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dh | 28.10.2002 23:49

The eerie resemblance to an identical Senator assassination two years ago goes completely unmentioned in the media.
by voxfux

America is gripped in a protracted, internal power seizure - this much is certain. The whole world is united against the policies of this shadow American government who has whipped the American people into a war frenzy. Yet it appears that each and every violent act since 911 and including 911 has been perpetrated by Americans, NOT Muslims.

And now, Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone is the latest victim of this clandestine assassination group, racing to consolidate total power in the hands of George Bush.

In my May 25th Article of 2001, I laid out an explicit warning that a Democratic Senator would meet an untimely death by either an Anthrax hit or in a plane crash. (Click here for the article which predicted Wellstone's assassination) This article was written four months prior to the Sept 11th attacks and six months before the anthrax letters to Daschle and Leahy.

Wellstone was assassinated under the exact same circumstances as Mel Carnahan, two years ago. Carnahan the Democrat was beating John Ashcroft, but with just two weeks remaining before election day, Carnahans plane conveniently crashes. It is still not enough for the widely un-popular Ashcroft - When the voters considered the prospects of another six years with this Ashcroft, THE VOTERS VOTED FOR THE DECEASED CARNAHAN (actually his wife) RATHER THAN HAVE ASHCROFT FOR ANOTHER TERM ! [read the entire article]

by voxfux [Link] [71 comments]


We'll folks, it's a shitty world, no doubt about that. But that doesn't mean you have to have a shitty life.
VOXNYC will be bringing you a series of pointers on successfully navigating the oceans of bullshit and lies that comprise the New World Order.

It's a rough and tumble place out there and each of us needs any advantage we can get to protect ourselves and our families from the crushing effects of this world of lies and liars.

Some of the things we will be recommending are not pretty (Like wearing power suits and power ties when dealing with ANY government bureaucrat) but these recommendations are necessary to avoid getting fucked over by the New World Order and the stifling mentality is has brought with it

The, New World Order elite has been fabulously successful in turning neighbor against neighbor, country against country, ideology against ideology. These so called elite are so few in numbers that the ONLY way they have to maintain their power is to diminish ours. It's a zero sum game, which means, the more power we the people have, the less power they, the New World Order elite, have - And that just won’t do.

They have designed it now, so that we do the hard work of maintaining their power for them - We police each other, we fight each other, we kill each other, we snitch on each other, we jail each other. All for them. All so that these aging dying geezers can keep their grip on power. [read the entire article]

by voxfux [Link] [13 comments]




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  1. Dont miss these comments from US citizens — dh