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World Anti-McDonalds Day

Someone (In Norwich, UK) | 15.10.2002 19:44

World Anti-McDonalds day: Wednesday 16th (Tomorrow or Today!) Leafleting planned outside McDonald's around the country and around the world. Preliminary strike has taken place in Reading already, Overseas support from CNT-FAI. Read above sites for more info.

World Anti-McDonalds day: Wednesday 16th (Tomorrow or Today!)

For more info:

McDonald's Workers Resistance

Leafleting planned outside McDonald's around the country and around the world. Preliminary strike has taken place in Reading already, Overseas support from CNT-FAI. Read above sites for more info.

See you there?

We have leaflets, if you want to hand some out and be there to hand out and cause a nuisance just turn up. Obviously it'd be good if you brought banners etc.

Someone (In Norwich, UK)
- Homepage:


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Leafleting will do no good!!!!!

16.10.2002 07:47

Leafleting loads of McDonalds stores will do no good at all. Anti-McDonalds day has being going on for years and years now with out having the slightest sucess. What is needed is to hit a few high profile McDondalds outlest in prime locations like in central London somewhere like Leciester Square and in Birmingham and Manchester city centres and concentrate all the activists on just a handful of stores across the country. A mass invasion of the stores by hundreds of activists would have a much better impact!


Apathy rules

16.10.2002 08:30

great idea harlequin - so when are you going to organise this? you're not, so don't have a go at those trying to do something.



16.10.2002 08:36

great idea harlequin - so when are you going to organise this? you're not, so don't have a dig at those doing something.


Wot a prick

17.10.2002 22:31

Sorry to start with an insult but... WOT A PRICK!

Leafleting does no good? Come off it, giving people access to information is KEY. You think closing down a couple of McDonald's for the day and alienating the workers and customers will help then to come to any informed descions?

Many 'activist' seem to think that leafleting is uncool and pointless but I personally know loads of activists who can remember being handed a What Wrong With McDonald's leaflet before become politically involved. I know that a tiny tiny tiny percent of people who have been handed that particlar leaflet have changed their outlook and their lives.

I don't do much leafleting myself these days but on Wednesday 17th I picked up a hundred or so anti-McD leaflets and went and leafleted my local store. I realised what I had been missing by not doing such basic and yet fundimental outreach.

Tommorow - 18th Oct, Media Action Day - I'll be leafleting again because I know that it does make a real difference.

I don't expect to drive McDonald's out of business with a few leaflets but it was people making radical info available to me that changed my life and leafleting offers other people a similar opportunity.
