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License To Kill

Viv | 25.10.2002 13:11

Injustice - A Reminder.
Hundreds of people have died in police custody since the late 60's. Every one of you is at risk of a fatal 'accident' or 'misadventure' at police hands. (article 1)

License To Kill
License To Kill

The now famous film 'Injustice' was screened in a local cinema (Leamington Spa, midlands) last night.
It was followed, as always, by the chance to ask questions of a member of one of the families affected, and the film-maker.
It is a huge credit to the families that they have found the energy to continue campaigning constructively. It is also incumbent upon us to campaign alongside them, in addition to them, to stem the tide of police brutality.
The international community is quick to demonise regimes such as that in Iraq, forgetting that this first-world European nation with all its advantages still effectively licenses its police force to kill its own citizens. There has been one case only of police being convicted of brutality, and that was in 1969. Every single case since then, including all the cases where the court has returned a verdict of Unlawful Killing against the police, has not been pursued by the Crown Prosecution Service.
We have all heard of 'secret police' and 'disappearances' in places like Haiti, South American and African countries. Exactly the same is happening here, and we are all at risk.
There is a rally at Trafalgar Square on the 26th October 2002, 1pm in remembrance of all those who have been killed. Please come along.

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