senator's assassination predicted
VOXFUX | 27.10.2002 13:58

> **************************************************
> Democratic Senator to be Assassinated Soon.
> Assassination teams actively preparing hit
> May 25th 2001 - by Voxfux
> .
> Within months, one of a selected group of democratic Senators, likely
> from a state with a Republican Governor, will meet an untimely death.
> The death will appear to be either a plane "accident" or by "natural
> causes," -
> .
> Whichever is most easily accomplished. The reality will in fact be that
> the Senator was one of a group of several Senators (Narrowed down into a
> group of "Selects") targeted for assassination and was the one who was
> in the right place at the right time for the most convenient and clean
> "hit."
> .
> You will see, within in the coming months, for absolutely certainty, the
> untimely death of at least one Democratic Senator, to "rebalance the
> scale".
> .
> The private covert intelligence groups behind George Bush Sr. are
> extraordinarily well funded with petrochemical billions.
> .
> They are deadly, work completely autonomously, in a terrorist formation
> identical to a terrorist organization, and are absolutely religiously
> dedicated to accomplishing their objectives.
> .
> They will not rest until the Senate is under the control once again of
> the darkest force ever to seize control of the American Empire -
> .
> The clandestine industrial / military / intelligence triad who is
> currently represented by George Bush Jr.
> .
> Few have the ability to comprehend the machinations of this dark force.
> It is beyond the scope of our "Journalists." And only a few
> intellectuals still remain who will even dare to approach this grim
> reality. But is a reality.
> .
> This triad will employ cells of ex-military/CIA "cutouts" whose mission
> will be to carefully eliminate one of a selected group of Democratic
> Senators.
> .
> Once, one of the senators is eliminated the mission is complete, the
> tracks get covered, the evidence quickly cleaned up and the history
> books will once again inscribe a lie for all of posterity to suck on.
> .
> And we will never know the true nature of our world and especially the
> dark force which now controls the world and the writing of those history
> books.
> .
> The mission is already underway and several "candidates" are being
> evaluated for extermination.
> .
> The method of elimination is also being evaluated and will be narrowed
> down to one of several choices. One being a carefully planned "plane
> crash." Another is through the delivery of certain biological agents to
> the Senator.
> .
> If the mode of assassination is to be "Natural" causes - then the cause
> of death will almost certainly be by chemical or biological agent
> delivered to the senator by this private covert intelligence group.
> .
> If the Senator dies of a sudden respiratory illness it will most
> assuredly be an Anthrax hit -
> .
> >From a strain of Anthrax manufactured before 1977 (When Bush was ousted
> as CIA Chief). As always careful attention will be paid to limiting
> inquiry into any autopsy or coroner investigations.
> .
> If the premature death event, occurs prior to the next Senatorial
> midterm elections, and is of "natural causes" the Senate must urgently
> resolve to conduct multiple and independent examinations into the ACTUAL
> cause of death, likely to be an anthrax or other chemical or biological
> .
> If the death occurs just prior to the midterm senatorial elections,
> expect it to be in a state with a close race. Expect a "Mel Carnahan"
> style hit.
> .
> If it is a plane crash, the Senate must resolve to assure that Bush
> administration officials are NOT in complete charge of the
> investigation.
> .
> There must be an independent investigative team and evidence of the
> crash must not be allowed to fall into the hands of the intelligence
> services.
> .
> The mission to eliminate one or more of these Senators is assuredly
> underway this very moment. It is now the single most critical mission of
> the current Bush administration.
> .
> Cells will originate in Florida and Texas. Where such operations may
> operate freely and with the complete protection of those respective
> state governments. I suspect there are many cells forming regarding this
> mission.
> .
> Once, any one of the Senators is hit, the mission is terminated and
> there will be NO evidence or any possibility to any serious inquiry.
> .
> They will control the coroner and or the crash site, take possession of
> the body or wreckage (In the name of "National Security.")
> .
> The team making the successful hit will then either move up to the next
> level but more likely than not they themselves will meet an untimely
> death.
> .
> Original Article Archive, May 25th 2001
> .
> Wake up, fight back. Your life is at stake!May 25th 2001
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