demo5 | 02.10.2002 12:05

Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
National Lawyers Guild
New York City Labor Against War
Dr. Hans Christof von Sponeck, former director of the UN Oil for Food Program
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. attorney general
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Auxillary Bishop,
Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit
Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Minister,
Plymouth Congregational Church
Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
Global Exchange
Muslim Student Association of the US/Canada
Partnership for Civil Justice - LDEF
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Malachy Kilbride, Free Socialist International* Free Palestine Alliance
Mexico Solidarity Network
Nicaragua Network
Korea Truth Commission
International Action Center
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
Middle East Children's Alliance
Bayan USA-International
San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO)
Howard Zinn, Peoples' Historian
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM)
Kathy Kelly, Voices in the Wilderness*
Black Voices for Peace
Fellowship of Reconciliation
1199/SEIU New York Health and Human Services Union, Delegates Assembly I-V
Not In Our Name/Pledge of Resistance
Ted Glick, National Coordinator, IPPN
Dr. Helen Caldicott, founder, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Los Alamos Study Group, Santa Fe, NM
Center for Constitutional Rights
Committee in Support of the Iraqi People
International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Network in Solidarity with the People of the Philippines (NISPOP)
Greens/Green Party USA
Sudanese American Society
Congress for Korean Reunification - U.S.A
Campaign to End the Sanctions
The Network of Arab-American Alumni & Professionals, NY, FL
Chuck Turner, City Councilor, Boston, MA
Dr. Pol De Vos, President of the Anti-Imperialist League, Belgium
Jean McGuire, Executive Director, METCO*, Boston, MA
Herman Wallace, one of the “Angola 3,” in Angola, Louisiana State Penitentiary
Alfred Woodfax, of the “Angola 3,” in Angola, Louisiana State Penitentiary
Michael Parenti, Author, Berkeley, CA
Margarita Papandreou, former first lady of Greece
Dr. Rosalee Bertell, winner, Sean McBride Peace Prize
Peter Phillips, Editor, Project Censored
College Voice, College of Staten Island, CUNY
Michigan State University Students for Economic Justice
Exploris Middle School United for Peace, NC
Tri-City Peace Action
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
The Military and Draft Counseling Project
ACT UP/New York
Alliance for Democracy
Students Allied for Freedom and Equality, University of Michigan
Students for Peace & Humanity - SUNY at Stony Brook
Muslim Foundation of America, Inc. NY
Filipino Workers Association (FWA)
SALAAM - South Asian League of Artists in America
University of Maryland Peace Forum
Sacramento-Yolo Peace Action, CA
Arab Student Organization of Montclair State University
Bay Area Iranians for Peace and Social Justice
Mid-City WILPF
Philadelphia WILPF
Central Vermont Coalition Against War
Students for Social Responsibility
Students for Peace & Humanity - SUNY at Stony Brook
8th Day Center for Justice
Palestine Aid Society
Univ. of New Hampshire Peace and Justice League
Arab Student Union- University of Michigan (Dearborn Campus)
Michigan State University Students for a Peaceful Response, East Lansing, MI
Coalition for Peace and Justice, Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
DC Anti-War Network (DAWN)
Pentagon Papers Peace Project
CLASP (Caribbean & Latin America Support Project)
Anti-War Committee (Minnesota)
Texans for Peace
El Dorado Peace & Justice Community
Iowans for Peace with Iraq
Greensboro Peace Coalition
Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois
Speak for Peace, Birmingham, AL
South Jersey Peace and Justice Coalition
Professor Hani Awadallah, President, Arab American Civic Organization
Organization of Iraqi Students, NYC
Northampton Committee to Lift the Sanctions and Stop the Bombing in Iraq, MA
Al-Awda Chicago
Philippine Solidarity Committee Chicago
Nicaragua Solidarity Committee Chicago
Chicago Coalition Against War and Racism
Leoanrd Peltier Defense Committee, Lawrence, KS
Philippine Information Network Services (PINS)
First Quarter Storm Movement (FQSM), Fremont, CA
Rockford Peace and Justice, Rockford, IL
Tasmania Coalition for Peace
Michiana Chapter of War Resisters League
Chico Peace and Justice Center/Chico Peaceworks
Beloit College Womyn's Center
Asian Americans for Justice in Palestine
Gray Panthers Metro Washington
Citizen Soldier
Quest for Peace / Quixote Center
Michigan Emergency Committee Against War in Iraq
Committee to Protest War Against Iraq
Mid-Hudson National People's Campaign
The U.S. Greens Abroad
Gloria La Riva, President, Typographical Sector, Northern California Media
Leslie Feinberg, activist and author, NWU/UAW Local 1981*
Harlem Tenants Council
Workers World Party
National Organization for Women at University of Houston
Muslim Student Association at Syracuse University
The Toronto Coalition Against War & Racism
ADC Fresno, CA
United Muslims of America
International Socialist Organization
Students For Social Change, Silver Spring, MD
Bus Riders Union, Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Challenge
Pan-African News Wire, MI
Lawrence Coalition for Peace and Justice, KS
Conscience International, Atlanta, GA
Queers For Racial & Economic Justice
Indian Association of Lawyers, Bombay, India
collectif YA BASTA, St Ouen, France
Labor Committee for Peace and Justice (Bay Area)
I.L.W.U. Loc. 400, Vancouver, B.C.
NJ Independent Alliance
Coastal Convergence Society of Huntington Beach, California
Columbia Solidarity Committee, Chicago, IL
The United Peoples
Turnwind, AZ
Vietnam Veterans Against The War Anti Imperialist National HQ
The Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois/Fellowship of Reconciliation
Maine Secessionist Movement Revolution in Focus, Richmond, VA
First Congregational Church, UCC
Tabra International, CA
WESPAC (Westchester People's Action Coalition)
U.S. Raelian Movement
IMPLEX, Los Angeles, CA
The Freechild Project, Olympia, WA
New World Revolutionary Socialists, OH
Organization of Iranian People Fadaee Gurrillas, VA
Citizens For Just Democracy, TX
Columbus Campiagn for Arms Control/For Mother Earth, OH
Kenetic Energy Technologies Inc., CA
Left Party, CA
Olympia Movement for Justice & Peace, WA
Habda, UK
School of Americas Watch-San Jose
People's Coalition Against War, Los Angeles, CA
Scoop Media New Zealand
Falmouth Anti-war (Cape Cod)
Strategic Pastoral Action Network (SPAN), MI
International Action Organization, CO
The March For Justice
The American League For Justice and Peace
Pillsbury for Congress, CT
Mayimba Music, Inc., NYC
Fruitarian Network, OH
The Armchair Activist, MD
Sonoran Activist Network News, AZ
Outrage, NJ
Whatcom Peace & Justice Center, Bellingham, WA
Paramedics for Peace, NC
Barefoot Theatre Group, WA
Bend-Condega Friendship Project, Bend, OR
Babylon Art and Culture Center, Minneapolis, MN
Practical Radical, Sun Valley, CA
Mothers Acting UP, Boulder, CO
The Agape Community, Ware, MA
Safe Earth Alliance, Largo, FL
Center for a Livable World, Darien, NY
Gay-Straight Alliance of the University of Wisconsin, Stevens, WI
June 1st Coalition, IN
Balance Productions, FL
Beautiful Things, NV
The Savage Rose, CA
The Charlotte Fellowship of Reconciliation
LayWatch, Toronto, ON
Willco, South Africa
TEA Society (Society for Teaching Educational Activism), MO
Virtual Design, Ink
Australian - Iraqi Friendship Association, Melbourne, Victoria
The New Wine Group, NJ
Grandmothers for a Just World, NC
Justice for Palestinians, CA
Vets Against War
Zimmer Organics, TX
"The Meria Heller Show", AZ
The First Church of Common Sense, Phoenicia, NY
Green Party of Chatham County
Instant Anti-war Action Group, VT
Earth Repair Foundation – Victoria, Australia
Canberra Programme for Peace, Australia
Rainbow Flags for Mumia
Hip Mama Parenting Zine
Roaring Fork Peace Coalition
Peace Farm
Indian Association of Lawyers
Cape Cod Green Party
Safe Earth Alliance
Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America
Women for Positive Change
Bend-Condega Friendship Project
Babylon Art and Culture Center
Mothers for Peace-International
International Council for Peace and Justice
Collier County Anti-War Coalition
Cuba Portal Collective
Socialist Workers Organization
High Country Citizens for Peace and Justice
Socialist Workers Party
CGIL University Union - Florence, Italy
The Restorative Justice Center of the Inland Empire
Seminary in New York
Musicians & Fine Artists for World Peace
Project Sheba
BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency & Refugee Rights
Communist Party of Slovakia
Delaware Pacem in Terris
El Dorado Peace & Justice Community
Ever Reviled Records
Marin Peace & Justice Coalition
Gray Panthers California
oublevision press
Public Intellectuals for Social and Spare Change
Joliet Anti-Racist Action
Parents for Peace
People Against Oppression and War
Autonomy Party
Working Films
Ocean Beach Grassroots Organization
Global Pastry Uprising/Rainbow Affinity Tribe
The Mountains Voice
Voices of Palestine
Carolina Peace Resource Center
Broward Anti-War Coalition (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Long Prairie River Stewardship Project, MN
Rainbow Freedom Coalition International
Just Queer Network
People's Music Network
Marin Interfaith Task Force on Central America
Roaring Fork Peace Coalition
Arise for Social Justice
Ground Zero Players (street theater coalition)
Freedom Socialist Party
The Neville Chamberlain Society
Hilltown Nonviolence Study Group
Mad Grandparents for Peace, Truth and Justice
Proyecto Caribeño de Justicia y Paz
Bigot Busters
Macrocosm USA
The Fallout Shelter
Waking Planet
Grandmothers for Peace International - The Zine, Plainview, NY
Ecumenical Peace Institute, San Francisco, CA
Polish-American Public Relations Committee, Santa Monica, CA
National Committee for Radiation victims, NYC
TACENDA, Marshfield, MO
Sustainable Life, Santa Cruz, CA
Lee Harrison Chauser, United teachers of L.A.*, CA
Digital Media Strategy Group, San Francisco, CA
Safe Earth Alliance, Largo, Fl.
Children Of Mother Earth (COME), Australia
Australian Civil Liberties Union
AwarComp Awareness=through=Compassion, NYC
Harold Washington party 2000 international
United Campus Ministry at UIC, Chicago, IL
Mothers Acting Up, Lafayette, CO
IYOCOSea, Philippines
People's Progressive Network of Washtenaw County, Michigan
The Institute of Xenomorphosis, NYC
Cultivating Stewards, Boulder, CO
Elkcreek Cinema, Brooklyn, NY
US/Cuba Friendshipment, Redwood City, CA
Iliff School of Theology Social Action Committee, Denver, CO
Peace Movement Aotearoa, Wellington, NZ
Women in Black New Paltz, NY
Walker Center, Newton, MA
SS. Francis and Therese Catholic Worker, Worcester, MA
School of the Americas (SOA) Watch - Long Island
Fathers for Justice, Houston, TX
Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center
Committee for Peace and Human Rights, Boston, MA
Faringdon peace group/Equity, England
People Opposed to Oppressive Politicians, Rockville, MD
Baltimore Coalition to End War & Terrorism
National Lawyers Guild, Hastings Student Chapter
The Ecohumanist Organization, NYC
American Muslim Youth Association, Mechanicsburg, PA
Catholic Mothers for Peace, Yachats, OR
Bessant Studio, Museum Services, Washington, DC
Human Rights Coalition at Loyola Marymount University, Westchester, CA
Tunisian Canadian Society (TCS), Montreal, Canada
Conscious Movements Collective, Brooklyn, NY
Marietta College Coalition For Social Change, OH
Mad Anarchist Bakers League, Brady Lake, OH
Socialist Alternative, Seattle, WA
Organization of Iranian People Fedaee Gurrillas, Herndon, VA
Palestine Solidarity Group, Vancouver, Canada
Women In Black, Gulfcoast, Florida
Big Sky Recording, Ann Arbor, MI
Graceann Warn Studio, Ann Arbor, MI
CSB/ St Joseph University Student Coalition For Global Solidarity, MN
Libertarians for Peace, Washington, DC
September 11th Coalition for Justice and Peace, Washington University in St. Louis
Alliance for Democracy, Waltham, MA
Perfect Pitch Communications
Heartland Review
Libertarians for Peace
Veterans Against Foriegn Wars
Global Coalition for Peace
Old Women's Project
ILA/ All Peoples Congress
Erie Call To Action
St. Thomas More Parish, Peace & Justice Committee
Long Island Friends of WBAI and WBIX
Green Party of Kent County
AYWN Publications
Hatha Yoga Studio
War is Terrorism
Chicago Socialist Party (CSP)
Harvey Milk Lesbian/Gay/Bi/Transgender Democratic Club
PSSU/SEIU Local 668 Philadelphia
Citizens for Legitimate Government
Peace Resource Center of Bennington, VT
Center for Immigrant Families
Georgetown Campus Greens
Radical Women
World Federalist Association
DePaul Students Against The War
Dogs For Democracy/Paws For Peace
Wester-Ross Branch of Scottish Coalition for Justice Not War
The Center For Community Renaissance
Ground Zero For Peace
Golden Flower Foundation
All In Harmony
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
The Vancouver Vigil Group
Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates
La Paix Herb Farm
Earth Repair Foundation - Victoria
Partners for Peace
Poppin Enterprises
South Jersey Campaign for Peace and Justice
Philadelphia Anti-War Forum
Suburban Greens
Philadelphia Lesbian and Gay Task Force
Delaware Valley Justice
Los Delicados:Poetas del Sol
Liberty Underground of Virginia
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Jack Youngblood, Retired army air force exchange (PX)
S. Long, U.S. Army
Marcy Roberts, Former military nurse and Gulf War Veteran
Mitchel Cohen, Editor, Green Politix, the national newspaper of the
Greens/Green Party USA
Ray Markey, President, Local 1930, NY Library Guild, DC-37, AFCME
Tony Russo, Pentagon Papers Trial Defendant
James Nicks, Vietnam Veteran
Enid Stern, Peace Action*
Richard Cherry, American Postal Workers Union*, TX
Professor Richard Levins, Harvard School of Public Health*
Professor Richard Lewontin, Harvard University*
Rosario Morales, Puerto Rican author
Christopher Lamb, IBEW*, Maine
Bonnie Simon, NCP*, Las Vegas, NV
Lawrence White, IATSE, Local No. One*, Bogota, NJ
Bet Power, Director, Sexual Minorities Archives, MA
Susan E. Davis, Co-Chair, National Writers Union New York Local, UAW Local 1981*
Michael Ruscigno, Teamsters, Local 802 Bakery Drivers and Warehouse Workers*,
Bayonne, NJ
Patricia Hilliard, National Writers Union*, NJ
Athena DeRasmo, Graduate student, University of Haifa, Israel
Steve Krevisky, Congress of Connecticut Community Colleges-4C's/SEIU*
Patrick Lavilles, ACMICA*, Australia
Dr. Thomas Lee, St. Anselm College, NH
Janette Martinez, High School Student, CA
Patrick Switzer, SEIU Local 925*, WA
Jacinda Moore, High School Student, MD
Gayle H. King, Episcopal Priest, CO
Gerry Scoppettuolo, Co-Founder, Gay Men Fight AIDS, Portsmouth, NH
Ed Childs, Chief Shop Steward, Local 26, Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees*,
Harvard University Cafeterias*
Christopher Voigt, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York*
Rene Heybach, Director of the Law Project of the Chicago Coalition for the Homeless,
Kate Gyllensvard, St Peter's Social Justice Ministry Team*, MA
David Sole, President UAW Local 2334*, Detroit, MI
Will Wilkin, Haddam-Killingworth HS History Teacher, CT
Patricia Sullivan, Nebraskans for Peace and Call to Action*
Margaret Pleasant, Covenant Counseling & Family Resource Center*, GA
Timothy J. Valle, High School Student, FPO, AE
Rev. Max B Surjadinata, United Church of Christ (UCC)*, NY
Michael R. Ott, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Grand Valley State University*, MI
Cathryn Baillie, National Alliance for Retired Americans*
Allie Potts, Lesbian Avengers*, GA
Devorah Kalekin-Fishman, University of Haifa*
Chuck Anderson, Past President Tustin Municipal Employees Association*
Yukari Tamura, Nuchi du Takara (Life IS Precious) Network*, Japan
Prof. Edward A. Riedinger, Ohio State University
Michael Gramlich Chapter 74, SE MI of Veterans for Peace*
Wood E. Hunter, PhD, Fellowship of Reconciliation*, IN
Evangelos Kalambokidis, Veterans for Peace, Chapter 27
Erika Pine Weinman, Pine's Press
John Glansbeek, IBPAT local #300*
Dr. Bert De Belder, Coordinator of Medical Aid for the Third World, Belgium
Prof. Jean Pestieau, Professor of Physics, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium
Bund Deutscher PfadfinderInnen LV Hessen, Frankfurt, Germany
Paul Galloway, Green Party USA-GA*
Dr. Howard R Olson, PhD, International Libertarian Network*, CA
Christa R. Gharbo, Progessive Peace Coalition*, OH
Prof. Nicholas Camerota, Professor of Philosophy & Political Theory, MA
Erik Roper, Progressive Activists Network of CSUSM, CA
David Agnew, Green Party*, MA
Terry Ruthrauff, Graduate student, Antioch New England Graduate School*
Dustin Sulak, Kaplan Test Prep., Inc.*, IN
Diana Marcus, AFT*, CA
Paul Kesler, Suburban Philadelphia Green Party*
David Klein, SEIU Local 535*, Altadena, CA
Dixie F. Madden, Attorney, Wichita, KS
Jerise Fogel, Marshall University*, WV
Stefan Schwarzmann, NBDNRE, Canada
Nathaniel W MacDonald, Math Teacher, CA
Rev. Sala Nolan, United Church Of Christ/National Office, OH
Glen Boisseau Becker, VivaVegie Society*, New York
Patricia Eakins, Frigate: The Transverse Review*, NYC
Sister Laetitia Bordes, Society of Helpers, CA
David Buttricfk, Prof. Vanderbilt University*, TN
Robert Welsh Jordan, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Colorado State University*
Heather Williams, Arizona Alliance for Peaceful Justice*
Ann Russo, Professor, Women's Studies, DePaul University*, IL
Paul Kinsella, Independent Workers Union (IWU)*, Ireland
Snezana Vitorovich, Voice of Women, Association of Serbian*, Canada
Peter Phillips, Director Project Censored*, CA
Stacey Fritz, No Nukes North*, AK
Tom Miller, Global Exchange*, CA
Global Importune, Schwenksville, PA
Daryl D. & Janice J. Heslop, Heslop Tile LLC--Local 15 BAC*, MO, KS
Teresa Maxwell Kelly, Editor, The Michigan Citizen newspaper*, MI
Sue Zerangue, Columbia Pacific Alliance for Social Justice*, OR
Tom Siblo, NOLSW*(retired), Saugerties, NY
Robert Riche, Natl. Writers Union UAW*, CT
Brent T. Barnes, AEA*, UT
Valerie Opielski, American Federation Teachers*, NY
Samuel W. Thomas, N'COBRA for Reparation*, PA
Deborah Wianecki, SEIU local 790*, CA
Scott Ainslie, American Federation of Musicians, 1000*
Fritz Boyle, student, CSU Hayward
Brian Tierney, student activist, Hackettstown, NJ
Dr. Lawrence Rich, Associate Professor, Northern Virginia Community College
Mark Cline Lucey, United Federation of Teachers*
Anya Bates, student, Boulder, CO
Charlie Collier, graduate student, Southern Pines, NC
Prof. Sylvester Johnson, Florida A&M University
Harland Harrison, Libertarian Party of San Mateo County CA*
George Ripley, Director, Americans for Social Justice*
Olga Winbush, Ph.D, AAUP
Anton Flores, Chair and Assistant Professor, Department of Human Services,
LaGrange College
Charlotte A. Stevens, retired, United Postal Workers union*
Keith Kennetz, graduate student, West Chicago, IL
Peggy Sower Knoepfle, Co-chair, Women's International League for Peace and
Freedom*, Springfield IL
Kevin Heaton, student, Westfield, MA
Norm Wallen, Flagstaff Justice and Peace Coalition*, former Flagstaff City Councilman
Karin Kroener, teacher, L.A.U.S.D.*
Maureen Petterson, student, San Francisco, CA
Tom F. Driver, Professor of Theology and Culture Emeritus, Union Theological
Sheila Sharp, C.I.S.P.E.S.*
Jeff Robson, Student, UFCW 206*, Guelph, ON
John McCutchen, student, San Francisco State University
Mona Mady, Student, New York, NY
MaryBeth Ventura, Teacher, Oakland Education Association*
Lawrence E. Bryan, SJSU*
Jeremiah Turner, Waldorf Education/Anthroposophical Society*
Jennifer Terry, Lawrence Coalition for Peace and Justice* Spring Hill KS
Pillsbury for Congress, Green Party candidate for Congress, CT
Mussie Estiphanos, student, San Diego, CA
Rev. Marguerite D. Lovett, Unitarian Universalist Church of Long Beach*
Juliana DelMonte, Student, UC Berkeley
Mustafa Yar-Khan, student, Chicago IL
Dr. Lawrence Mosqueda, Professor, The Evergreen State College*
Terri Freedman, student, Santa Rosa, CA
William Buehlman, UCSF,CUE*
Dawn Dunbar, student, Evergreen College
Joel Risser, student, Philadelphia PA
Nihal Mehta,*
Krista Thomas, student, University City MO
Elizabeth A. Walker, Teamsters*
Fadel Zeidan, student, Charlotte, NC
Mike Cozens, student, London, ON
Cassandra Clark, UCSF*
Clair Hamilton, student, Richmond, IN
Helmut Burkhardt, Council on Global Issues*
Siena Klein, Humboldt Mediation Services*
C VanOchten, Student, Olympia, WA
Rockney Compton, Vets for Peace / VFW/ DAV*
Jann Reynolds, Central Coast Peace and Environmental Council, Women in Black*
Marilyn Uline, Adrian Dominican Sister*
Sally Fisher, INTERSECT-Worldwide*
Randall E Hartman, Transport Workers Union*
Yakira Teitel, Speak*, Columbia University
Deena Abulughod, NYC Department of Education*
Paul Edwards, CUPE Local 79*
Rachel Cowger, student, NYU
Chip Tolleson, Boston Rhythm Workers Union*
Jason Keiner, student, Northfield, NJ
Rice Crabtree, Boilermaker Union Local 454*
Phillip and Carol Bosserman, Fellowship of Reconciliation*
Ami Mitchell, student, Munster, IN
Robert Voelker-Morris, student, University of Oregon
Hank Sambach, NY Library Guild, DC-37 AFSCME*
William E. Claycomb, Save Our Bay, Inc*
Harriet M. Ludwig, Independent Journalism Co.*
Basla Andolsun, student, VCU
Katherine Sherrill, Evansville Vanderburgh Public Library*
J. Roy Cannon, Green Party DE*
Michael Hodgson, TCU*
George DeMott, Mankind*
Matthew Acosta Holmes, student, San Francisco, CA
Matthew Bear-Fowler, student, Gardiner, ME
Susan D. Wisner, SGI-USA*
Keyvan Gheissari, student, La Jolla CA
Mike Donahue, Vertex Innovation*
Steckley Lee, student, University of Florida
Dr. Glen T. Martin, International Philosophers for Peace*
Asmir Taletovic, student, Atlanta, GA
Carol L. Ries, snjm, Sisters of the Holy Names*, Pax Christi*, Quixote Center*
Frederick M. Rosen, Stelex The Validation Group, Inc.*
Jordan Vexler, student, Rice University
Marc Weinblatt, Mandala Center for Awareness, Transformation, & Action*
Susan E. Davis, National Writers Union, UAW Local 1981*
Liberty Smith, Student, UCSD
Rev. Scott Peterson, The Church of Spiritual Humanism*
Richard DeBona, Archdiocese of Washington*
Jean Grossholtz, Western Mass Global Action Coaliton*, Diverse Women for Diversity*,
Women for Life on Earth*
Carl G. Martin, student UAW*
Andrew Cengel, student, Chicago IL
Thomas A. Mulholland, United Federation of Teachers*
Amitadyuti Kumar, Association for Protection of Democratic Rights*
Karen Myer, SEIU Local 535*
Linnea Nelson, United Brotherhood of Carpenters*
Ahsanul Haq Khan, General Secretary, Rights Implementation for Social Emancipation
John Joseph, Retired Professor, Franklin and Marshall College
Abbas Ali, Professor and Director, School of International Management, ECOB, Indiana
University of Pennsylvania* Aaron Biterman, President, American University College Libertarians*
Hairriet Barrow, American Friends Service Committee*
David Nogas, People Against Bush's Nazi'ism*
S. Brandi Barnes, Journalist/Poet
Cecelia M. Lavan, Blauvelt Dominican Sisters*
Sara Rothenberger, Residence Director, The College of Saint Benedict
Najiya Shana'a, Executive Director, Neighbors' Consejo*
Martha Mundy, Senior Lecturer, Anthropology Department, London School
of Economics
John Davidson Milller, Editor, Green Man Ark
Robin Harrington, President/Talent Agent, Screen Actors Guild*
Steve Mitchell, Dekalb Interfaith Coalition For Peace and Social Justice*
Charles Metzger, Disabled Veteran
Prof. Gary Maveal, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law
Echo Steiner, co-chair, Palm Beach Treasure Coast Green Party*
Alain Piché, union organizer, Public Service Alliance of Canada*
Joan Hoff, professor, Montana State University*
Erica Ward, student, Warren Wilson College
Carla Berg, student, University Salzbug
Rev. Richard K. Heacock, Jr., Executive Director, Alaska IMPACT*
Ian Thompson, Labor Attorney, Gilbert & Sackman*
Marilyn Hacker, City University of New York
Mike Shaw, Secretary-Treasurer, Rhode Island Pride at Work
(AFL-CIO LGBT Constituency Group)*
Sophia Knight, student, McGill University
Dr. Nanny L. Murrell, Associate Professor/Nurse-Midwife, University of Texas
Medical Branch*
Anne Flanagan, student, University of Illinois at Chicago
Carnell Johnson, Black Student Union*
Marc Montgomery, Worldview*
Lindsay Marisol Enyart, Regional Organizer, United Students Against Sweatshops
David Ben-Ariel, Temple Mount Faithful*
Thomas Payne, Sustainability Project /Carpenter's Union
Cara Stewart, student, Berea College
Dr. Fred A. Wilcox, Associate Professor, Ithaca College
Hernán López-Garay, professor, Universidad ed Los Andes, Venezuela
Jack Senechal, student, University of North Carolina at Ashville
Alisha Ritt, Adj. Assis. Prof. of Music, Nassau Community College
Dr. G. Kellough, Professor, York University
Thomas J. Nagy, Assoc. Prof. of Expert Systems, George Washington University
Francie & Gary Moeller, President, Americans With Disabilities Act
(ADA) Compliance*
Mariana Luz, United Auto Workers*
Mary Claire Van der Horst, Florida Coalition for Peace and Justice*
Katherine Dillon, administrative assistant, Wesley Theological Seminary
William F. Quinlivan, Pax Christi*
Marco Zambon, graduate student, University of California - Berkeley
Terence Taylor, Nuclear Physicist, Senior Scientist (Retired), Government
of Canada
Samuel Taylor, The Core*
Elizabeth Cowan, student, Lewis and Clark College
Brian Hart, student, University of Notre Dame; Pax Christi USA*
Oliver Lee, professor, University of Hawaii
Anthony Alessandrini, Professor, Kent State University, Kent State
Anti-War Committee*
Burnis E. Tuck, AFGE (AFL-CIO) Local 3172*
Brigid Lenfest, IBEW, Springfield, MA
Andrew Cottonwood, Peace and Justice Alliance of central Washington*,
Ellensburg, WA
Kara Elder, Language Education Center*, Kwangju, Korea
Kathy and Phil Dahl-Bredine, Maryknoll lay Mission Association*, Oaxaca, Mexico
Stephen M. Reinfranck, International Society of Bassists*, Evanston, IL
Frank Bellocchio, Autonomy Projects*
Lorraine Quiroga, Esq., League of United Latin Americans*
Maggie Bagon, Human Rights Advocates of Coos County*
Chris Jasmin, student, University of Colorado
Will Cwik, student, University of Chicago
Jonathan A Wright, Libertarian Party*, Geolibertarian Society of TN*
Darrick Thomson, Northumberland Council of Canadians*
Will Leggett, Whale Watchers Organization*
Axis of Peace*
Rev. Joan I. Senyk, United Methodist Church*
Robert Merrill, Maisonneuve Press*
James Starowicz, Veterans For Peace*
Daniel Harlow, student, Columbia
Omar Ebeid, student, New York University
Dr. Priscilla R. Smith, The University of Akron*, American Friends Service
Committee*, Northeast Ohio Office/People for Peace*
Mike Alewitz, LaBOR aRT & MuRAL PRoJECT*
Steven Mosbeck, Harris Co.Green Party (Texas)*
Dr. Sapphire Mann Ahmed, M.D.,MPH, Patriot of the Earth/Human Race*
Layne Hudes, United Federation of Teachers*
Marilyn Michalak, APFA*
Catherine Kozak, student, American University
Natifa Mustafa and Aziza el-Shair, students, Georgia Southern University Black
Student Alliance*
Paul Beich, Tallahassee Network for Justice and Peace*
Albert Ruben, Writers Guild of America, East*
Ruben Gonzalez, Centro de Salud Familiar*
Adam November, student, George Washington University
John J. Carey, Professor Emeritus, Fl. State Univ.
Camille Russell, Madera Unified Teachers Association
Lucille Bertuccio, Instructor at Indiana University
Jeff Surfus, Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice*
Djibril Oumarou, student, UDC
Andrea Cecconi, student, University of Rhode Island Graduate Assistants United*
Darla Anelli, SEIU Local 250*
Cameron Blaisdell, student, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Rebecca Witte, student, University of North Carolina
Julie Ann Parks, student, Western Illinois University
Emily Kearns, student, University of Michigan
Stefan H. Krieger, Professor, Hofstra University School of Law
Dr. Lowell Monke, professor, Wittenberg University
Gail Harrison, Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance*
Adrienne Hurley, student, Stanford University
Andrew Niese, student, University of Wisconsin Eau Claire
Thomas and Louraine Keene-Wall, IAM*
Jan Lentz, W. Pasco Democratic Club*
Lubna Haddad, instructor, Florida Atlantic University
Blair Doroshwalther, student, New York University
Mel Duncan, Nonviolent Peace Force
Andrea Mettam, student, Goucher College
Doris M. Martin, professor, James Madison University
The Rev. Dr. Mykel Johnson, First Parish Brewster, Unitarian Universalist*
Wonil Kim, professor, La Sierra University
Ingrid, Elisabet, Antonia, Feeney, the assassins for fire party*
Irene Suico Soriano, Cinekula F & S*
Jessica Jones, student, University of Florida
Pauline Mullins, student, University of Texas
Roger St. Pierre, British Guild of Travel Writers*
Al Moore, Vietnam War Veteran
Lynda Burstein, Tufts-New England Medical Center*
John Harding, student, Drew University
Harold Monkres, LOCAL 250,SEIU*
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