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Anti-War Graffiti Day October 30th

Harlequin | 25.10.2002 17:33

On the night of October 30th go out and paint the your town with anti-war slogans in protest at the coming war with Iraq!

As a start up to the national anti-war day of action on Thursday the 31st of October, the evening and night of October 30th is anti-war graffiti day. Paint anti-war slogans all over your town and along busy road, railway lines and army recruiting offices. Slogans like "No war but the class war" and "No war on Iraq" or simialr slogans. Then on Thurday the 31st of October everyone will see these slogans across the country as they are going to work or about there business and know that today is the national day of action against Iraq. This will inspire more people to take part in the day of civil disobience and join the protests.



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counterproductive ?

25.10.2002 19:14

probably do more harm than good ..


Not Counterproductive!!

25.10.2002 19:30

Don't know why Painter should say that - the whole idea of the day is 'Acts of Civil Disobedience'. I think that if advertising hoardings were the main targets of this graffiti then no-one would be particularly bothered about the 'damage' and yet the message will be spread. Date the graffiti and put up info too - "Halloween Anti-War Rally Parliament 5.30"
would do the trick for instance.

If everyone went out and did a few of these each, there would be mass advertising coverage of the demo and this is obviously effective otherwise business wouldn't bother advertising would it?

Great idea - please everyone do your bit


On the subject of graffiti

25.10.2002 21:46

There has been a lot of anti-war graffiti appearing along the Keele University campus of late, on the library, and on the paths on at least two of the halls of residence. Don't know who is doing it though.

Thomas J


26.10.2002 05:58

IF, people stick to advertising hoardings , cool .
but if they start painting private houses and walls,
it's like smashing local shop windows and working
class cars at demo's ..


Getting people involved

26.10.2002 12:02

Harlequin, if you really want to "inspire more people to take part" in this day of action, then I don't think that clouding the issue with the theme of "Class War" is really going to help bring people in. If you were at the huge anti-war demo in September you wil have noticed that there were people there from ALL walks of life, and many were probably members of the very class system that you oppose. For all you know, I myself may also oppose the Class system.

The reason that I do not mention my own stance on this particular subject is because I have managed to refrain from bringing my own wheelbarrow of agendas into this issue. Right now it is not relevant. It is a pity that you could not restrain yourself in a similar way.

Yes, yes, I know that the class system has a lot to answer for, and yes maybe it is partly / completely due to this that we now witness this ego-driven, power-driven bid for Iraq, but lets try and leave these issues at home for now, or at least air them here or on other discussion boards, not use them as a rallying call to.. um, potential Class War members?

This is not a working class opposition. No, it is the opposition of anyone with a shred of common sense

Other than that, I think it sounds like a great idea.. I'll certainly do it, maybe paint the end terrace wall. I won't be smashing up no cars though, rich or poor.


The Propaganda war has been won

26.10.2002 12:53

The propaganda war has been won already. The majority of the UK popn are behind us. If we want to do economic damage to the economy to send a clear message, do disruption of the capitalist machine - Put a spanner in the war works. Blockade roads, stop trains, stop buses, stop schools. That'll send a message.


The best places are along major roads!

26.10.2002 16:20

The best places to put anti-war graffiti are along busy roads and railways so that a lot of people will see it. Army recuiting offices are fair game as well. For private buildings flyposting is better as it is easier to remove than graffiti and so wont piss off the owners as much. Pedestrian subways are excellent places as well as it is quite easy to put graffiti in then without been seen doing it as are canal banks. Banners with anti-war slogans can also be hung over motorway bridges as well. This carrys no risk to the people doing it either.

The no war but the class war slogan is not clouding the issue as we need to link the struggle against the war with the struggle aganist things like privatisation and the wider class struggle. A good idea would be to leaflet Fire Brigade pickets during the Fire Brigades strike next week with anti-war leaflets that explain that the government is willing to spend billions of pounds on another war but wont pay higher wages to people in vital public services.
