Simon Wiesenthal responds to Desmond Tutu on Israel.
Dan | 30.10.2002 05:31
The Simon Wiesenthal Center sharply criticized former South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu's call for divestment from Israel as unjust and a distortion of the truth.
Rabbi Heir said, what is most hurtful about Desmond Tutu, is rather than cry out on behalf of the innocent victims of terror, Tutu aligns himself with those who have refused to stop it. Rather than urge American universities to divest from the Middle East's only democracy, Tutu should be urging Moslem religious and political leaders to unequivocally condemn the terrorist organizations whose only aim is the total destruction of the State of Israel", Rabbi Hier concluded.
If there is no peace in the Mideast, It is because Arafat rejected former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's offer of a Palestinian State and deployed terror as a deliberate means to kill Israeli civilians. This is what Arafat calls his phase by phase plan.
If there are security check points in Israel, it is because there have been 120 suicide attacks that have murdered more than 460 Israeli men, women, and children, many of those attacks carried out by terrorist groups affiliated with Arafat's own Fatah organization. If ambulances are checked, it is because the Palestinians have used them to conceal terrorists and weapons in their attacks", he continued.
Are Israeli policies fair game for criticism? Of course. But it is not "criticism" to falsely smear Israel as racist -- not when the Arab world seethes with a hatred of Jews more rabid even than the Nazis'.
It is not "criticism" to accuse Israel of apartheid, when it is the Arab world that preaches "Kill the Jews!" and dances in the street when terrorists kill Israeli civilians.
It is not "criticism" to lay the blame for the violence of the Middle East at Israel's doorstep while ignoring the immense risks that Israel has taken and the sacrifices it has made in pursuit of peace with the Palestinians.
It is not "criticism" to accuse Israel of apartheid, when it is the Arab world that preaches "Kill the Jews!" and dances in the street when terrorists do so.
This is not criticism -- it is calumny. It butchers the truth and subjects Israel to an outrageous double standard. It abets the cause of the world's foremost Jew-haters -- people whose explicit goal is the liquidation of the Jewish state.
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Er ....
30.10.2002 07:58
Collective punishment is illegal under international law - israel practices it openly and with the support of its highest courts.
Occupation of annexed territories and the dispersal of its people are illegal under international law - israel practices it with the blessing of its parliment.
Settlement of occupied territories with civilian polulations is illegal under international law - israel practices it with the enthusiasm of its financial backers.
Torture is illegal under international law - israel has santified it within its own law system.
$50 million planes bomb stone throwing boys and you want us to believe that israel is the victim.
No justice no peace.
30.10.2002 09:17
The New Nazis
Steve Malzberg, Tuesday, June 18, 2002
When I wander into the entrance of Jerusalem, I turn into a suicide warrior, I turn into a suicide warrior, in battle dress, in battle dress, in battle dress. Thank you. – an 8-year-old girl shown on Palestinian TV on a show considered to be equal to our "Sesame Street"
Currently there are 19 dead (I never include the bomber along with his victims) and over 40 wounded. Many are children. The bus was packed with students. That's precisely why it was targeted. The goal of these subhuman monsters is primarily to kill Jews. The Jews of choice are women and children.
Just what exactly is going on here? That's easy. We are all witnessing an attempt by the Arab world governments in general, and the Palestinian Authority in particular, to finish the job that Hitler started. Six million is not enough for these New Nazis; they want the rest to disappear as well.
Let's suppose for a moment that instead of 70 homicide bombings there had been 70 instances of mass kidnappings. For example, instead of seeking out civilian-filled places to blow up, what if the terrorists simply went to these places and forced dozens of women and children into several vehicles and took them away into the West Bank or the Gaza Strip?
Let's suppose that once there, the hostages were hustled into small makeshift gas chambers that were strategically located throughout the civilian populations, similar to the way the bomb factories are distributed there.
Let's suppose that instead of being blown up, these Israeli captives were gassed to death in those small gas chambers. Hundreds of them in 70 different incidents over the course of 21 months. Would we then call these terrorists and those that support them what they really are? Would we hesitate for a moment to call them Nazis?
So what's the difference between gassing these innocent Jews and blowing them up?
The answer is that there is no difference.
The Arab world governments and specifically the Palestinian Authority are raising and supporting the new wave of Nazis. They are out to kill the Jews, and they believe that they will go to heaven for it.
The father of the Nazi who blew up the bus today in Jerusalem told Reuters that he was "very happy that my son was the bomber."
How about the words of this proud mom. Her name is Naima al Obeid. Her 23-year-old son, Mahmoud, was shot dead after killing two Israelis in Tel Avivn 2 weeks ago. Before he left to go Jew hunting, his mommy made a video with him in which she told him, "G-d willing, you will succeed. May every bullet hit its target, and may G-d give you martyrdom. This is the best day of my life."
Sick, you say? Try this. When she was asked about the killing of Israeli women and children, Mama Nazi replied, "The women and children are also Jews. And I want to tell Jewish mothers: Take your children and run from here because you will never be safe. We believe our sons go to heaven when they are martyred and when your sons die, they go to hell."
There are nine more little Nazis-in-waiting at home with mama.
And then there's Mariam Farhat. Her Nazi son Mohammed broke into a study hall in Haifa in March. He used grenades and automatic rifles instead of gas, and he killed five Israeli students and wounded 23 before he could be stopped.
Here's what his Nazi mama had to say to the camera: "When I see all the Jews in Palestine killed, that will be enough for me. I wish he will kill as many of them as he can, so they will be scared."
It's really no wonder that these people think this way. Just read, look at or listen to the state-run Arab media and you get a handbook on how to create today's New Nazi.
Saudi TV features a little girl being asked by the interviewer about the Jews. "They are monkeys and apes," she says.
Another Saudi hit shows a man claiming to be a psychiatrist telling the interviewer about the thrill of blowing yourself up. "Counting down – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 – and when he gets to 1 and pushes the button, that's the height of euphoria."
Saudi newspapers tell the Arab world that Jews use human blood to make pastries.
Palestinian Authority TV isn't any better. In a scene dated Dec.14, 1994, a young Palestinian man is shown repeatedly stabbing a Jewish man in a car stopped in the West Bank
Palestinian TV broadcasts a sermon given at a mosque. "They are all liars. They must all be massacred. They must all be killed. Have no pity for them. Wherever they are, wherever you meet them … kill the Jews!"
Still another sermon on PA TV, as a young child is shown listening intently: "Bless those who put the belt around his waist or his sons and enter deeply in the Jewish community and say Allah is great. As the building collapsed on the heads of the Jews ..
Then there's the Palestinian Authority TV version of our own "Sesame Street." Here young children are shown getting up in front of other youngsters and performing: "Each and every part of your soul. I have drenched with all my blood, and we shall march as warriors ..."
Another child takes over: "… When I wander into the entrance of Jerusalem, I turn into a suicide warrior, I turn into a suicide warrior, in battle dress, in battle dress, in battle dress."
The child then says, "Thank you," and the teacher shouts, "Bravo! Bravo!" as the students applaud wildly.
Could Hitler have done it any better?
30.10.2002 10:32
y bovva
Good for Tutu
30.10.2002 12:35
The events in Israel made Gerald Kaufman speak out...
Israel has turned into a "pariah state" under prime minister Ariel Sharon and his ways of dealing with terrorism are "unacceptable", Jewish senior Labour MP Gerald Kaufman has claimed.
The former minister said he was saddened by the way the image of Israel had changed from "beacon" status to being portrayed by photographs of its soldiers "smirking over the corpse of a Palestinian they had just killed".
Mr Kaufman, MP for Manchester Gorton, accused former Labour prime minister Shimon Peres, now Israel's foreign minister, of "humiliating" himself by being involved in Sharon's government.
"What the Israeli Labour Party, with its fine traditions, is doing associating with this right-wing thug, I cannot begin to imagine."
What is going on in that country is something that no decent person can condone -- Labour MP Gerald Kaufman
Mr Kaufman said a whole series of events had made him to vent his fury, including "the photograph a few weeks ago of one Israeli soldier photographing two others smirking over the corpse of a Palestinian they had just killed".
"This is not what Israel is all about and I am sad about it because Israel was founded in idealism.
"Obviously idealism has got to face up to reality - but the attitude of this Israeli Government in dealing what is undoubtedly horrible terrorism is not only unacceptable in humanitarian terms, but is also seriously unsuccessful in dealing with the terrorism," he told the BBC's Today programme.
"Four times as many Israelis have been killed by terrorists since Sharon became prime minister."
Mr Kaufman - who has written a book about Israel, called To Build the Promised Land - said it used to be a "beacon of how you build a country".
Gerald Kaufman: "Israel was founded in idealism" "Today, I am very sorry to say, it is turning itself into a pariah state with very few countries in the world willing to be its friend."
Mr Kaufman disagreed with the Britain's chief rabbi, Dr Jonathon Sachs, who reportedly said criticism of the Israeli Government could be anti-Semitic.
"It is quite easy to excuse attacks on the Israelis, or rather to explain them away, by saying this is anti-Semitism," Mr Kaufman said.
"I am the last person in the world to be anti-Semitic.
"In my time I have faced anti-Semitism, but I am pro-Israel.
"I am obviously pro-Jew - but what is going on in that country is something that no decent person can condone in terms of the policy of the government.
"I fear I have not had any contacts with the Israeli Government for quite some time.
"The people in government with whom I could talk like Shimon Peres, a great seeker after peace, a great Labour prime minister, have humiliated themselves by involving themselves in this government," Mr Kaufman concluded.
Zionists Collaborated with Nazi Germany!
30.10.2002 16:51
30.10.2002 23:14
Here's 7 great websites that document the Arab Nazi alliance.
This site documents the genocidal deals Hajj Amin Al Husseini made with
Alois Brunner, the genocidal Nazi who deported 150,000 Jews to there deaths in WW2, has been in Syria in for the last 40 years. Check out this site.
Check out this site, Hajj Amin Al Husseini and his alliance to Hitler
Nasser let in hundreds of Nazis in Egypt after WW2
Site documenting Palestinians alliance to Hiter in WW2
Site documenting Husseini with SS Nazis in Bosnia in WW2.
The Arab Muslim Nazi connection (article 1)
Photo 1: A picture taken in 1943 of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini reviewing Bosnian-Muslim troops - a unit of the "Hanjar (Saber) Division" of the Waffen SS which he personally recruited for Hitler.
Arab leaders and media outlets have long been addicted to comparing Israel to the Nazi regime, while at the same time demeaning the extent of the Holocaust. This obsession with defaming and antagonizing the Jewish people and state was on full display in recent months and reached a crescendo – or rather nadir – the day before Pope John Paul II visited the Temple Mount during his Holy Land pilgrimage. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, just hours before hosting the Pope, gave a series of press interviews, first telling the AP: "The figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is exaggerated and is used by the Israelis to gain international support… It's not my problem. Muslims didn't do anything on this issue. It's the doing of Hitler who hated the Jews," asserted the acid-tongued Mufti – a figure appointed by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. "Six million? It was a lot less," Sabri repeated for an Italian newspaper. "It's not my fault if Hitler hated the Jews. Anyway, they hate them just about everywhere." The Mufti finished the day with Reuters, charging, "We denounce all massacres, but I don't see why a certain massacre should be used for political gain and blackmail." However, as a matter of record, there was a well-documented, thriving relationship between the Arab/Muslim world and Nazi Germany, with perhaps the most significant figure linking Hitler to the Middle East being none other Sabri's very own predecessor, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin el-Husseini. Here is a brief review of that dark, overlooked chapter in history. The Führer's Mufti: After World War I, the Great Powers of Europe jockeyed for influence in the Middle East's oil fields and trade routes, with France and Britain holding mandates throughout most of the region. In the 1930s, the fascist regimes that arose in Italy and Germany sought greater stakes in the area, and began courting Arab leaders to revolt against their British and French custodians. Among their many willing accomplices was Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, who fled Palestine after agitating against the British during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. He found refuge in Iraq – another of Her Majesty's mandates – where he again topped the British most wanted list after helping pull the strings behind the Iraqi coup of 1941. The revolt in Baghdad was orchestrated by Hitler as part of a strategy to squeeze the region between the pincers of Rommel's troops in North Africa, German forces in the Caucuses and pro-Nazi forces in Iraq. However, in June 1941 British troops put down the rebellion and the Mufti escaped via Tehran to Italy and eventually to Berlin.
Once in Berlin, the Mufti received an enthusiastic reception by the "Islamische Zentralinstitut" and the whole Islamic community of Germany, which welcomed him as the "Führer of the Arabic world." In an introductory speech, he called the Jews the "most fierce enemies of the Muslims" and an "ever corruptive element" in the world. Husseini soon became an honored guest of the Nazi leadership and met on several occasions with Hitler. He personally lobbied the Führer against the plan to let Jews leave Hungary, fearing they would immigrate to Palestine. He also strongly intervened when Adolf Eichman tried to cut a deal with the British government to exchange German POWs for 5000 Jewish children who also could have fled to Palestine. The Mufti's protests with the SS were successful, as the children were sent to death camps in Poland instead. One German officer noted in his journals that the Mufti would liked to have seen the Jews "preferably all killed." On a visit to Auschwitz, he reportedly admonished the guards running the gas chambers to work more diligently. Throughout the war, he appeared regularly on German radio broadcasts to the Middle East, preaching his pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic message to the Arab masses back home.
To show gratitude towards his hosts, in 1943 the Mufti travelled several times to Bosnia, where on orders of the SS he recruited the notorious "Hanjar troopers," a special Bosnian Waffen SS company which slaugh-tered 90% of Bosnia's Jews and burned countless Serbian churches and villages. These Bosnian Muslim recruits rapidly found favor with SS chief Heinrich Himmler, who established a special Mullah Military school in Dresden.
The only condition the Mufti set for his help was that after Hitler won the war, the entire Jewish population in Palestine should be liquidated. After the war, Husseini fled to Switzerland and from there escaped via France to Cairo, were he was warmly received. The Mufti used funds received earlier from the Hilter regime to finance the Nazi-inspired Arab Liberation Army that terrorized Jews in Palestine.
The Arab Embrace of Nazism: Husseini represents the prevalent pro-Nazi posture among the Arab/Muslim world before, during and even after the Holocaust. The Nazi-Arab connection existed even when Adolf Hitler first seized power in Germany in 1933. News of the Nazi takeover was welcomed by the Arab masses with great enthusiasm, as the first congratulatory telegrams Hitler received upon being appointed Chancellor came from the German Consul in Jerusalem, followed by those from several Arab capitals. Soon afterwards, parties that imitated the National Socialists were founded in many Arab lands, like the "Hisb-el-qaumi-el-suri" (PPS) or Social Nationalist Party in Syria. Its leader, Anton Sa'ada, styled himself the Führer of the Syrian nation, and Hitler became known as "Abu Ali" (In Egypt his name was "Muhammed Haidar"). The banner of the PPS displayed the swastika on a black-white background. Later, a Lebanese branch of the PPS – which still receives its orders from Damascus – was involved in the assassination of Lebanese President Pierre Gemayel.
The most influential party that emulated the Nazis was "Young Egypt," which was founded in October 1933. They had storm troopers, torch processions, and literal translations of Nazi slogans – like "One folk, One party, One leader." Nazi anti-Semitism was replicated, with calls to boycott Jewish businesses and physical attacks on Jews. Britain had a bitter experience with this pro-German mood in Egypt, when the official Egyptian government failed to declare war on the Wehrmacht as German troops were about to conquer Alexandria.
After the war, a member of Young Egypt named Gamal Abdul Nasser was among the officers who led the July 1952 revolution in Egypt. Their first act – following in Hitler's footsteps – was to outlaw all other parties. Nasser's Egypt became a safe haven for Nazi war criminals, among them the SS General in charge of the murder of Ukrainian Jewry; he became Nasser's bodyguard and close comrade. Alois Brunner, another senior Nazi war criminal, found shelter in Damascus, where he served for many years as senior adviser to the Syrian general staff and still resides today.
Sami al-Joundi, one of the founders of the ruling Syrian Ba'ath Party, recalls: "We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books... We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism."
These leanings never completely ceased. Hitler's Mein Kampf currently ranks sixth on the best-seller list among Palestinian Arabs. Luis Al-Haj, translator of the Arabic edition, writes glowingly in the preface about how Hitler's "ideology" and his "theories of nationalism, dictatorship and race… are advancing especially within our Arabic States." When Palestinian police first greeted Arafat in the self-rule areas, they offered the infamous Nazi salute - the right arm raised straight and upward.
The PLO and notably Arafat himself do not make a secret of their source of inspiration. The Grand Mufti el-Husseini is venerated as a hero by the PLO. Arafat also considers the Grand Mufti a respected educator and leader, and in 1985 declared it an honor to follow in his footsteps. Little wonder. In 1951, a close relative of the Mufti named Rahman Abdul Rauf el-Qudwa el-Husseini matriculated to the University of Cairo. The student decided to conceal his true identity and enlisted as "Yasser Arafat."