Grocery store chain CEO marries Betty the Biotech Corn in Portland, Oregon, USA
portland indymedia | 31.10.2002 20:28

"We're calling on Safeway to listen to their customers and do the right thing by removing genetically engineered ingredients from their store brand products," said Mark Des Marets, "Whole Foods, Wild Oats and Trader Joe’s did it – Safeway can do it, too." [ Read More... ]
The Wedding Vows
The following are the vows exchanged by the $afeway and Betty the Biotech Corn. Thank you to all wedding participants and attendees. It was great fun. Remeber to mail in those comment card to $afeway and help keep the pressure on. Great work!
Sadly bewildered, we are gathered here today, in the name of obscene profits and genetic engineering, to join Betty the Biotech corn and Safeway the Grocery Conglomerate in unholy matrimony...
I, Safeway, take thee Betty to be my lawfull wedded product. To stock and to sell, for richer and even richer. Inspite of sickness, disease, or other genetic side effects. I promise to provide an ample supply of unwitting consumers, to put profit over people, and to sell, sell, sell from this day forward for as long as your customers may live
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AUDIO: Humorous and entertaining, this file punctuates comedy with information about the already existing marriage between the Federal Drug Administration, Monsanto and others of the Biotechnology Industry and grocery super stores. About 12 minutes in length [streaming]. [ Newswire article ]
PHOTOS of the Wedding! [ click here ]
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portland indymedia