Coverage of Oct. 26 demos in USA (16 MP3 files - click article to see all)
Archive Man | 28.10.2002 06:37
Go here if you want'em:
This is the entire 8 hour show in MP3 format. I will be uploading 16 files in total, and you need to look at the end of the file name so you don't get lost. Pacifica broadcasted many of the speeches from the Washington, D.C. demonstration, as well as interviews by the moderators. About half way through, they attempted to get live coverage of San Francisco. But due to technical difficulties, they could only take listener calls.
Pacifica_Oct26_2002_part1 has the DC program starting at about 2 minutes into the MP3 file.
These files come from KFCF in Fresno, CA -- an affiliate of KPFA. They have an automated system that creates MP3s of whatever they play on the air (and 70% of the time, that's KPFA programming).
Sorry, but I don't have an index or transcript. It took hours to creat and upload these puppies. So, if you listen to them, feel free to write-up a summary of each of the parts you listen to and post that over on the dc indymedia page noted above.
Archive Man

This is the entire 8 hour show in MP3 format. I will be uploading 16 files in total, and you need to look at the end of the file name so you don't get lost. Pacifica broadcasted many of the speeches from the Washington, D.C. demonstration, as well as interviews by the moderators. About half way through, they attempted to get live coverage of San Francisco. But due to technical difficulties, they could only take listener calls.
Pacifica_Oct26_2002_part1 has the DC program starting at about 2 minutes into the MP3 file.
These files come from KFCF in Fresno, CA -- an affiliate of KPFA. They have an automated system that creates MP3s of whatever they play on the air (and 70% of the time, that's KPFA programming).
Sorry, but I don't have an index or transcript. It took hours to creat and upload these puppies. So, if you listen to them, feel free to write-up a summary of each of the parts you listen to and post that over on the dc indymedia page noted above.
Archive Man
Archive Man