Nazi testimony regarding exterminations [hidden]
N. | 30.10.2002 00:00
[hidden for: Discrimination: posts intending to oppress - using language, imagery, or other forms of communication which promote racism, fascism, xenophobia, sexism, or any other form of discrimination. -F]
The fact file series is intended to present facts of history, free from the polemics and misinformation so often presented in this medium. Hopefully the facts contained herein will serve the cause of truth in history.
The fact file series is intended to present facts of history, free from the polemics and misinformation so often presented in this medium. Hopefully the facts contained herein will serve the cause of truth in history.
Nazi testimony regarding exterminations
Note: The fact file series is intended to present facts of history, free from the polemics and misinformation so often presented in this medium. Hopefully the facts contained herein will serve the cause of truth in history.
Note to educators and students: This fact file presents the actual words and opinions of various members of the Nazi leadership as well as numerous Nazi warÐheroes. The purpose of this presentation is to counter the claims that the Nazi leadership fully acknowledged that plans to extermination the Jews of Europe existed. As is evident from this Fact File, most of the top Nazi leadership claimed to have no knowledge of such plans and showed genuine disbelief at such charges. This Fact File is not totally inclusive. Those quoted may have expressed other opinions at other times and of course other individuals made differing comments.
Don Van Handel (
(Regarding an Allied radio broadcast announcement that the Jews were being exterminated): Really, the Jews should be grateful to me for wanting nothing more than a bit of hard work from them.
Adolf Hitler
In order to put a stop to the epidemics, we were forced to burn the bodies of incalculable numbers of people who been destroyed by disease. We were therefore forced to build crematoria, and on this account they are knotting a noose for us.
ReichsfuehrerÐSS Heinrich Himmler
Well, I knew they were being transported to the East, and understood that they were being set up in camps with their own administration, and eventually would settle somewhere in the East. Ð I don't know. Ð I had no idea that it would lead to extermination in any literal sense. We just wanted to take them out of German political life.
Alfred Rosenberg Ð leading Nazi theoretician
I was never so close to Hitler as to have him express himself to me on [Nazi extermination camps] . I always thought that [concentration camps] were places where people were put to useful work. Those pictures that you showed me yesterday [of Dachau] must depict things that happend in the final few days.
Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering
(After being shown films of Buchenwald:) I don't believe it!
Deputy of the Führer Rudolf Hess
They refuse to believe me when I tell them that I have never even seen a concentration camp. I add that if excesses have been committed they are regrettable and reprehensible, and the real culprits should be punished. I point out that such cruelties have been perpetrated not only by our people, but by all peoples in every age. I remind them of the Boer War. Therefore these excesses must be judged by the same criterion. I cannot imagine that the mounds of corpses depicted in the photographs were taken in concentration camps. I tell them that we have seen such sights, not on film, but in fact, after the air attacks on Dresden and Hamburg and other cities when Allied fourÐengined bombers deluged them indiscriminately with phosphorus and high explosive bombs and countless women and children were massacred.
Hans Ulrich Rudel Ð First and only soldier to be awarded the Golden Oakleaves with Swords and Diamonds to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.
How can they accuse me of knowing of such things? They ask why I didn't go to Himmler to check on the concentration camps. Why that's preposterous! He would have kicked me out just as I would have kicked him out if he came to investigate the navy! What in God's name did I have to do with these things?
Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz
If I had known it I would have told my son, I'd rather shoot you than let you join the SS. But I didn't know.
FieldÐMarshal Wilhelm Keitel
Hitler couldn't even have looked at such a film [documentary film on Nazi concentration camps as they were found by American troops] himself. I don't understand. I don't even think that Himmler could have ordered such things.
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister
Do you think I had the slightest notion about gas wagons and such horrors?
Wilhelm Funk, Finance Minister
I never found out anything about any of this ... [It] is because of newspaper propaganda. I told you when I saw the newspaper headline 'Gas Chamber Expert Captured' and an American lieutenant explained it to me, I was pale with amazement. How can they say such things about me? I told you I was only in charge of the Intelligence Service from 1943 on. The British even admitted that they tried to assassinate me because of thatÐ not because of having anything to do with atrocities, you can be sure of that.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Chief of Police
But for millions of nonÐGermans, the Germans are brutes, capable of anything. That summary judgement, born of invented horrors laid to the Germans in 1914, has remained in the subconscious of the public. Let the occasion arise again, and that mentality is reborn at once, as we saw in 1940Ð1945. Anything at all will be believed if it is charged to the Germans. Whether it's a question of gas chambers in which, to believe the figures of the accusers, the victims would have to have been crowded together thirtyÐtwo persons per square meter twentyÐfour hours a day; or whether a description is being given to you of the crematory furnaces which, if they had to burn up all the bodies assigned to them by the Jewish propaganda, would still be working at full capacity in the year 2050, or even 2080. When it's a matter of denigrating Germans, nothing need be verified.
Leon Degrelle
For the current catalog, with a complete listing of books and audio and video tapes, send one dollar to:
Institute For Historical Review
Post Office Box 2739
Newport Beach, California 92659
Note: The fact file series is intended to present facts of history, free from the polemics and misinformation so often presented in this medium. Hopefully the facts contained herein will serve the cause of truth in history.
Note to educators and students: This fact file presents the actual words and opinions of various members of the Nazi leadership as well as numerous Nazi warÐheroes. The purpose of this presentation is to counter the claims that the Nazi leadership fully acknowledged that plans to extermination the Jews of Europe existed. As is evident from this Fact File, most of the top Nazi leadership claimed to have no knowledge of such plans and showed genuine disbelief at such charges. This Fact File is not totally inclusive. Those quoted may have expressed other opinions at other times and of course other individuals made differing comments.
Don Van Handel (

(Regarding an Allied radio broadcast announcement that the Jews were being exterminated): Really, the Jews should be grateful to me for wanting nothing more than a bit of hard work from them.
Adolf Hitler
In order to put a stop to the epidemics, we were forced to burn the bodies of incalculable numbers of people who been destroyed by disease. We were therefore forced to build crematoria, and on this account they are knotting a noose for us.
ReichsfuehrerÐSS Heinrich Himmler
Well, I knew they were being transported to the East, and understood that they were being set up in camps with their own administration, and eventually would settle somewhere in the East. Ð I don't know. Ð I had no idea that it would lead to extermination in any literal sense. We just wanted to take them out of German political life.
Alfred Rosenberg Ð leading Nazi theoretician
I was never so close to Hitler as to have him express himself to me on [Nazi extermination camps] . I always thought that [concentration camps] were places where people were put to useful work. Those pictures that you showed me yesterday [of Dachau] must depict things that happend in the final few days.
Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering
(After being shown films of Buchenwald:) I don't believe it!
Deputy of the Führer Rudolf Hess
They refuse to believe me when I tell them that I have never even seen a concentration camp. I add that if excesses have been committed they are regrettable and reprehensible, and the real culprits should be punished. I point out that such cruelties have been perpetrated not only by our people, but by all peoples in every age. I remind them of the Boer War. Therefore these excesses must be judged by the same criterion. I cannot imagine that the mounds of corpses depicted in the photographs were taken in concentration camps. I tell them that we have seen such sights, not on film, but in fact, after the air attacks on Dresden and Hamburg and other cities when Allied fourÐengined bombers deluged them indiscriminately with phosphorus and high explosive bombs and countless women and children were massacred.
Hans Ulrich Rudel Ð First and only soldier to be awarded the Golden Oakleaves with Swords and Diamonds to the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross.
How can they accuse me of knowing of such things? They ask why I didn't go to Himmler to check on the concentration camps. Why that's preposterous! He would have kicked me out just as I would have kicked him out if he came to investigate the navy! What in God's name did I have to do with these things?
Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz
If I had known it I would have told my son, I'd rather shoot you than let you join the SS. But I didn't know.
FieldÐMarshal Wilhelm Keitel
Hitler couldn't even have looked at such a film [documentary film on Nazi concentration camps as they were found by American troops] himself. I don't understand. I don't even think that Himmler could have ordered such things.
Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister
Do you think I had the slightest notion about gas wagons and such horrors?
Wilhelm Funk, Finance Minister
I never found out anything about any of this ... [It] is because of newspaper propaganda. I told you when I saw the newspaper headline 'Gas Chamber Expert Captured' and an American lieutenant explained it to me, I was pale with amazement. How can they say such things about me? I told you I was only in charge of the Intelligence Service from 1943 on. The British even admitted that they tried to assassinate me because of thatÐ not because of having anything to do with atrocities, you can be sure of that.
Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Chief of Police
But for millions of nonÐGermans, the Germans are brutes, capable of anything. That summary judgement, born of invented horrors laid to the Germans in 1914, has remained in the subconscious of the public. Let the occasion arise again, and that mentality is reborn at once, as we saw in 1940Ð1945. Anything at all will be believed if it is charged to the Germans. Whether it's a question of gas chambers in which, to believe the figures of the accusers, the victims would have to have been crowded together thirtyÐtwo persons per square meter twentyÐfour hours a day; or whether a description is being given to you of the crematory furnaces which, if they had to burn up all the bodies assigned to them by the Jewish propaganda, would still be working at full capacity in the year 2050, or even 2080. When it's a matter of denigrating Germans, nothing need be verified.
Leon Degrelle
For the current catalog, with a complete listing of books and audio and video tapes, send one dollar to:
Institute For Historical Review
Post Office Box 2739
Newport Beach, California 92659