The sad truth about Argentina
Carlos Alfonso | 27.10.2002 12:11
Being Argentinian I can tell you. All I can see happening is a fascist coup at anytime. There is absolutely no organisation here, but anarchy. The people are unarmed and have no leadership. There are frequent assassinations and "dissappearances" committed by state agents and the left here are divided. The situation is being overestimated and exploited by trotskyists and anarchists. Please help spread the truth.
Carlos Alfonso
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27.10.2002 12:54
I don't know how really 'anarchist' the events are in Argentina. What I do see however, is people taking matters into their own hands and acting for themselves (which is exactly what anarchists approve of). Yes, the threat of fascism is ever present when people try and take control, as it is used as the last card of the bourgeoisie. So, anyone who thinks the boss class will surrender its privileges without a fight, is dreaming.
But one thing you say is a bit odd, "there's no organisation, just anarchy." You seem to have a misunderstanding about what anarchism is all about Carlos, as anarchy is clearly all about organisation, more so than many other policical standpoints. It's what type of organisation that is the question.
Serge Forward
He's got a point
27.10.2002 15:14
The left historically has not lost by being too extreme, but by not being decisive enough. Can we maybe get away from the adolescent name calling at anyone who questions that getting rid of the police and army just involves everyone doing their own thing? As someone once said, revolution is the most authoritarian act there is. Lets not shirk from that.
I agree
27.10.2002 15:16
The left historically has not lost by being too extreme, but by not being decisive enough. Can we maybe get away from the adolescent name calling at anyone who questions that getting rid of the police and army just involves everyone doing their own thing? As someone once said, revolution is the most authoritarian act there is. Lets not shirk from that.
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This shows how wrong anarchists are!
27.10.2002 20:39
Firstly the Soviet Union faced enormous difficulties on a mamouth scale after the 1917 revolution including a civil war against the White Army and which devastated the economy so much that it led to a famine in which 6 million Russians starved to death. Under those extreme circumstances it is not surprising at all that the Russian revolution failed but it does not invalidate the ideas and teaching of Marx and Lenin who insisted that for a revoltuion to be successful there must be a revolutionary party which will sieze power on behalf and act as the tool for change of the working class.
The chaos and despair that is happening in Argentina now is what happens when the workers enter a revutionary situation without any leadership or a revultionary party to fight for them and to be their voice and tool for change and the establishment of a workers state! Therefore I would urge all revolutionaries to join a revolutionary socialist party to fight for an end to capitalism. It is futile fighting capitalism without having a revolutionary vanguard party to give clear political leadership to the workers!