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us .domination

shugmcc | 25.10.2002 19:39

the Romans have not gone away "ye know!

us .domination
us .domination



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so what's your point?

25.10.2002 23:31

so what's your point?...oh--i see.

it'd be nice if more US citizens see it from this angle, but since their 'anger' and 'rage' is being programmed into them (or since they are allowing it to be), they can only think about what's relevant for the here and now that the controllers are forcing them to think in terms of. that is, only iraq matters now and after we crush them, *then* it's on to the next "terrorist" threat, but not before then.

it appears that the idea is "follow the leader" (gw bush) not take a step back and take a good look at what kind of "leader(s)" you're following.

f0reverneverm0re (pdx-imc)

good poster

26.10.2002 04:49

good poster. It is about US domination. All this talk of the possible war in Iraq just being about oil is just anarchist and radical liberal political naivity. Sure, oil is a major factor, but these voices do not really want to see imperialism fought and are doing nothing to resist it. Oil, yeah, and?????? I'm glad these voices are not the most influential actors in the world anti-capitalist resistance. Keep yapping away on indymedia that's all all you lot are good for.


Has IM become a teen radicalist playground?

26.10.2002 09:14

Please explain how the most dominant and powerful nations should act in order to stop dominating the world. Six billion people are waiting for YOUR answer!
