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comments on indymedia

googlism | 26.10.2002 10:21


indymedia is up
indymedia is
indymedia is two years old
indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations
indymedia is that it will be an open publishing system
indymedia is a collective of independent media groups and producers offering grassroots
indymedia is a democratic newswire
indymedia is a series dedicated to giving front
indymedia is running a deficit and needs your help by russ rybicki
indymedia is in principle responsible for any content that has been published with its help
indymedia is involved in a number of different projects to inform and empower people and to develop new ways of living
indymedia is an imc for the southern cascadia region of turtle island
indymedia is an open publishing site
indymedia is found at the global imc site
indymedia is you
indymedia is an outlet for the creation of radical
indymedia is a collective of independent media ogranizations and hundreds of journalists offering
indymedia is een website dat openstaat voor publikaties
indymedia is proposing to be a new form of media altogether ? one that places emphasis on participation over profits
indymedia is there in ramalla
indymedia is er ook repressie tegen vele imcs
indymedia is nieuwswaarde
indymedia is hosted by the re
indymedia is online by enda 11
indymedia is coming from
indymedia is currently working on a mission/values statement that will be broad enough to allow all local imcs to sign on to it while still retaining
indymedia is a democratic media outlet for the creation of radical
indymedia is hardly different from the rest of the internet
indymedia is opgericht door een paar mensen uit het onafhankelijke circuit
indymedia is that it is only on the internet
indymedia is an independent
indymedia is initiating monthly public screenings of the newreal starting this sunday
indymedia is built on content generated from the ground up
indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of
indymedia is an open
indymedia is a planetwide
indymedia is an example using the internet
indymedia is a collective of independent and alternative media activists and organizations offering
indymedia is all about
indymedia is now
indymedia is een collectief van media
indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering
indymedia is a thriving organization composed of hundreds of activists from around the world who communicate regularly via e
indymedia is erroneous; some of the information is dangerous
indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and journalists offering grassroots non
indymedia is a collective of independent and alternative media activists and organizations offering grassroots
indymedia is a collective of independent media ogranizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots
indymedia is a global media network offering grassroots
indymedia is celebrating it's 2nd birthday
indymedia is a collective of journalists offering grassroots
indymedia is news
indymedia is already a reality after months and loads of effort
indymedia is speaking now
indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds
indymedia is het algemene internationale chatkanaal
indymedia is a collective of independent media organizations and hundreds of journalists offering grassroots
indymedia is a network of people working on communication
indymedia is doing
indymedia is a resource to report about resistance against this and many other issues
indymedia is not a brand
indymedia is web
indymedia is a non
indymedia is een ongekend goedkoop middel om die andere visie aan bod te laten komen
indymedia is that it did not have an imc
indymedia is being used to advance anti
indymedia is offering a series of five workshops over three weekends in intro to indymedia
indymedia is a
indymedia is a collective of
indymedia is based on donated work by individuals



Hide the following 3 comments


26.10.2002 10:50

Wouldn´t it be more sensible to contribute with some kind of discursive expression of human reasoning? You´re doing no one a favor wasting people´s time this way.


Indymedia is

26.10.2002 13:13

Indymedia is becoming a do-it -yourself Guardian !
Indymedia can only reflect the state of the movement, so
Indymedia is losing its way, because the whole movement is losing its way

He who wrote this


26.10.2002 23:25

I forgot what I was going to say, but even by giving utterence to this line of thought, I´ve succeded in expressing a more sensible opinion than you have.
