in Israel, UK, Germany and elsewhere)

Robert Montini
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