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Thatchers death: planning ahead

Just ;-) | 22.10.2002 21:40

Thatchers imminent death. Ideas invited for celebration gatherings.

I just thought I would start this thread in a hope that it will start some kind of co-ordination and planning for a joyous event that surely cannot be far off.

As I'm sure we're all aware, Thatcher cannot have much time left on this earth and her passing wil be a day of celebration for thousands, if not millions of people up and down the country. Everyone I have spoken to in the past few years has said that they will be having a party of some kind.

What I think would be fanastic is if there was some sort of co-ordination, or at least an agreed meeting/party point for when that day comes. It would show that the people of the UK have not forgotten how evil this woman was and that while we may have been unable to counter a lot of her policies, we sure are able to spoil her funeral.

The tv will be full of retrospectives and apologist obituaries trying to excuse and justify all that her and her government have done. What better time to remind ourselves of the truth?

OK, so what are the options?
Well, I've had a few, ranging from hijacking the funeral procession, to having a mass "grave-pissing". Or what about a sound system outside the graveyard?

I'm sure that everyone could come up with some good ideas, perhaps somewhat more creative than mine;-)

One thing that I feel is very important is that everyone is ready to go at a moments notice. This could after all happen at any time! Perhaps a simple but effective gathering with no complicated props would be the way to go?

Your thoughts please.......

(ps. while I realise that this is not, strictly speaking, a news article, I think it will be soon and we should get on the case now)

Just ;-)


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this is fucking ghoulish !!!!

23.10.2002 05:56

I suggest a week long festival something like the east anglian arts council fairs, that were so brilliant before the old bitch came in and slashed the grants to all the subversive theatre groups, cliffhanger and simla ..


"It is time to Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!"

23.10.2002 09:58

I don't think 'evil' is a particularly meaningful adjective. It's usually used as a cover for rational argument and in this case there's no need.

Thatcher was a vile prime minister, maybe even worse than Blair (pushing it I know). She was (at least as far as I can tell) human and was a social being: mother, partner etc. Unless her funeral is exploited by the right as a political event I can't see any justification for fucking it up. Dehumanising her relatives/friends etc. is resorting to her level of tabloid morality. Celebrate when she dies but not because she has lost her life. The time and justification for celebration is when she looses her power to impose her immorality or her ideas loose their power. I accept she still has power while a rational thinking being and so her death may be reason to celebrate.

Ideas and the misuse of power are to be condemed not the essential humanity of people. Celebrating her death is no more moral than the half witted (Euro-)American (settler)'s who celebrate outside the execution chambers in the US. They would be right to celebrate when a murder renounces his actions and apologises but they don't.

Falklands Solider

Fuck morality, let's dance!

23.10.2002 10:27

Come on, Falklands Soldier, get with the beat. Don't be such a spoilsport.

But seriously(ish), folks, it could be used as means to highlight the evils (theres that word again) of parliamentary so-called democracy.

A symbolic funeral for capital and state on the same day as the funeral of one of the most vicious exponents of state capitalism? A funeral heralding the coming social revolution that will do away with the Thatchers and Blairs forever?

excitable ghoulist

War Criminal

23.10.2002 10:30

She sank the Belgrano and murdered tens of thousands of Argentinians and British troops, to boost her warlike popularity! Her's was the first leadership under which families were housed in B&B accomodation because Council Housing was sold off and homeless single folk were booted out into the street, they are still there! She enforced the evil Medieval poll tax (now Council Tax) She privatised the railways resulting in Railtracks legacy of death on the tracks, without culpability. She recruited all the police who are now busted for padophilia, her Cabinet was immersed in sleaze. Death is too good for her.


Evil Thatcher

23.10.2002 11:30

I met Thatcher back in 1993 and can honestly say he is the most frightening and evil person I have ever met. Her watery light blue eyes and tiny pupils can really fixate you while her immense blonde mane towers above the crowd, like some kind of beacon. I am not taken to religious sentiment, but I believe the women is possessed by evil spirits. She is eaten away with evil. The only other person I have met with a similar persona is Norman Tebbit, who has so much dust collected in the wrinkles of his grey leathery skin that you can see swarms of dust mites crawling under his face.

Yes, there should be a mass celebration of Thatcher's death. Why should the dead be redeemed simply because they are dead?


So . . .

23.10.2002 14:18

We had this debate when the Queen Mum died and no one did anything. In that case any direct action targeting the funeral would have been monumentally unpopular. However, there is likely to be widespread working class support for an "attack" on Thatcher's funeral. So let's discuss the logistics.

It would be very unwise for activists to start a discussion group or hold planning meetings. There is a strong likelihood of such meetings becoming infiltrated by cops and agents.

The best thing is to discuss your plans with people you implicitly trust and NO ONE ELSE. Form affinity groups in twos or threes and plan your own individual actions. You might want to consider something as simple as a banner drop on the roadside or a fake wreath with a rude message thrown at the hearse as it passes by. Remember that there will be about 10,000 cops on duty and any attempt to actually run out in the road and stop the procession will probably result in you getting arrested for Violent Disorder or some other such ludicrous charge.

It doesn't take anything serious to disrupt the mass media spectacle. Anything is better than nothing. Getting your protest on the evening news, however small, is an achievement.

Trade Unionist

we are all thatchers children

23.10.2002 21:20

amusing dan... are you perhaps taking anti psychotic medications... dust crawling under peoples skin? wtf? your a mentalist.



24.10.2002 14:34

No, Dan's right. I've met Norman T too and he does actually have dust mites crawling around in those great big bags - nay, sacks - under his eyes.

anx puppies

Dan's DEFINITELY right.

26.10.2002 12:43

I've seen Mags in the "flesh" too; we actually made eye contact and I could feel the life force being sucked out of me. I came away believing that David Icke might even be right about the shapeshifting lizards schtick. What I saw that day DEFINITELY wasn't human, although it was strangely familiar....

....I realised exactly why later that day, watching the Simpsons. Margaret Thatcher is Montgomery Burns in a wig!

Sean Knighton

when thatch shuffles

23.10.2004 17:38

My suggestion, are a country wide fire work display
starting at midnight on the welcome day of her demise

Dave thomas