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To UK IMC editors

xxx | 07.10.2002 19:32

Just wondering

Can anyone explain why the article "Ever wonder?" was pulled/hidden from the newswire? Surely there was nothing about it that constituted a violation of your posting standards? Just wondering.

Link to missing article:



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07.10.2002 21:21

anna posted a comment that stated the plain truth...

quote: "It never ceases to amaze me how many of them believe in bush...and the zionists that rule them..."

Indy does not want this fact publicised. It's a hate thought.

mail e-mail:

I also

07.10.2002 21:49

I also had a comment pulled by Indymedia UK. My comment was pulled along with the article I was commenting on. Trust people to develop their own scruples.

Some American

Repeating History:Bush, Blair and Sharon

08.10.2002 01:49

It is Bush, Blair and Ariel Sharon that are hell-bent on repeating the same sorry history made by Hitler and the Germans 70 years ago.

Will we wake up in time?


oh for fucks sake

08.10.2002 07:30

can you just stop moaning and shut up? IMC Collective dont get rid of anything unless its utter bollocks, no doubt if people stopped posting utter shite articles about random crap it would be a whole lot better


Not good enough ...

08.10.2002 10:17

This is not good enough, either we have free speech or we don't.
Over the past year or so I have enjoyed reading ALL the comments posted, the ones that express things I wish I could have, the ones that inform of things that I didn't know, the ones that inform of the things I did know, but did not think to link, the ones that make me laugh, the ones that make me scoff, the ones that make me rage ... ect
I have noticed recently an increasing amount of comment removed soon after posting, including my own, especially in regard to the middle east
Is this really coincidence?
Is there any pressure being brought to bare?
The missing articles maybe 'bollox', but why does this make it all right for others I don't know, who don't know me and who never asked to, to avert my eyes for me
I am not a child, I will not always share your views, but if you decide for me then its all over isn't it?
Just another heirachy climbing the greasy pole to the top ...

mail e-mail:

to jack

08.10.2002 11:58

hi jack
have a look at this comment in regard to what you're talking about

imc manchester

sorry folks but we are anachists

08.10.2002 14:21

Sorry for this,

basically IMC is 'editted' bay a loose collection of volunteers. This week manchester is doing it. We had some debate about this one and I was in favour of leaving it.

However we like to be publishing news on the news wire not simple opinion and it was felt that the oopinion however valid was not backed by any news.

Remeber posting real events and news gives a stronger message that posting an opinion.

P.S. nothing is ever deleted it is moved to the back page so feel free to read all the content.

P.P.S. thank for contributing but please understand this is meant to be a news wire that sparks discussion rather that a discussion board


article back

08.10.2002 15:46

the article is back up
as you are right jack it doesn't break any of the guidelines

as mentioned above we are a new team taking this on.

in germany imc and others - they have different sections for news, "analysis" and events.

while we are waiting to migrate to this system
we don't have such a way of catagorising posts

so please do try to keep the news wire news -


mickfuzz one of manc imc


10.10.2002 17:56

Why is it that one of the Indymedia editors who posts as 'icepick' on Urban 75 is allowed to accuse the moderators on that board of being racist - accusations that are without foundation?

Is it right that editors of Indymedia should act in this way?

The thread in question is at:
