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Comment about the Elections in Brazil.

Zé Bedeu | 20.10.2002 18:09

Excuse me, for my grammatical mistakes, but, I don't know how to speak English correctly

As we know the 2nd shift in the presidential dispute in Brazil will be among Lula (PT) and José Serra (PSDB), both on these 21 days that separate the two shifts are running behind new allies and of repairing some mistakes committed in the 1st shift, they also look for to consolidate the votes in the areas where were well voted for and to recover in those in they had weak actings

PSDB, party of the current President (Fernando Henrique) search to consolidate their old allies of the government base (PFL, PPB and PMDB), only that that is being very difficult see: in the first shift PSDB of the State of Ceará supported candidate Ciro Gomes (PPS), that it was already Governor of Ceará and he is the largest political leader's of the State of Ceará personal friend, Tasso Jereissati (that Senator was chosen by Ceará). Tasso tried to argue with Mountain the indication the presidential dispute for PSDB, but, it was won by the inhabitant from São Paulo (PSDB is very strong in São Paulo, it is there where they are the great names of the party). Then, the fact of being friend of Ciro and of it being impeded of disputing the presidency he did with that Tasso in the first shift supported Labor front candidate (PPS, PDT and PTB). But, now in the second shift Tasso declared support the Mountain.

PFL, that had a candidate in potential for the dispute, was impeded of indicating her, due an accusation still no very select, that candidate was Roseana Sarney, former-president's José Sarney daughter, second is commented on was a prepared frame for the Federal Government, that with fear that that candidacy harmed the official candidacy of Mountain. Roseana ended up disputing a vacancy for the Senate for his State (Maranhão), she supported Lula in the first shift, since she refuses to support Mountain, following his orientation several leaders of PFL that also supported, or to Lula or Ciro in the first shift. Now in the second shift many continue supporting Lula, besides the largest name of PFL, Antônio Carlos Magalhães, "the owner from Bahia", he was already Governor, Senator and that now it returns elect Senator again for Bahia, he in the first shift supported Ciro, now he is Lula.

PMDB, the can be considered more rebel of the parties than they supported Fernando Henrique, a good number of members split with the Federal Government since last year, they tried to do an own candidacy for the eleição, mas were defeated by the executive of the party that stayed pro-government. The main rebels are: the Governor of Minas Gerais and former-president of the República Itamar Franco, that now is without party, he supported Lula in the first shift, Roberto Requião that disputes the second shift for governor in his State, Paraná. In short PMDB of States of Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Santa Catarina and part of PMDB of Ceará will support Lula in this second shift.

PPB the weakest of the government parties is old PDS (party that at that time of the military dictatorship in Brazil of 1964 at 1985, he gave sustentation the dictatorship), he is in decadence, he chose few Deputies and Senators. His main leader, Paulo Maluf was defeated in the dispute by the Government from São Paulo, it won't argue nor the second shift. PPB tries if reerguer hitchhiking in José Serra campaign.

Well, for the that we are seeing official candidate's situation it is quite delicate, but, like them he still has a lot of force in the interiors more poor from Brazil, a thread of hope still remains them. The local leaders entrust the Mountain are concerned with the call "red wave" that it reached Brazil on October 6, because, in 2004 the municipal elections will be accomplished and what is called "red wave" will be able to is stronger. Well, in my opinion this such red wave actually is a "wave rose" color, due to the allies that Lula's PT did in this electoral campaign.

PT, larger party of left of Brazil and maybe of Latin America, it is not more the same of 10, 20 years ago, his speech "straightened", their allies that before were of the field of the lefts now they extend until the extreme right (PL), party this controlled by messianic members and homofóbicos of the Universal Church of Kingdom of God (a very strong evangelical group in Brazil). In the first shift PT got to bring for near itself, disastrous people of the national politics, like José Sarney (PMDB), Orestes Quércia (PMDB), Itamar Franco (without party, former-PMDB), José of Alencar (PL, vice in Lula's foil) and other, now in the second shift the allies increased, Antônio Carlos Magalhães (PFL), Ciro Gomes (PPS), Anthony Garotinho (PSB) and other. PT was not put against the ALCA (Area of Free trade of America), it will continue discussing with IMF and etc....

Second the first research done after the accomplishment of the first shift, Lula leads with 58% of the intentions of votes against 32% of Mountain. What is called "red wave" managed to do with that PT chose 91 Federal Deputies (PT had 58) and 10 Senators (with the quatros that he had already, PT has 14 Senators now). PT will have the largest number of Deputies in the National Congress, that really went a victory to the party. In the state disputes, PT chose in first shift two Governors and dispute in 8 States the second shift, among them São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul (the 1st and 4th larger States of the Union, respectively).

The old "flags of fights" of PT were forgotten, this is PT that can govern Brazil in the next 4 years, a PT without any clear ideological definition, a PT that is not able to not even to be called of center-left.

Zé Bedeu