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"In Memoriam - The Death of America's Promise" handout

... | 11.10.2002 16:43

This is a handout I made to commemorate the shameful action of the US Congress in voting to authorize military force against Iraq.

This is a handout I made to commemorate the shameful action of the US Congress in voting to authorize military force against Iraq. The handout, with its powerful photo, is available in MS Word format (46 KB) at

and as an Acrobat PDF file (156 KB) at

Please feel free to distribute this as widely as you can. Post it on other websites, send it to members of Congress, the UN, or anyone else you think might be inspired to active opposition by this betrayal of the public trust. The Bush war machine may still be stopped, but only if the whole country starts making noise.

P.S. Could some kind soul upload the handout as a JPG file or some other format that's visible on IMC? I tried without success. Thanks.
