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massive fraud in New Labour Britain

concernerdz | 25.10.2002 10:57

massive fraud has been unearthed by the audit commision into Individual Learning Accounts.

massive fraud has been unearthed by the audit commision into Individual Learning Accounts. Yet who will be accountable for this disaster, which many members of the public could see coming? the Tories, don't make me laugh! All the govts job creation programmes, training schemes,etc are open to/are being milked by fraudsters and complicit with big business, as was the case under the Tories who gave massive subsidies/pay offs to their friend in the city etc.. Now the Socialist Alliance is imploding, the last chance for some genuine scrutiny of such disgusting practices may have gone.

Then again mny activists on indymedia do not give a shit about such 'bread and butter issues affecting the poorest, most vulnerable in or society, no, save the .....instead...



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25.10.2002 11:28

this is the first proclamation of one who titles himself auntie bitch - I hereby declare STOP! all your stupid in-fighting, bickering and bitchy comments, people of indy media - you have got better things to do. Go to your work in peace and harmony. NOW.

Auntie bitch