Sainsbury's anti-union activities in USA
From Boston | 23.10.2002 21:51
Sainsburys in the UK owns Massachusetts super market chain Shaws/Star Market where it obstructs attempts by workers to organise...
Sep 28 2002
"Shop-In" for Shaw's Workers--and Janitors
On September 28, twenty shoppers participated in a "shop-in" at the Shaw's/Star Market near MIT. The shoppers wore bright yellow T-shirts reading "We support Shaw's/Star Workers Right To Organize". The UFCW is in the middle of a one-year-old campaign to organize 5,500 workers at 44 Shaw's and Star Markets (both owned by Sainsbury) throughout the state. Star Market refuses to hire workers full-time, making them ineligible for benefits, even though they work thirty to thirty-five hours per week. The company has also held intimidating meetings at which they tell workers that joining a union is a bad idea
Sep 28 2002
"Shop-In" for Shaw's Workers--and Janitors
On September 28, twenty shoppers participated in a "shop-in" at the Shaw's/Star Market near MIT. The shoppers wore bright yellow T-shirts reading "We support Shaw's/Star Workers Right To Organize". The UFCW is in the middle of a one-year-old campaign to organize 5,500 workers at 44 Shaw's and Star Markets (both owned by Sainsbury) throughout the state. Star Market refuses to hire workers full-time, making them ineligible for benefits, even though they work thirty to thirty-five hours per week. The company has also held intimidating meetings at which they tell workers that joining a union is a bad idea
From Boston