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Short Wave Spy Numbers

Tha Lincolnshire Poacher | 28.10.2002 06:13

If you have ever been searching the short-wave band...have you ever came accross strange stations that constantly spout out random numbers at given intervals?

If you have ever been searching the short-wave band...have you ever came accross strange stations that constantly spout out random numbers at given intervals?

If you have you may have come accross one of many numbers stations, believed to be operated by government intelligence agencies. these broadcasts are clandestine and are 'unofficial'. MI6 are believed to be broadcasting a couple of these numbers stations from an RAF base in cyprus, and the broadcasts are believed to be aimed at the middle east. It is pretty obvious that joe public isn't really supposed to know about these broadcasts. Check it out for yourself.

Tha Lincolnshire Poacher


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30.10.2002 09:14

I first ran across mention of short-wave "numbers stations" in a columnn aimed at SWLs in Popular Electronics-

back in the early '70s.

These kinds of transmission have been going on for a very long time; during WWII the BBC broadcast coded messages for resistance personnel in occupied Europe on a regular basis. In fact, the French resistance was alerted to the imminence of D-day by means of two lines from Verlaine's "Chanson d'Automne", broadcast by the BBC on June 1 and June 5, 1944.

The numbers change, but the game stays the same.

The Shnoz