Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
spectatora | 01.11.2002 12:58 | Culture
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Samhuinn Procession by Beltane Fire Society, Edinburgh:
Oct. 31st, from 9.30pm Lawnmarket
On Samhuinn Night as the Veil thins, Mortals come, widen your eyes to watch Other Worlds pass by.
Behold how with the Green Man & creatures, Faeries dance by castleside. But from the North, the Cailleqach's hags bring icy winds. The chill decides the Seelie Court to ride for cosier quarters.
Over the cobbles, watch them come now cavorting, suspecting not that with the Dead, their enemies are consorting. Nor that whilst the Unseelie Court's plotting war, the Horned God yearns to restore his wintry dominion.
But though the night's rife with Mischief, Mortals do not fear! Give gold coins to the Guisers & their blessings this winter you'll have!

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