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nationwide activities for the 31st

documentary | 22.10.2002 11:32

lots happening around the country, even accounting for the
swp hyperbole

lots happening around the country, even accounting for the SP hyperbole.

After this magnificent demonstration

Make 31 Oct a day to stop war

GEORGE W Bush's press secretary said last week, "If the UN fails to act against Iraq we will work with our coalition." There is only one leader who the White House can point to as loyally backing the war drive-Tony Blair. It would be a great blow against war if Blair had to pull back from supporting Bush.

So what the anti-war movement does in Britain can make a real difference. The 400,000-strong demo in London organised by the Stop the War Coalition and the Muslim Association of Britain was a landmark in British politics. The Coalition has called for Thursday 31 October to be "Don't Attack Iraq Day". From Bangor to Broadstairs, from Stratford-upon- Avon to Dundee, towns and cities across Britain are planning protests.

They will range from college occupations to meetings, protests and walkouts in workplaces to blockading roads, street theatre to showing a video. In some workplaces simply asking groups of people to wear anti-war badges can transform the atmosphere. Already there are many events organised.

Activists in Birmingham will meet early in the day and drop banners with an anti-war message off bridges around the town. In Dulwich, south London, campaigners will leaflet schools in the morning and then hold a candle-lit procession and a video showing in the evening. Campaigners in Huddersfield were so uplifted by the 28 September demonstration that they held a local protest last Saturday. Around 150 people took part in a loud march that defied pouring rain.

One activist has made a video of the London demo, and plans to show it round workplaces and colleges in the town to build support for 31 October. Over 120 people turned up to an anti-war meeting in the small town of Ullapool in the Scottish Highlands a few days after the march.

In Rawtenstall, a small town near Burnley, three people who had been on the London march decided to show the Not In My Name video to launch a local group. They put posters around local shops and leafleted the mosque. On the night 50 people, young and old, Asian and white, turned up.

They are now planning more activities for the day of action, while in Burnley a march is planned to set off from the Peace Gardens at 5.30pm. Simon from Nottingham told Socialist Worker, "We are discussing walkouts, a street cavalcade with speakers and face painting for kids, and a die-in."

A lecturer at Westminster University in London told Socialist Worker, "After a lecture on ethics I told the students I opposed the war. They broke out in applause. It's the first time that's ever happened to me." He has set up an anti-war group at the university.

In Cambridge a rally is due to be addressed by a district secretary from the firefighters' FBU union. In Hull, as 31 October is Halloween, activists are planning to demonstrate wearing skeleton masks.

Richard Searle, the communications officer for the Manchester Stop the War Coalition, told Socialist Worker, "We are producing 30,000 leaflets and 4,000 posters to advertise the whole range of activities being planned for 31 October. We are holding a rally with George Galloway and John Rees to build for teach-ins, rallies, petitioning and demos. Workplace anti-war groups have been set up, for example in Hope Hospital in Salford."

Lynne, a health worker at Selly Oak hospital in Birmingham, told Socialist Worker, "I am hoping to show the Not In My Name video, and I know about ten other workers will help me organise it." Megan works at a London publishers.

She says setting up the anti-war group was easy, even though no union is recognised: "It began on the anniversary of 11 September. There was a big debate about whether a minute's silence should also mark the deaths in Afghanistan. There are now 12 people involved, circulating articles to each other. In the run-up to the demo on 28 September we leafleted the local tube. In the run-up to 31 October we are planning more leafleting and hope to join the media workers' protest and march."

Tube Workers Against the War have issued a special badge and are encouraging tube workers to wear them on the day of action. Anti-war activity is sweeping across the colleges with occupations and teach-ins being discussed in many universities.

Ian from SOAS in central London told Socialist Worker, "Last Saturday around 250 students and staff came to a fantastic teach-in against the war with a range of speakers. After the general debates there was a special session held for student activists to discuss taking direct action on 31 October. The closing rally gave support for college occupations, and called on students and staff in London to march to Westminster in the evening to protest against Tony Blair's pro-war position."

Students from London universities have set up a London Student Stop the War Coalition, and plan a wave of occupations, teach-ins and the London march. The London School of Economics is buzzing. Students have already met to plan their occupation.

For more information on how to get involved in activities in your area phone the Stop the War Coalition on 020 7053 2155 or visit




Hide the following 6 comments

a chance to do your own thing

22.10.2002 12:30

I designed and printed 2000 small posters to go in people's windows. I took them into the centre of Brighton on 2 consecutive Friday lunchimes and asked people to *take* them. All are gone, hopefully now up in peoples front windows.

The conclusion I drew from this is ordinary people (ok ordinary Brightonians) are very enthusiastic about showing their opposition to the comming war, they just need oportunities to do so.

I don't think many of these people would normally attend a demo, so I guess its time to be a bit more creative. There is at least a thirst for window posters and car stickers that needs filling. All mine said was 'Bomb Iraq? Not in my name!'


Stop the killing

22.10.2002 13:02

Yes local action everywhere. That is the way forward.
Remember how the last London Anti war march was given contradictory coverage in the media circus.
Sky news (of all the people) counted 400 000.
BBC counted 140 000.
It is not about numbers anyway -- rather effectiveness.
The media circus' reports the day after the last anti war protest highlighted the sorry state of corrupt journalism in the UK. The day after every one was reading how charming one Major, Jhon was.
The protests have to rekindle the dying humanity in every UK citizen. Otherwise it is best (more effective) not to protest and highlight! the death of humanity in this cursed part of the planet.
Remember UNICEF claims that every eight minutes a child dies in Iraq due to the direct effect of the barbaric sanctions.
The crumbling capitalist system need this looming war on Iraq for its survival
-- what type of sick peole are these?!!

Global netizen

Send your reports of actions to Indymedia

22.10.2002 13:40

If you do an action write up a report - take a nice pic - and send it to this newswire - then we can write up a feature that shows how many things happened around the country.



22.10.2002 14:26

I was planning to douse myself in fuel outside Buckingham Palace and light a beacon of hope, but I'm boycotting Her Majesty's British Petroleum for coveting Iraqi oil. Pity..

Hardy har-Har

Let's set up checkpoints!

22.10.2002 16:10

The Palestinian people have to put up with horrific roadblocks all the time, so why not put some up in towns, colleges, etc.

I heard someone at LSE proposed this but was told no by SWP who wanted a 'teach-in' with SWP talkers.

Let's get on the streets!!!!

mail e-mail: .
- Homepage: .

Action in Brighton

23.10.2002 09:45

Action in Brighton, meet 31st Otober 5.30pm at the War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton.

Stop the City