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More proof that this war is about oil!

Socialist Worker | 09.10.2002 17:27

A grubby carve-up of Iraq's vast oil reserves lies behind George Bush and Tony Blair's rhetoric about the moral case for war. A headline in last week's Financial Times said it all: "Putin Drives Hard Bargain With US Over Iraq's Oil".

A grubby carve-up of Iraq's vast oil reserves lies behind George Bush and Tony Blair's rhetoric about the moral case for war. A headline in last week's Financial Times said it all: "Putin Drives Hard Bargain With US Over Iraq's Oil".
Putin is not alone in horse trading with the US over the spoils from any attack on Iraq.

"It's pretty straightforward," says former CIA director R James Woolsey. "France and Russia have oil companies and interests in Iraq. They should be told that if they are of assistance in moving Iraq toward decent government, we'll do the best we can to ensure that the new government and US companies work closely with them."

Russia's biggest oil company, Lukoil, has a $4 billion stake in Iraq's West Kurna oilfield. Other Russian oil firms have similar investments. "These deals could become worthless if Moscow tries to thwart US aims," says the Financial Times.

"Asked whether oil was at the top of Moscow's agenda in negotiations with the US, Lukoil chief Mr Alekparov said, 'Yes, of course'." French oil company TotalFinaElf has major stakes in Iraq, and hopes to get its hands on the Majnoon oilfield. China's National Petroleum Corporation has signed a deal for access to Iraq's North Rumailah oilfield.

US and British firms are drooling over Iraq's oil. "Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil, reserves I'd love Chevron to have access to," says Chevron boss Kenneth T Derr. US vice-president and oil millionaire Dick Cheney wrote the US National Energy Report, which talks of the US's "global vulnerability to disruption" of oil supplies and fears "adversaries" getting "undue potential influence".

The US wants to control Iraq's oil. Other powers want a slice of it before giving UN blessing to war.

Socialist Worker
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another agenda

09.10.2002 20:02

There exists so advanced technology that oil is already obsolete, and they know it. The war is not about oil, it is about control, and it might sound conspiratoric, but read this link, and think about it:

Thank you!


You Limeys Should Talk

09.10.2002 20:17

You Limeys should talk about imperialism, etc. Compared to your history, that of "American imperialism" is quite mild.

Uncle Sam

Typical Dumb american Logic

09.10.2002 22:28

You Americans are so thick aren't you. You can't see the wood for the trees! This is about Imperialism and getting Iraq's Oil.

Your attitude is so typical. I'm American so sod the rest of the World.


other issues

10.10.2002 09:36

I think oil is just one factor why the United States wants to destroy Iraq and bring death to the iraqi people. Other more crucial factors is that it wishes "israel" to be the only country in that region with any sort of weapons,making the arab states defenseless if Sharon and the other zionist criminals wish to invade them or blackmail them. Iraq was pretty advanced before the Gulf War, boasting the highest numbers of PhD's per capita in the world, good hospitals and universities which were comparable to european standards. Back in the 80's they were developing nuclear power stations, but "israel", with the blessing of the united states bombed and destroyed the plant- Iraq therefore is being made an example of by the united states,that any developing nation which tries to break free from the shackles of american/british imperliasm will be dealt with.



10.10.2002 23:28

Listen, nodoff, ther are millions of Americans who are disgusted not only with our government but with the government of Tony Blair (lackey). Should I assume that all Brits are spineless followers of whomever has the most power? Your comment reeks of not only ignorance but a borderline case of bigotry. You do a diservice to the many people over here (literally) fighting our government in the streets. It's simple- judge people as individuals and try not to lump us all together because of one ill-advised posting.


Gimme a break "M"

11.10.2002 19:27

An "ill-advised posting," M? I guess they really don't teach much real American history "Out West", eh? I have ancestors that fought the Limey Redcoat bastards in the Revolution. I have more ancestors that escaped starvation in Ireland. My family "wore the blue" in the Civil War. Arrogant they are. And, their imperialism makes what trotskyoids call "American imperialism" pale by comparison!@!

Uncle Sam

whoever wrote "you limeys should talk"!

12.10.2002 13:46

has inadvertentaly hit on a serious point; the entire of the Labour Left (and we include the SWP here) has historically been a sponsor of British imperialism; in recent times, one cover for this is to repeat the clichee of "mad yanks" (though all clichees have a grain of truth) in order to divert attention from British complicity in the ongoing world carve-up. GB is not a structural superpower as is the USA; rather, it uses its second-rank strength tactically or, as Tory imperialist D. Hurd put it so succintly, "Boxes above its weight..."
