Bush Agenda Doomed : Silent Majority Awaken
BZ Botani | 08.10.2002 00:47
The Bush regime is a tragedy sold by idiots. What are the consequences if the world refuses to buy it?
Bush Agenda Doomed ::: Silent Majority Awaken
One should be very cautious in declaring war, for the war is almost certain to come back to haunt you, and in a world so intricately connected, the war may turn out to be against yourself. Bush’s “War on Terror” is turning back towards the Republican White House in an ironic twist of Shakespearean proportions.
The Universe will ruthlessly restore harmony, in an empire where the wrong king has seized the throne, as madness reigns the day. So says Hamlet. Corruption will be revealed in the most gory and brutal detail, and justice will eventually fall upon even the most elevated criminals, often by their own twisted designs.
Evidence is emerging that the Bush-CIA-Pentagon team had planned this global war agenda even before seizing the White House from the popularly elected Democrats. It’s no surprise that the millionaires that make up the Bush cabinet are invested in the oil and arms industries, and like any marketing strategy, they need to move more product. As Bush and Cheney pontificate about “security” and revenge, the crass reality is that their elitist friends are eager to unleash the dogs of war on a global scale, to the tune of trillions.
Bush’s twisted agenda is doomed to fail, because at its black heart is a family which has profited from the deaths of millions of innocent people, and have yet to be brought to account for countless crimes which are openly documented at Amazon.com, by Generals, CIA Commanders, and former heads of State. It’s not like the drug dealing, the assassinations, the billions in S&L scams and Nazi financing are secrets. Entire libraries exist showing these people are criminals. Unfortunately, the corporate media in America hasn’t yet found the fortitude to report them.
The Bush regime has been floating so far on the good will of the terror-stricken American people. America is still coming out of shock, stupefied by the horror, which has come home, repeated endlessly in Technicolor, a jetliner smashing into a Tower. We’re still unraveling all the knotted ends of the whys and hows, who was involved and who knew what. The media’s “approval ratings” reflect our American tendency toward trust and tolerance, mixed with a heaping dose of gullibility. Yet even the most tolerant people have their breaking point. And beware a 100 million media-savvy Americans whose trust has been abused.
George Bush and the Pentagon may have planned to start the bombing just in time for the November elections, to continue stalling all the pending investigations into their 9-11/Bin Laden connections, the Enron scandal, the Florida election fiasco, Cheney’s Halliburton financing, but the twists of cruel fate will inevitably turn against them. Even as they muster their most evil adjectives to toss at Saddam Hussein, the winds of history are blowing back toward the White House. Who armed Saddam in the first place? Wasn’t it George Sr.?
The Bush regime should be extremely cautious about escalating the body count any further. The world is still sorting out the bodies in Afghanistan, and that doesn’t include the humanitarian casualties. If Bush claims responsibility for civilian casualties in a new, unnecessary Gulf War, he had better be backed up by global opinion. Is Saddam such a threat that America must act unilaterally? Where is the evidence?
Any student of history can project the consequences of a privileged, wealthy culture launching an invasion upon an oppressed and impoverished culture, with shades of the Crusades in their “Crusader” missiles. Does even the most gullible child believe such an invasion will reduce the probabilities of terrorism against Americans? Quite the contrary: an invasion of Iraq will most certainly lead to an exponential increase in terrorism. So what is Bush’s “War on Terror” really all about? Is it like the “War on Drugs,” actually promoting the profitability of the forbidden activity?
Bush’s blundering militarism, coming from a spoiled rich kid with no real qualifications to be a world leader, is backfiring and will continue to turn back upon him. He has puffed himself up to the point of implosion, and because he has painted the Islamist enemy to be such an imminent threat, launching missiles before evidence, he has made the fundamental mistake of over-extending himself. Now, all the terrorists and Saddam have to do is-- well, NOTHING! Bush will explode in the public arena like a piece of Texas popcorn, discrediting himself with a blustering blush.
Americans are talking, and we are losing our tolerance by the day. The question we are posing to each other is: would any of this have happened if the legitimate President, who we actually voted for, had taken his rightful place? Would Gore have snubbed the Conference on Racism, the Kyoto Protocols, the Johannesburg Summit, the UN? Would he have endangered the country and goaded the Islamists to attack? Would he have taken action if, like Bush, he had been informed of the impending terror in New York? The Universe is ruthless in restoring harmony, even if a million innocents must die…
The Bush regime is a tragedy sold by idiots. What are the consequences if the world refuses to buy it?
B.Z. Botani, O.S.I.
World News Network 2002
posted by BZ 2:51 PM
Comment for ATC & Cokie Roberts:
This morning's NPR focus on George Bush's "approval ratings" & patriotic polls was an example of unforgivable pandering by an allegedly objective "alternative" press, resulting in a dangerous form of bias masquerading as populist "news." This ISN'T news, it's propaganda!
Using "approval ratings" and polls to justify an extreme-right regime of fascists, calmly promoting the idea of a new war in the Gulf with such misleading statements as Cokie Roberts' "There's no opposition to speak of..." Such obvious mass manipulation can be expected in corporate lackeys such as Fox News & editorialists such as Rush Limbaugh, but on the morning overview of ATC? What have you people become?
I can only say I am losing trust in NPR's judgement, and have lost confidence in the ability of the US media to tell the truth, when it relies on "approval ratings" to support a thrust toward global hegemony and elitist tyranny, as set out by the Bush agenda. You are allowing his administration to limit what we are told, and what we are allowed to think about. This week, ONLY Iraq will be talked about... and approval ratings show ... well, what do you know, it's the right thing to do!
This is what I call "Idiot Fascism," as educated professors like Noam Chomsky, CIA veterans like John Stockwell, former cabinet officials like Ramsey Clark, diplomats, doctors, activists, investigators, are all swept aside, their input denied because the "approval ratings" show there is "no opposition to speak of..." Are we lemmings now? Being herded toward the most ruthless common denominator? Doesn't that crooked path lead back to the Death Camps?
You are doing a disservice to democracy by denying the full view of such earthshaking subjects as Bush's first-strike war and our unprecedented loss of human rights, in reducing your coverage to this simplistic level of "popularity." If we are to keep America alive, we need a fully informed public debate on fundamental issues, and not a media which has become the lap-dog of the Pentagon. Hello... anybody home at NPR?
Remember what your mother used to say... "If everybody was jumping off the edge of the world... would you too?"
BZ Botani
Senior, Communications
University of Hawai'i
posted by BZ 2:50 PM
Ghosts Surround You as the World Watches
An Open Letter to George Bush from America’s Youth
Dear George:
At this critical juncture in human culture, you must realize the role you have chosen to play is fraught with danger, both personal and planetary. You cannot say that the American people chose the role of President for you, since the majority of voters elected your opponent, Al Gore.
We have no illusions anymore that America is a democracy. Your regime has made the military rule of our country clear as bulletproof glass. Do not mistake our silence for complacency, however. We have you surrounded, and we are watching. You will not escape justice, nor will your associates. A war criminal is a war criminal, no matter how much patriotic propaganda you wrap around them.
We have the truth on our side, what have you on yours? More weapons, more deadly explosions, more contagious germs, rampant terrorism, cover-ups, shredded papers, lies and more lies. Let’s let the little secret out of the bag, George. The rest of the world already knows your daddy’s “Company,” the CIA, is not known for truth-telling. Their business has been organizing terrorist activities to facilitate exploitation and weapons sales, and hiding covert wars from US taxpayers. Unfortunately for you, millions of us have actually been watching and paying attention.
You have gotten a glimpse of what your fate will be if you and your CIA family are found, in any way, to be culpable for the World Trade Center bombings, even if it’s only that you ALLOWED it to happen. You will be one of the most despised and cursed men in history, along with your grandfather’s friends, the Third Reich. You will be on the dock alongside Uncle Dick, Henry Kissinger, and your daddy. Justice does not sleep, George. It is coming for you. No amount of bombing, spreading of germs, deploying of stormtroopers will stop it. Didn’t your Skull-and-Bones elitists learn anything from Hitler’s experience?
Oh yes, you did. That’s right. A kinder, gentler fascism. Homeland security, sponsored by McDonalds. Mass-murder weapons masked as “daisy-cutters.” Beautiful actors posing as CIA agents on TV. Make the assassinations exciting and trendy, even fashionable. Sell it as a game, a push of the button for instant status. “An Army of One.”
Yeah, right.
You and your ultra-conservative cronies have grossly underestimated the intelligence and rebellion that surrounds you. Now you are leading our country, and our world into HELL, mistaking your fate for ours. You have endangered all of us by seizing power the way you did, with your careless and callous foreign policies. We can safely say that if your Skull-and-Bones buddies had allowed the US election to be determined as a democracy, we would not now be on the edge of a global war. But this is what they wanted, what they always want, isn’t it? That’s where the REAL profits lie, don’t they George?
Your family, its “Company,” and their “Order” can try to cover-up the millions of dead in developing countries invaded by the CIA, the secret “weaponized” microbes injected into soldiers, the billions of dollars worth of drug-running, the policies of genocide against native peoples, and your secret “Space War” without any oversight, but you’ll never escape our probing minds. Not only have you underestimated our intelligence and determination, you don’t really understand the power of human potential. We see you while you are sleeping, we can read your mind, we see right through you.
We aren’t just fringe-dwellers and misfits, either. We are veterans of your wars, college professors, your limo drivers and police officers. We are firefighters who have lost our friends, mothers who have lost children, former CIA agents and military officers. We are computer hackers, recording artists, and film stars. We are the future, after you have been exposed, George.
Make it easy on yourself. Come out with the truth. Spill the beans on the old man, let Uncle Dick take his lumps. We’ll forgive you as a patsy, and if the Skull-and-Bones boys take you out, well, at least you’ll die a martyr’s death. You have a chance to save the world from global nuclear war, environmental catastrophe, and rampant poverty.
Only the truth will set you free, George. Further lies and terror will only dig you deeper into Hell.
We see you squirming and sweating under the strain of deception. We see your family’s accounts being broken open, the war machine under scrutiny, the CIA being called up on the global carpet. All the bombing in the world won’t stop history’s inquiring eyes. Give it up, George. After all, you’re not REALLY an elected President, and you’ve already ruined your chances of ever being elected, by your regime’s clumsy cover-ups.
Enjoy your brief time in the sun. How the light turns all skin brown....
Friday Addams &
The New American Rebels
source - “MUTANEX Communications”
Archived at:
One should be very cautious in declaring war, for the war is almost certain to come back to haunt you, and in a world so intricately connected, the war may turn out to be against yourself. Bush’s “War on Terror” is turning back towards the Republican White House in an ironic twist of Shakespearean proportions.
The Universe will ruthlessly restore harmony, in an empire where the wrong king has seized the throne, as madness reigns the day. So says Hamlet. Corruption will be revealed in the most gory and brutal detail, and justice will eventually fall upon even the most elevated criminals, often by their own twisted designs.
Evidence is emerging that the Bush-CIA-Pentagon team had planned this global war agenda even before seizing the White House from the popularly elected Democrats. It’s no surprise that the millionaires that make up the Bush cabinet are invested in the oil and arms industries, and like any marketing strategy, they need to move more product. As Bush and Cheney pontificate about “security” and revenge, the crass reality is that their elitist friends are eager to unleash the dogs of war on a global scale, to the tune of trillions.
Bush’s twisted agenda is doomed to fail, because at its black heart is a family which has profited from the deaths of millions of innocent people, and have yet to be brought to account for countless crimes which are openly documented at Amazon.com, by Generals, CIA Commanders, and former heads of State. It’s not like the drug dealing, the assassinations, the billions in S&L scams and Nazi financing are secrets. Entire libraries exist showing these people are criminals. Unfortunately, the corporate media in America hasn’t yet found the fortitude to report them.
The Bush regime has been floating so far on the good will of the terror-stricken American people. America is still coming out of shock, stupefied by the horror, which has come home, repeated endlessly in Technicolor, a jetliner smashing into a Tower. We’re still unraveling all the knotted ends of the whys and hows, who was involved and who knew what. The media’s “approval ratings” reflect our American tendency toward trust and tolerance, mixed with a heaping dose of gullibility. Yet even the most tolerant people have their breaking point. And beware a 100 million media-savvy Americans whose trust has been abused.
George Bush and the Pentagon may have planned to start the bombing just in time for the November elections, to continue stalling all the pending investigations into their 9-11/Bin Laden connections, the Enron scandal, the Florida election fiasco, Cheney’s Halliburton financing, but the twists of cruel fate will inevitably turn against them. Even as they muster their most evil adjectives to toss at Saddam Hussein, the winds of history are blowing back toward the White House. Who armed Saddam in the first place? Wasn’t it George Sr.?
The Bush regime should be extremely cautious about escalating the body count any further. The world is still sorting out the bodies in Afghanistan, and that doesn’t include the humanitarian casualties. If Bush claims responsibility for civilian casualties in a new, unnecessary Gulf War, he had better be backed up by global opinion. Is Saddam such a threat that America must act unilaterally? Where is the evidence?
Any student of history can project the consequences of a privileged, wealthy culture launching an invasion upon an oppressed and impoverished culture, with shades of the Crusades in their “Crusader” missiles. Does even the most gullible child believe such an invasion will reduce the probabilities of terrorism against Americans? Quite the contrary: an invasion of Iraq will most certainly lead to an exponential increase in terrorism. So what is Bush’s “War on Terror” really all about? Is it like the “War on Drugs,” actually promoting the profitability of the forbidden activity?
Bush’s blundering militarism, coming from a spoiled rich kid with no real qualifications to be a world leader, is backfiring and will continue to turn back upon him. He has puffed himself up to the point of implosion, and because he has painted the Islamist enemy to be such an imminent threat, launching missiles before evidence, he has made the fundamental mistake of over-extending himself. Now, all the terrorists and Saddam have to do is-- well, NOTHING! Bush will explode in the public arena like a piece of Texas popcorn, discrediting himself with a blustering blush.
Americans are talking, and we are losing our tolerance by the day. The question we are posing to each other is: would any of this have happened if the legitimate President, who we actually voted for, had taken his rightful place? Would Gore have snubbed the Conference on Racism, the Kyoto Protocols, the Johannesburg Summit, the UN? Would he have endangered the country and goaded the Islamists to attack? Would he have taken action if, like Bush, he had been informed of the impending terror in New York? The Universe is ruthless in restoring harmony, even if a million innocents must die…
The Bush regime is a tragedy sold by idiots. What are the consequences if the world refuses to buy it?
B.Z. Botani, O.S.I.

World News Network 2002

posted by BZ 2:51 PM
Comment for ATC & Cokie Roberts:
This morning's NPR focus on George Bush's "approval ratings" & patriotic polls was an example of unforgivable pandering by an allegedly objective "alternative" press, resulting in a dangerous form of bias masquerading as populist "news." This ISN'T news, it's propaganda!
Using "approval ratings" and polls to justify an extreme-right regime of fascists, calmly promoting the idea of a new war in the Gulf with such misleading statements as Cokie Roberts' "There's no opposition to speak of..." Such obvious mass manipulation can be expected in corporate lackeys such as Fox News & editorialists such as Rush Limbaugh, but on the morning overview of ATC? What have you people become?
I can only say I am losing trust in NPR's judgement, and have lost confidence in the ability of the US media to tell the truth, when it relies on "approval ratings" to support a thrust toward global hegemony and elitist tyranny, as set out by the Bush agenda. You are allowing his administration to limit what we are told, and what we are allowed to think about. This week, ONLY Iraq will be talked about... and approval ratings show ... well, what do you know, it's the right thing to do!
This is what I call "Idiot Fascism," as educated professors like Noam Chomsky, CIA veterans like John Stockwell, former cabinet officials like Ramsey Clark, diplomats, doctors, activists, investigators, are all swept aside, their input denied because the "approval ratings" show there is "no opposition to speak of..." Are we lemmings now? Being herded toward the most ruthless common denominator? Doesn't that crooked path lead back to the Death Camps?
You are doing a disservice to democracy by denying the full view of such earthshaking subjects as Bush's first-strike war and our unprecedented loss of human rights, in reducing your coverage to this simplistic level of "popularity." If we are to keep America alive, we need a fully informed public debate on fundamental issues, and not a media which has become the lap-dog of the Pentagon. Hello... anybody home at NPR?
Remember what your mother used to say... "If everybody was jumping off the edge of the world... would you too?"
BZ Botani
Senior, Communications
University of Hawai'i
posted by BZ 2:50 PM
Ghosts Surround You as the World Watches
An Open Letter to George Bush from America’s Youth
Dear George:
At this critical juncture in human culture, you must realize the role you have chosen to play is fraught with danger, both personal and planetary. You cannot say that the American people chose the role of President for you, since the majority of voters elected your opponent, Al Gore.
We have no illusions anymore that America is a democracy. Your regime has made the military rule of our country clear as bulletproof glass. Do not mistake our silence for complacency, however. We have you surrounded, and we are watching. You will not escape justice, nor will your associates. A war criminal is a war criminal, no matter how much patriotic propaganda you wrap around them.
We have the truth on our side, what have you on yours? More weapons, more deadly explosions, more contagious germs, rampant terrorism, cover-ups, shredded papers, lies and more lies. Let’s let the little secret out of the bag, George. The rest of the world already knows your daddy’s “Company,” the CIA, is not known for truth-telling. Their business has been organizing terrorist activities to facilitate exploitation and weapons sales, and hiding covert wars from US taxpayers. Unfortunately for you, millions of us have actually been watching and paying attention.
You have gotten a glimpse of what your fate will be if you and your CIA family are found, in any way, to be culpable for the World Trade Center bombings, even if it’s only that you ALLOWED it to happen. You will be one of the most despised and cursed men in history, along with your grandfather’s friends, the Third Reich. You will be on the dock alongside Uncle Dick, Henry Kissinger, and your daddy. Justice does not sleep, George. It is coming for you. No amount of bombing, spreading of germs, deploying of stormtroopers will stop it. Didn’t your Skull-and-Bones elitists learn anything from Hitler’s experience?
Oh yes, you did. That’s right. A kinder, gentler fascism. Homeland security, sponsored by McDonalds. Mass-murder weapons masked as “daisy-cutters.” Beautiful actors posing as CIA agents on TV. Make the assassinations exciting and trendy, even fashionable. Sell it as a game, a push of the button for instant status. “An Army of One.”
Yeah, right.
You and your ultra-conservative cronies have grossly underestimated the intelligence and rebellion that surrounds you. Now you are leading our country, and our world into HELL, mistaking your fate for ours. You have endangered all of us by seizing power the way you did, with your careless and callous foreign policies. We can safely say that if your Skull-and-Bones buddies had allowed the US election to be determined as a democracy, we would not now be on the edge of a global war. But this is what they wanted, what they always want, isn’t it? That’s where the REAL profits lie, don’t they George?
Your family, its “Company,” and their “Order” can try to cover-up the millions of dead in developing countries invaded by the CIA, the secret “weaponized” microbes injected into soldiers, the billions of dollars worth of drug-running, the policies of genocide against native peoples, and your secret “Space War” without any oversight, but you’ll never escape our probing minds. Not only have you underestimated our intelligence and determination, you don’t really understand the power of human potential. We see you while you are sleeping, we can read your mind, we see right through you.
We aren’t just fringe-dwellers and misfits, either. We are veterans of your wars, college professors, your limo drivers and police officers. We are firefighters who have lost our friends, mothers who have lost children, former CIA agents and military officers. We are computer hackers, recording artists, and film stars. We are the future, after you have been exposed, George.
Make it easy on yourself. Come out with the truth. Spill the beans on the old man, let Uncle Dick take his lumps. We’ll forgive you as a patsy, and if the Skull-and-Bones boys take you out, well, at least you’ll die a martyr’s death. You have a chance to save the world from global nuclear war, environmental catastrophe, and rampant poverty.
Only the truth will set you free, George. Further lies and terror will only dig you deeper into Hell.
We see you squirming and sweating under the strain of deception. We see your family’s accounts being broken open, the war machine under scrutiny, the CIA being called up on the global carpet. All the bombing in the world won’t stop history’s inquiring eyes. Give it up, George. After all, you’re not REALLY an elected President, and you’ve already ruined your chances of ever being elected, by your regime’s clumsy cover-ups.
Enjoy your brief time in the sun. How the light turns all skin brown....
Friday Addams &
The New American Rebels
source - “MUTANEX Communications”

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BZ Botani
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