Money Grabing Property Developers
Mike Lane | 19.10.2002 09:59
Went out with a mate of mine called Tommy this morning posting leaflets in the Liverpool Kensington New Deal area. Went to town afterwards for a cup of tea and just by coincidence walked past Urban Splash's office. Both of their large glass doors had huge holes knocked through the middle of them. These door where obviously shatter proof, if not bullet proof, so whoever smashed them through must have used a sledge hammer, really weird. Splash must have upset someone?
Urban Splash is, yet another, money grabbing property developers like Neptune Developments. There are quite a few of these developers in Liverpool getting multi-millions of pounds of Objective One funding from the City Council, the North West Regional Development Agency and, of course, OK'd by Government office. Take a look at the web sites below and you will see how Urban Splash are heavily involved with the Liverpool City Council and other money grabbing agencies, birds of a feather flock together.
The biggest property developer in Liverpool now is the Duke of Westminster, who owns Grosvoner Developments. Grosvoner have now teamed up with Henderson's and changed their name to Grosvoner Henderson Developments.
The Duke and the Liverpool City Council have just persuaded John Prescott, the Deputy Prime minister, to give the Duke the sought after Chevasse Park site. Chevasse Park belonged to another money grabbing Liverpool property developer called Bill Davis who owns the Walton Group. But good old Bill got it snatched off him at the last minute. Off course Bill is taking the council to court over all this and plans to sue them for something like £200m, this info is on the Echo’s web site page:
Read the other 4 Bill Davis Walton Group Echo web site pages below and see how powerful the Duke of Westminster really is The Liverpool City Council and the local newspaper the Liverpool Echo have been trying to discredit Bill Davis for a couple of years now to help the Duke get his hands on the site.
(Chevasse Park American Architect Philip Johnson's design proposals for a shopping mall for Walton Estates have been refused planning permission by John Prescott's Government Department)
Below are 6 web pages, which will show you how these super rich property developers are cutting each other’s throats to get their hands on our Objective One money.
First web page is Neptune, see how they are involved with the new Everton football ground and conference centre project, they even own two new hotels, which they lease out to whitbreads for a fortune. Neptune got over £4.5 million of our Objective One money towards the costs of each of these hotels, each hotel cost just over £12 million, but the airport one may have cost more? A guy called Peter Hynd owns Neptune and he's got his fingers into everything. Rumour also has it that MP Peter Kilfoyle bought his luxury house in Sandfeild Park off the Hynd family.
Second web page is about Urban Splash
Next couple of web pages are about how the council got shut of the Walton Group and gave the project to the Duke of Westminster.
The fourth page is about the good old Duke of Westminster and how he gets all the BIG STUFF. Something is going on? If the Duke says he will spend £700m that means he will get at least £100m, possibly much more, of our Objective One money. Money that was meant to go into 37 poor areas of Merseyside.
Urban Splash is, yet another, money grabbing property developers like Neptune Developments. There are quite a few of these developers in Liverpool getting multi-millions of pounds of Objective One funding from the City Council, the North West Regional Development Agency and, of course, OK'd by Government office. Take a look at the web sites below and you will see how Urban Splash are heavily involved with the Liverpool City Council and other money grabbing agencies, birds of a feather flock together.
The biggest property developer in Liverpool now is the Duke of Westminster, who owns Grosvoner Developments. Grosvoner have now teamed up with Henderson's and changed their name to Grosvoner Henderson Developments.
The Duke and the Liverpool City Council have just persuaded John Prescott, the Deputy Prime minister, to give the Duke the sought after Chevasse Park site. Chevasse Park belonged to another money grabbing Liverpool property developer called Bill Davis who owns the Walton Group. But good old Bill got it snatched off him at the last minute. Off course Bill is taking the council to court over all this and plans to sue them for something like £200m, this info is on the Echo’s web site page:

Read the other 4 Bill Davis Walton Group Echo web site pages below and see how powerful the Duke of Westminster really is The Liverpool City Council and the local newspaper the Liverpool Echo have been trying to discredit Bill Davis for a couple of years now to help the Duke get his hands on the site.
(Chevasse Park American Architect Philip Johnson's design proposals for a shopping mall for Walton Estates have been refused planning permission by John Prescott's Government Department)
Below are 6 web pages, which will show you how these super rich property developers are cutting each other’s throats to get their hands on our Objective One money.
First web page is Neptune, see how they are involved with the new Everton football ground and conference centre project, they even own two new hotels, which they lease out to whitbreads for a fortune. Neptune got over £4.5 million of our Objective One money towards the costs of each of these hotels, each hotel cost just over £12 million, but the airport one may have cost more? A guy called Peter Hynd owns Neptune and he's got his fingers into everything. Rumour also has it that MP Peter Kilfoyle bought his luxury house in Sandfeild Park off the Hynd family.
Second web page is about Urban Splash
Next couple of web pages are about how the council got shut of the Walton Group and gave the project to the Duke of Westminster.
The fourth page is about the good old Duke of Westminster and how he gets all the BIG STUFF. Something is going on? If the Duke says he will spend £700m that means he will get at least £100m, possibly much more, of our Objective One money. Money that was meant to go into 37 poor areas of Merseyside.

Mike Lane