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Why share all things together?

Rick | 21.10.2002 10:00

Why we should share all things together

Sharing together
We are all humans. We all come from the same source. Namely, nature self. If we are all humans. Then we are brothers and sisters from each other. We are all on Earth to help nature. By learning. And to help each other. Is there a word for this? Yes, socialism. So we live in socialism and we help each other. And nature. Of course, we have to want this ourselves. Now we can really speak of a society. However?

We live together, so we also share everything together. So, everything is of everybody. So it will be necessary. That all things are free. And, that one knows his / her own responsibilities. There is enough for everyones need. But not for everyones having desires.

We decide our own lifes self. No-one else can do that for you. Also for this, exist a law of nature: what you do not want happen to you, do not do that to an other. Or something. Because also nature is a living entity. And Earth. And the rest of the universe. Everything what one does to someone else. Will also happen to you. Now, or in your future.


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  1. much of this is self- evident — tyhrifyhgilfr