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The Bush record so far

regimechange | 08.10.2002 12:04

A summary of the Bush record so far

Here's a summary of the Bush record so far. He has...

* Pulled out of the 1972 ABM treaty

* Refused to sign the Biological Weapons Convention

* Insisted on exemptions for the Chemical Weapons Convention, such as refusing inspections of US chemical weapons facilities

* Refused to endorse the formation of an international criminal court (ICC)

* Rejected the Land Mines Treaty

* Refused to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

* Refused to ratify measures to disallow the involvement of children in armed conflicts

* Snubbed the Earth Summit

* Revoked new standards for lower levels of arsenic in water

* Budgeted proportionally more on weapons than any previous US administration in history, but still...

* Failed to protect the US public against terrorist attacks

* Pushed ahead with the useless NMD program

* Dropped the "no-first-use" rule for nuclear weapons

* Still not paid $1 billion in UN dues

* Tried to push GM foods onto developing countries

* And now... tries to distract the US public's attention from the poor domestic economic situation (6 year lows on the stockmarket...) by moving towards war against a country for the sake of its oil reserves



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you can see why he didn't get elected

08.10.2002 14:30


mail e-mail: teknopaul at


08.10.2002 18:26

Bush ignored the International Conference on racism in Durban, from which Israel pulled out, after it was pointed out they are a rogue, apartheid, racist regime in breach of International Law.


US and its long history of disrespect

09.10.2002 10:39

The list above is recent history. Take a look at US voting at the UN since the 1970s.As the compiler W Blum says its the "United States versus the world" (with a British Bulldog now sat at his feet)

M Lacey
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