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Provocation for Invasion

Anti-Bush | 16.10.2002 10:30

Art of Provocation

The Al Qaeda Roadshow like an American blockbuster movie proceeds rapaciously. Tankers, discos, sharp shooters, lead to death and destruction. All in the great new game on our mass media of disinformation are played right before our very eyes. The rulers of this world who use the politicians like pawns in a great game are fighting this great war on terror as fiercely as they once fought evil communism. Never mind that what goes on today isn't Islamic terrorism
or what went on in the past wasn't communist terrorism. Reality and truth are words which have lost meaning in the dawn of the American Empire.

One provocation after another in an endless gameshow of televised disaster is seen to be the causus belli of a new imperialist invasion and re-colonisation of the Arab world. The aim and purpose is clear.
To create mass opinion in favour of war. But fake opinion,
manufactured like fake terrorism is no more real than the drying ink on the papers which print endless lies.

Reality will emerge when the new crusaders of the imperialist west reach an impasse in the back streets and houses of Baghdad. These new emperors may indeed have no clothes, but they also have no brains. A few bombs here and there do not change world opinion or Arab opinion
in favour of the US. They never did and never will. Just like the courtcase in Yugoslavia hasn't legitimised the US occupation there, neither will these new incidents.
