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HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

Jake Wright | 13.10.2002 20:19

On Sunday Oct 13 the Queen watched a multi faith service. She was warmly greeted. All photos by Jake Wright. Non-Profit users may use for free. All other users, please contact me I charge a very small fee to cover costs.
MMII copy (article 1)

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos
HM the Queen on Parliament Hill Photos

On Sunday Oct 13 the Queen watched a multi faith service. She was warmly greeted. All photos by Jake Wright. Non-Profit users may use for free. All other users, please contact me I charge a very small fee to cover costs. It may come as a surprise to others in the Empire but HM spoke out for Native rights while in Canada, it was her way of showing disapproval for the Governments slow actions settling land claims for Indians.
MMII copy

Jake Wright
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Off with their heads!

13.10.2002 20:57

Nice pix, but what the hell are they doing up on this site, you sad, reactionary royalist!?
Do you really think that racist bigot really meant what she said about native americans?
Over here in the uk, they are treated with the contempt they deserve. The only "royal debate" to be had is the one about which method of execution shall be used come the glorious day. I, being a rather old-fashioned sort prefer the guillotine, the traditional method of disposal for these parasites!
Grow up and get real mate!

Lets get rid of them!

Yo jake can you do Lizards

13.10.2002 21:28

these need subverting asap

Old Scrotal


13.10.2002 21:35

The Queen cares so much for natives she bought up huge tracts of land in Colorado, consecrated Indian burial grounds, now hosting the New World Masonic Order Underground Command Centre at Denver Airport. Her friend and banker, Lord Rothschild bought 100,000's of acres of Canadian wilderness in the biggest land deal in history. The main focus of the Head of the Commonwealth at present is to amalgamate ALL faiths into one Global Luciferian Religion, under the veil of "multiculturalism." Her husband wants 80% of the "useless eaters" (YOU) wiped out, so that the World is the elite's playground, with just enough serfs to serve them. Get it?


what these pics tell

13.10.2002 23:19

the mild smile is meant exactly for the indy community.
"I see you"...
by and by, it's becoming an issue.

the Emperor with His new clothes

It's amazing.

14.10.2002 07:21

Will we ever outgrow the notion that some people are better than others?
