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Fuck the internet off

Paul H | 31.10.2002 00:38

The internet is a military and state construct. It always has been. The security forces whether they be state forces or misguided control phreeks guided by the intelligence gatherers like to play their games.

The internet is a military and state construct. It always has been. The security forces whether they be state forces or misguided control phreeks guided by the intelligence gatherers like to play their games. The internet has no future for anarchists. Deep within we know this. Yet we still play along with their games.

By their games I mean denial to talk to comrades, files not being saved, files being frozen or destroyed, passwords over ridden, people with so much in common being turned against each other, false alliances being encouraged, suspician being actively encouraged, lies being sown, campaigns of nasty shit being launched against comrades by who knows who.

The security services are here amongst us now. Fuck their lies and their games.

No more internet for me, I've got better things to do. The struggle for working class self emancipation has moved beyond voting for political parties, to angry and enraged community defence. Smell the soil between your toes comrades, friends, and kind people.

Paul H


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Geeks designed net

31.10.2002 11:21

the internet was designed by hippies, not military...get your facts right..the myth of being a military design was put out by the whitehouse


designed by hippies

31.10.2002 13:31

designed by hippies but paid for by the military (via the universities)


Utter Tosh

31.10.2002 15:44

The internet may well have started off as a military system but it's completely backfired on them. For the first time in history the powers that be have lost control of information because of the web. It allows for the global movement that is beginning to emerge to gommunicate (It wouldn't exist without the internet) Can you imagine an information scource linke indymedia existing without the internet??? It'd be nothing more than a weekly leaflet passed around by hand and only reaching a hard core of people that already knew what the problems were.

Sure maybe the military industrial complex started the web off unfortunately for them they designed it to resist damage (as in for example a nuclear war) because of that very design it can no longer be switched off and i tell you that the security services very much regret that fact. It is their biggest problem.

have a look at this.

In any case theres no use in blind rage without constructive action. Unless we can build our own replacement to the existing system under it's noses while it still exists we'll never beat it there will always be wankers that want power. Without the net we're doomed to be fragmented and incapable of opposing the oppression that we face and that will without doubt get a lot worse before it gets better.

Grow up.
