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B ush and Sharon share a secret strategy

Julai | 10.10.2002 09:22

The tactics that both Bush and Sharon are pursuing are so similar that they show their shared secret strategy: A two level self-defeating "war on terror" and a deeper, geopolitical stragegy to alter the political map of the Middle East.

Bush and Sharon share a Secret Strategy

Both Sharon and Bush are ostensibly waging a "war against terrorism", but whose strategic end game is to provoke regime changes in Palestine and the Gulf. They are pursuing a two level strategy, an open one for the ignorant masses, and a hidden one, for oil, power and money.

On the visual level, they are fighting "terrorism", which is indeed bloody real and visual, but whose origin is unknown. They are both fighting a proxy enemy, in lieu of the real enemy, who is unknown, at least to the masses who rely on mainstream video "news".

A common hidden strategy

Their common hidden strategy is a regional power grab which will alter the political map of the Middle East. Sharon's end game is to expand Greater Israel, by removing the last vestiges of the Palestinian Authority.

The Likud fanatics have decided to do to the Palestinians what the Nazi's did to the Jews in the Holocaust, namely to round them up into ghettos, to destroy their leadership and ultimately, to dispose of them by forced relocation.

Bush's strategy is driven by his neofascist cabal's obsession with oil geopolitics. It is no surprise to find that most of political appointees at the Bush II administration have links to emerging oil companies. They have decided that their interests are best served by placing puppet regimes in several Gulf States, in the name of "democracy and freedom". Once in place, the supply, and therefore the price of oil, can be controlled by them.

Presumably, only those regimes in the world who are "friendly" to Bush & Co. would be able to obtain the oil that they believe will become scare in the future. Unless of course, democracy survives and the world economy evolves into a hydrogen economy and thwarts their reckless ambitions.

The Bush II usurpers want to create an American Empire that would be a neofascist monstrosity that rules the world by overwhelming technological force. Bush has shown that he and his cabal will do whatever it takes by using the threat of terror and military force to grab what they can not win by moral authority.

The tactics that both Bush and Sharon are pursuing are so similar that one needs to follow them both, since they are apparently closely synchronized.

1) Provoke terrorist attacks

Sharon provoked the Infitadah by trampling onto the Temple Mount in September, 2000, in an obvious power grab for the Israeli Likud voters, who are the same type of sleepers as the USA's republican voters. They are dominated by squeezing them in the crotch, in an age old technique that the Likud and Republicans know all too well.

Bush provoked the 9/11 attacks, in ways that are obvious even to the stupefied masses who rely on the mainstream media for their "news". He showed an obvious bias against the Palestinians. In the first year after his "election", he denied the Palestinians any access to the White House, but met several times with Sharon.

There is hard evidence that there was an orchestrated intelligence agency stand down in the months leading up to 9/11. Evidence that is unlikely to see the light of day in the mainstream media, but that is well known to those who are aware of the current situation by reading the many patriotic websites on the Internet.

2) Vilify their leaders

By vilifying Yasser Arafat as terrorist threat, Sharon hopes to destroy him and thereby destroy the Palestinian Authority, before it becomes a state. Sharon seems obsessed with killing or removing Arafat from his bombed out shell of a compound, which by now has the same draw as the Texas Alamo did to the American People. His obsession has the opposite political effect.

Bush is using Saddam Hussein's ugly rhetoric and dictatorial demeanor as bait to launch a unilateral attack aimed at removing his "weapons of mass destruction". Bush is also seems obsessed with killing Saddam, for a personal vendetta. By doing so, he is involving the US military in an adventure and usurping our constitution in order to satisfy a personal grudge. His obsession will have the opposite political effect.

Arafat obviously is not a threat to Israel, just as Saddam Hussein is not a present danger to the USA, but both are in the way of these neofascist's geopolitical strategies.

3) Wage an endless war on terrorism

Sharon has not succeeded in ending the terrorist threat to Israel, since that is not his secret strategy. In fact, terrorism has increased since his ruthless "counter terrorism" campaign began two years ago. The endless cycle of terror and counter-terror seems to be fostered by Sharon's ruthless and immoral suppression of the Palestinian people.

Bush will not succeed in ending the terrorist threat either, since that is not his secret strategy. Terrorism is very likely to get much worse after an unilateral invasion of Iraq, since the entire Middle East will be inflamed by being trampled on by a second wave of plundering crusaders from the West. A Jihad of unfathomable terror would be the likely outcome of this neofascist's reckless adventure.

What will these dogs of war do next?

We simply do not know what else these dogs of war are capable of. Both are obsessed in what seems to be a personal vendetta against their enemies, and will go to any extreme to remove them from power. Both have stated that their aim is to eliminate "terrorist" threats, and yet obviously want to pursue an endless campaign against it. Both are surrounded by neofascists with vast regional ambitions, who are willing to retrofit Armageddon if necessary, in order to satisfy their lust for power and money.

May G_d almighty show us the way to peace, and illumine the dark minds of these people. Our future is ready, our future is bright waiting with the promise of peace and prosperity, but we must get past this sad vestige of the darkest instincts of 20th century brutality.



October 9, 2002

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