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They Didn’t Steal the Election to Fix the Economy, Stupid

Lloyd Hart | 21.10.2002 00:25

The Bush Regime dosen’t care about the economy and for several reasons, all of them dealing directly with their future maintained monopolistic control of the economy.

They Didn’t Steal the Election to Fix the Economy, Stupid

By Lloyd Hart

The Bush Regime dosen’t care about the economy and for several reasons, all of them dealing directly with their future maintained monopolistic control of the economy. One of the very important side effects of the supposed lack of interest in the economy is when you have high unemployment you can lower the standards upon which people are hired and fired. Just as with the corporate sector in the early 1990s laying off middle management and then hiring them back as independent contractors at lower salaries and without benefits. Then of course comes the central kicker of this Don't Ask Don't Tell wizard of oz routine of the Bush regime is that you can't have a WAR IS GOOD for the economy program if the new economy is successful. This time round the conservative elite’s (goons) are attempting to launch a larger bid for global mastery and want to hire in all their loyal cronies into a cabal in the federal government that they finally agreed to call the dept. of homeland security as they are complete failures economically, as we recently found out. There is another spin off of high unemployment besides lower wages and benefits. The conservative mad hatter tink tanks have recently rolled out the discussion about the military draft revealing some more of their lead poisoned intentions. Several tink tank wing nuts and pundits, in frustrated debates with liberals on prime time TV have revealed the actual goals of the Iraq Campaign which is to destabilize the entire region thus sparking a greater war and then control of the entire strategic oil supply. As the economics of diminishing returns on a dying planet looms over our heads the conservative elite's are going for broke.

Now you might say that the sixties was one of the greatest economic growth periods of the last hundred years, the military draft was in play and lower unemployment was the norm. There was however the institution that was under construction since 1917 and entrenched after WWII of “the commie is about to rape and pillage your daughters and your homes and then nuke the crap out of ya”. By the time the sixties rolled in people were so dizzy with the anti commie rhetoric and the economic bonanza here at home that they hardly noticed that their sons and daughters were missing until of course they came home in body bags or as basket cases. We have just witnessed one of those basket cases Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts who miraculously change stripes from peacenik to war monger in an apparent flash back to when he was preparing to go to war in Vietnam. Poor guy, didn’t know what hit him. But when you look at the build up to WWII, large bodies of men were made destitute in unprecedented numbers by the collapse of the US economy and then conscripted into terrible working and living conditions at slave labor wages by the NEW DEAL and then drafted into the BIG SHOW, WWII, America's bid for mastery of the European and Asian Economies. Which by the way succeeded in not only putting Europe and Japan under the control of the US economic monster the Post War Planning Committee chaired by David Rockafeller, John D. Jr.'s son, which later became the Trilateral Commission, (Why stop this very profitable program) but also got rid of some of the Robber Baron's pet peeves the Jews and the left wing. When the economy is stagnant, rape and pillage your friends and neighbors by enlisting the sons and daughters of the unwashed and ignorant masses. Yes, they are attempting the WWII model.

This time around the conservative elite’s don’t have a European hostage to save that they created through their proxy thug Hitler and their temporary proxy thug Stalen whom they used to put down the Hitler proxy thug while then pitting the European Hostage as a proxy thug back toward the temporary Stalen proxy thug thus creating a cold war and of course all the little hot wars which Vietnam was one of, making enormous profits for their little cottage industry, war. No, no, no, the hostage this time is everyone.

This time around everyone is unsafe. There is no front line, no nuclear detante (except with Israel, Pakistan, India, Russia, China and now N. Korea) , no negotiations. No matter where you are, you are unsafe and therefore who cares about human rights until you feel safe again. And if your are safe your not with us. You would have to become a balance on your nose, feet in the air lama bama do goodie guru to unravel this twisted logic in order to feel safe after living your life in the depth of the extremely sheltered American suburb.

So the boogie man this time around is the oil rich Arabs Terroristsssssss, the greater Muslim world and their evil hidden cells of proxy evil doers. Well fuck me if they didn’t pull it off. Of course they only pulled it off in America (that’s all they need) and with an array of despots around the world that like this game as means to get rid of their own pesky terrorists/freedom fighters. The rest of the world is on the verge of vomiting at what they are expected to go along with. This is why the goons feel A OK about proposing a new round of forced military conscription, the war is a long war. We don’t know when it will end and the enemy is a giant monolithic dark skinned monster who send their children strapped with bombs and jet planes into your cities. So give us one or two of your children so you can feel safe again as the goons in the pentagram, I mean Pentagon set up another satanic blood ritual, I mean war. Now that Mohammed has been labeled a terrorist by the grand poobah of the goon culture in America, Jerky Fuckhell, I mean Jerry Falwell, the game is set in the phonics of moronic spooge.

The fact is the economy actually never really truly recovered from the last orgy of rape and pillage the first world exacted on the third world in the eighties. But like a good soldier Alan Greenspan on orders from Heir Bush the First, popped the tech bubble before election 2000 by raising the short term interest rates to bazaar highs and then saying disparaging remarks about the most important development in human history, the tech boom. The tech boom, as it relates to the fact that humans can communicate instantly all around the earth hinged on the two most important American words, cheap and easy. This development is the most threatening of all to the conservative elite’s because lies are less likely to be under their monopolistic control as every form of modern media can travel this web that was once the exclusive domain of the military industrial complex. By weakening the economy prior to the election, the goons thought they could narrow the margin by which they would have to steal the election and head for their greater goal, world domination.

And of course the goons thinking is that once the dust settles on the coup they’ll be in complete control of the world’s strategic oil supply (the very fuel of the global economy) through all new proxy thugs dancing the thin vail of democracy in front of the coddled America public. Or as the goons call us “The unruly mob”. I have unruly ass crack hair but my mind is pretty sturdy.

So the economy is the last thing they are thinking of right now because they need every dickless goon on deck arranging the future according to their little goon minds. Get rid of the over priced Taliban and build a pipeline, get rid Chavez and the FARC and privatise Venezuela and Colombia, privatize the Arab state controlled oil fields and hey, maybe even share a little of the spoils of war with British Petroleum and few other hanger ons, you know the Russians. Forget about fixing our social, economic and environmental problems, the goon mind set can’t deal with three dimensional thought processes. Why bother dealing with the real issues when you can invent new ones thanks to all these weapons and trained and personnel laying about. And let us not forget the ungrateful young folk protesting in the streets, draft em early and by the many. That’ll shut em up.

As long as the conservative elite's have monopolistic control the strategic oil supply no large scale revolution against the first world by the Brown people will be successful and surgical strikes against the leaders of the wanting to middle class and just damn well survive brown people should take care of any attempts of the Brown people to organize a cohesive front that would prevent their resources from continuing to flow into the greedy and I might add bloody but manicured hands of the white people. Or at least so the goon thinking goes.

We have now entered a state of military enforced neo-liberal economic policy (not that there ever was anything else going on) in a direct reaction to the Brown people's suffering CIA reported food and water shortages at crisis levels which scares the crap out of the goons, who aren't used to sharing anything with any one let alone someone with brown skin. Fortunately for us though, these goons are actually a minority in terms of numbers in the world and in the end we will kick their ass. But in the mean time what damage will they exact upon us while they go ahead with their goon dreams. If everything around us becomes a security issue how can an economy even survive the overhead. You can say good buy to social services and entitlement programs. And civil liberties? Hah, can't afford that. Left wing activists? Can't afford to have them around. To many people, got to get rid of them. At least Jerry Falwell and the fucked in the head, make the book of revelations come true at all costs, christian right is giving the Jews a chance to convert before they kill them, oh yeah, in the name of god.

Lets face it the economy has no bearing what so ever in the goon mind set that has taken over the White House and considering there is no real opposition left in the congress, how the hell are they going to make the economy the issue this election season when they and wall st. keep voting for economy breaking tax cuts and fuck you all war resolutions right along with the goons. The goons will be in complete control of the economy at the oil well, the goon wet dream and we will be gasping for air. I understand that can be pretty kinky, you know being a gasper.

Lloyd Hart reporting from the world's largest open air asylum for worn Liberal Elite's, Martha's Vineyard.

Lloyd Hart
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