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The Axis of Evil on Indymedia

United Capitalist Front (UCF) | 27.10.2002 05:34

Counterinsurgency disinformation progress report.

The United Capitalist Front (UCF) is a coalition of right wingers, conservatives and pro-capitalists, working together to divide and conquer the effectiveness of indymedia through disinformation and psychological warfare as counterinsurgency (Stay tuned for updates).

UCF would like to congratulate operatives on their splendid political activity on Indymedia in recent months.

The Axis of Evil on Indymedia as at 10-27-02 are:

* Least threatening ***** Most threatening


Authors &/or organisations:

via ProletarianNews (newswire) **

International Action Center (IAC) ****

Common Dreams News Center *

Rebelion ***

John Pilger **

Narco News Bulletin ****

Carlos Latuff ***

News Agency New Colombia (ANNCOL) *****

School of the Americas Watch (SOA Watch) **

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) ****

Anti- Free Trade Area of the Americas Working Group (Anti-FTAA) **

Militante *****

Strategy: demonization or defamation; isolation when unable to. Corporate media agenda as dominant agenda. Good news, we now know that we are not alone and have not been for sometime now.


Note: Do not attempt to reveal your political standpoints, it deceives the purpose of effective disinformation. A good tactic is to pretend to be "one of them" - thankyou and good luck.

United Capitalist Front (UCF)


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We're really scared....

27.10.2002 07:53

And then, with your 'Secret Sam' Walkie Talkie, your special secret agent briefcase and your Top Secret Codebook, you manage to win the day by undermining the evildoings of Johhny Red. Ha fucking ha!

Go use your head as a pessary, fuckpig.

King Pleb

u wot u wot u wot

27.10.2002 07:54

wot do u mean sorta like ..
don't hate the mafia become the mafia ?

u wot

UCF good idea

27.10.2002 11:10

We really have to do something about the terrorist stronghold in Colombia. But that shouldn't be too hard because most people on indymedia are anti-communists anyway comprising of mainly reactionaries and liberals and have bought the corporate media's version of the civil war.

Mr. Heins


28.10.2002 05:34

Mr Heins....we are not all reactionaries!!!! And we are a mix of all leftists and radicals, anarchists, socialists, communists against war and imperialism....We know bloody well what's going on in Colombia...and it's only a matter of time until everybody else does!! It's bigger than Iraq because there's oil, drugs, and an emerging region of resistance against US domination along with Venezuela, Argetina and Brazil!!!

Colombian workers and peasants need our support!!!!


Graham Arnold