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Who Killed Holly and Jessica?

Who? | 05.10.2002 15:41

Well, who?

Who killed them? How? Where? Why?

Can anyone answer these question?

Why have forensic detectives been examining Huntley's house for TWO months when scientific methods could solve this case in a jiffy? Why has he never made a statement through a lawyer but become a persona muta in the loony bin? Why is Carr being treated like a murderess, while accused only of perjury? Why are the "baying mob" and the media no longer interested? Why were perverts and internet pedophiles assigned to this case? What of the USAF base with 4,000 servicemen, where the victims were found? Is this British justice or a cock-up?



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Your right it is acover up!

05.10.2002 15:54

You are right and this has been mentioned before on this and other websites. There seems to be a big cover up going on. For a start dectivies carried out no enquiries at all at the American air base, why? In any murder investigation all possible suspects are interviewed and all possiblities investigated. Remember other famous murder cases, there were months and months of investigation in most cases before any arrests were made.

In the Barry George case it took many months before he was arrested after hundreds of other suspects had been interviewed and eliminated from police enquiries. Yet in this case it was just a few days before the two suspects were arrested and held.

I would bring this case up on the international police website at it may help a lot by bringing up the case there.

By the way I wouldn't be surprised if the people who are questioning this case the loudest start getting death threats from unknown sources ie from MI5. In my opinion a really big coverup is taking place and it needs to be exposed!


a cock up

05.10.2002 21:39

certainly such vibrations come in a jiffy. Extends out really, doesn't it? Not so much to ribald homocides from the airbase. Rather to sacrifices on the 4-D grid


Very funny

06.10.2002 23:37

so, the author of the last comment is telling us to report cover ups to cop websites? I suppose that's irony?


What the hell is this 'officer' website ?

08.10.2002 18:48

how very odd if its from the police; id say its almost trying to imitate the IMC style, what with a list of news items (including from Palestine) and a 'boycott' campaign.

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What the hell is this 'officer' website ?

08.10.2002 18:50

how very odd if its from the police; id say its almost trying to imitate the IMC style, what with a list of news items (including from Palestine) and a 'boycott' campaign.

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