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World anti-McD's day, next Wed Oct 16th

Warwickshire Action Group | 11.10.2002 18:57

World anti-McDonalds day is next Wednesday October 16th. It will be celebrated in Leamington Spa - interested in coming along? Contact wag (email & phone no. above)

World anti McDonalds day is next Wednesday October the 16th. Come and celebrate it with us - or organise something in your own area. It's not hard - all you have to do is hand out leaflets inside the shop & refuse to stop & you cause a massive fuss! Another good one is dumping all the rubbish that McD's have left all over your area and tipping it out on the floor. The only limit is your own cheekiness! Warwickshire Action Group meets in Leamington Spa on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month. All welcome.

Warwickshire Action Group
- e-mail:


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11.10.2002 19:02

sorry about the repost - my computer went wierd - sorry!


Email me

11.10.2002 20:12

sounds good, can't make it to lemmington spa but a mcdonald's opened near my school recently so i'm sure i can keep myself occupied.
i'd appreciate it if you emailed me with any info, links or ideas ( )


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